Therapeutic Pedagogy

Curative pedagogy is a unique area of ​​pedagogy that is aimed at helping children with various physical and psychological disorders. Such children often have difficulties with learning and socialization and require special support.

Basically, the work of therapeutic pedagogy begins during the period of growth of the child, when he goes through the formation of language, cognitive and social skills. The main goal of therapeutic pedagogy is the integration of the child into a society where he will be comfortable and will not limit his free development.

One of the main principles of therapeutic pedagogy is adherence to the principles of communication between the child and teachers. During the learning process, the teacher must constantly monitor the child’s reaction to classes, understand his emotional state and level of development.

Particular attention is paid to developing self-care skills and comfortable interaction with the environment in children with physical disabilities. Therapeutic pedagogy also includes special measures to correct behavior such as aggression, intolerance or refusal of social interaction.

The practical implementation of therapeutic pedagogy can be different: from consultations with an experienced psychologist to complex medical operations. For example, educators may require special sensory integration equipment to help the child better perceive the environment.

Therapeutic pedagogy plays an important role in the training and adaptation of children who have various types of disorders. Each child needs an individual approach