Lucky-Loranda Disease

Lucky loranda disease is a rare neuromuscular disorder that causes leg and arm cramps and other symptoms. As a rule, Lucky Lordane occurs in children aged 2 to 5 years. However, the symptoms of this disease can be either chronic or episodic. The essence of diseases.

Laki-loranda, this disease was named after the two names of the two doctors who discovered the disease - Lacker and Lorenz. Subsequently, the similarity between childhood epilepsy and muscular dystrophy described in 1945 was proven, which were subsequently combined under a single term. Later, another similarity was described: paralytic poliomyelitis in children is characterized by exactly the same clinical signs. All these diseases are closely related by a common pathogenic origin, but differ in their course, timing of manifestation and outcome. Even earlier, a disease with typical symptoms of impaired muscle tone was described; it was associated with damage to the pyramidal tracts by cerebral palsy, and it was called myoclonic diplegia. The neurology department dedicated to this disease in the large building of the Institute of Neurosurgery in the Hungarian capital Budapest was named the Lacker-Lorenz Department.

Manifestations of Laqueur–Lorrenz childhood epilepsy initially