How to remove proud wrinkles


Physiologists respectfully call the fold of skin above the bridge of the nose "proud wrinkle".

However, its owners are not at all happy with such a “print on their face”.

Is it possible to get rid of it?

Reasons for appearance

Every time a person is surprised by something, he opens his eyes wide. At the same time muscles come into actionlocated on the forehead. They move the skin upward, and often do this unnoticed by humans.

While the skin is producing enough collagen, it’s not scary to be surprised: you just have to relax the muscles, and your face becomes smooth, as it was before. But problems can begin after 25 years. The skin is no longer so elastic and it is not so easy for it to “fall into place.” This is how wrinkles gradually form.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home? Find out the answer right now.

How to fight?


If a wrinkle above the bridge of the nose has already appeared, especially deep, then getting rid of it with the help of store-bought creams is almost impossible.

It may only shrink a little, but it will not disappear completely. To fight it we need more serious artillery.

Botox. It's poison, but you shouldn't be afraid of it. Once under the skin, it completely paralyzes the muscle responsible for the spoiled appearance. The doctor will select the amount of medication individually after consultation. The whole procedure will take about half an hour.

The effect will become noticeable in about two weeks: small wrinkles will disappear completely, deep wrinkles will become almost invisible. You can forget about problems for about six months. Then the effect of the injections will gradually disappear, and the procedure will have to be repeated again.

Mesotherapy. This is a whole series of injections of hyaluronic acid. Along with it, a real vitamin cocktail gets into the skin, the recipe for which the doctor writes for each client individually. As a result, the collagen production mechanism is activated, and the skin gradually begins to smooth out.

Peeling. It can be chemical or laser, but the principle of action on the skin is the same: dead and keratinized particles are removed from the top layer. After this, renewal processes are launched in the body, and new cells begin to form.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Without leaving home

You can fight the proud wrinkle at home. If you are persistent and use it regularly a whole range of measures, then she will definitely be defeated.

Training the forehead muscles


If there are muscles on the forehead, then they can be “pumped up” so that they do not allow the skin to sag.

The system of the recently popular Facebook building.

It also contains an exercise to eliminate horizontal wrinkles above the bridge of the nose:

  1. To begin, sit or stand in a comfortable position. Place the fingers of both hands above the eyebrows, repeating their curves. And start pushing them down with all your might. At the same time, try to raise your eyebrows up. Important Avoid the formation of horizontal wrinkles during exercise. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  2. Place your fingers at the hairline and use them to lift your facial skin. While holding it, try to lower your eyebrows down. Repeat this exercise also 30 times.


Facial massage is also an effective way to combat wrinkles. There is nothing complicated about it, the basic techniques everyone can master.

Before starting the massage, you should cleanse your face in the usual way. Then wet your fingers oil, special for massage, children's or any herbal. And that's it, you can start.

Place the fingers of both hands at the bridge of your nose. Run them along your eyebrows, pressing lightly on the skin. Repeat this movement 10 times.

Then increase the diameter movements: move your fingers from between the eyebrows along the forehead towards the temples. This must be done the same 10 times.

At the end of the massage, use your fingertips to tap the problem area. At the end of the procedure, apply moisturizer.

Read our article about how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip.

Cosmetics from the kitchen


How to smooth out wrinkles on the bridge of the nose? Those who are determined to decisively fight their wrinkles above the bridge of the nose need to regularly get rid of dead skin cells.

They will help clear your face of them. peelings.

One of the simplest and most useful - coffee. Doing it once a week is enough.

To make peeling, you need to take coffee from a coffee maker or Turkish coffee maker. But fresh is better very fine grind. It contains all the beneficial substances that are useful to the skin.

A small amount of coffee is added to foam for washing and gently massage the skin in a circular motion for several minutes, paying special attention to problem areas with wrinkles. Then wash off the product with slightly cool water.

After this procedure, the skin will become much smoother and softer. And masks and creams applied after it will have a greater effect.

There are many recipes for homemade anti-wrinkle masks; you can always easily make something literally from what you have on hand. Good smoothing effect possess honey, egg white and many other products.

So, to prepare a mask, take a tablespoon of gelatin, pour two tablespoons of cold water over it and leave until it swells. Then heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved in water and turns into a homogeneous mass.

You can apply it directly to the skin, or you can add other components. For example, a spoonful of honey or banana puree, cucumber gruel. They will enrich the composition with vitamins.


It is enough to leave such a mask on your face for 20 minutes.

Then rinse with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer.

It is recommended to do this procedure twice a week.

If you once discovered a horizontal wrinkle above the bridge of your nose, don’t be upset or surprised!

This will only make it deeper. It’s better to start fighting it and, if you approach the matter responsibly, then soon only memories will remain from it.

Exercises from wrinkles on the bridge of the nose in this video:

Bartsok-gymnastics course for the face

This exercise against vertical folds on the forehead is one of the first face-building exercises of R. Benz. When done well and regularly, it allows not only to significantly reduce or completely remove the fold between the eyebrows, but also to get rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

To remove the fold between the eyebrows or get rid of the wrinkle on the bridge of the nose, you need: a mirror, attention and careful monitoring of the progress of the workout, as well as a clean forehead and hands and, of course, the desire to achieve your goal. To learn how to correctly perform the face-building exercise against vertical folds on the forehead, without the risk of harming yourself, you will need 15-20 minutes. Completing the exercise in the future will take no more than a minute or a minute and a half when using audio support.

What this exercise can help you do:

  1. smooth out or prevent vertical folds on the forehead and transverse wrinkles on the bridge of the nose,
  2. improve the quality of forehead skin, reduce sagging on the upper eyelid;
  3. prevent the appearance of acne and pimples on the bridge of the nose;
  4. learn to easily express your emotions with facial expressions and not be afraid of such expression.

The reasons for the appearance of vertical folds on the forehead or transverse folds on the bridge of the nose and methods of inhibiting the process of their formation are discussed in the article “How to reduce or remove wrinkles on the forehead and wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.”

This exercise against vertical folds on the forehead, like most face-building exercises, is done in an isometric form: muscle strengthening occurs without stretching the muscles and skin.

The muscle that moves the eyebrows and the procerus muscle usually work together.

The muscle that moves the eyebrows is paired; its fibers run under the eyebrows along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose, where it is attached to the bone; the other end, approximately in the middle of the eyebrows, the muscle is woven into the skin. Contraction of the muscle occurs due to the bringing together of the eyebrows with the formation of temporary vertical folds on the forehead.

The fibers of the proud muscle (pyramidal muscle) are located vertically with attachment to the bony part of the nose. The upper end of the muscle is woven into the skin of the forehead. Contracting, the muscle lowers the central part of the skin of the forehead down, forming temporary transverse folds on the bridge of the nose.

Permanent vertical folds on the forehead are formed due to the persistence of a slight residual tension in the muscle that moves the eyebrows. Often this habitual movement of the eyebrows can be observed in diligent students. Chronic tension, which may have arisen in childhood, eventually leads to stretching of the skin and the formation of folds. Transverse folds on the bridge of the nose can also appear as a result of habitual facial expressions of constant doubt or anger, but, more often, the pride muscle is not used at all and over the years it simply slides down under the influence of gravity. The skin attached to the muscle above the bridge of the nose is pulled behind it and stretched, forming these folds in front of the obstacle in the form of the nose.

Training the prouder muscle and the muscle that moves the eyebrows will make them stronger, restore their normal position, stop stretching of the skin and prevent the formation of folds or allow you to remove folds between the eyebrows or get rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose if they have already appeared, improve local blood circulation and, accordingly, , skin function.

Preparing for the exercise

Part 1.

Look at the photo above and imagine where the pride muscle and the brow muscle are located under your skin. Look at yourself in the mirror. Helping mentally, move your eyebrows as much as possible. What does the mirror show you: Do you have a very angry expression on your face? Or maybe you can lower the bridge of your nose even lower?

Relax your eyebrows. Did you feel a small flow of heat from the bridge of your nose to the periphery of your eyebrows or up your forehead? Tighten and relax your muscles several times to get a good feel for the tension and relaxation, to accurately understand the location of the muscles, the strength and direction of their contraction. Note and remember the maximum possible voltage obtained now. The good thing about face-building exercises is that as you train, the muscles will become stronger, it will be easier for you to control, the slightest tension will be felt more accurately, and you will easily, automatically, learn to remove them, preventing the formation or increase of wrinkles in the future.

Part 2.

After you have learned to feel the tension and relaxation of your muscles, you can begin the second part of the preparation: the correct use of your hands when performing the exercise.

When performing the exercise, the muscles and associated skin should not move and create wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, that is, muscle tension should be compensated by finger pressure. The muscles tense as much as possible, but there is no movement. To prevent your fingers from moving the skin with their pressure, they must press strictly inward.

You try to move the eyebrows as much as possible, but the muscles should be pressed down with your fingers so that the eyebrows cannot move and the bridge of the nose remains smooth.

What is the most convenient way to place your fingers? It depends on the strength of the muscles, the strength of the fingers and the precision of their application. And don't forget that you must see your face clearly in the mirror. The most convenient point for applying force is located approximately in the middle of the eyebrows, that is, where the muscle that moves the eyebrows is woven into the skin.

Look at the photo below:

  1. You may find it more convenient to place your index fingers or your index and middle fingers together along your eyebrows;
  2. maybe it will be more convenient for you if vertically placed fingers press on the center of the eyebrows with their pads;
  3. or index and middle fingers together;
  4. your face will be more open if pressure is applied to the centers of the eyebrows with your thumbs and your hands are placed vertically.

Experiment by looking at yourself in the mirror, try different ways to find the one that works best for you. And so that the muscles, no matter how hard you try to squeeze them, cannot move, and so that it is easy to observe your face, and so that your hands do not get tired.

Doing the exercise.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, place your fingers on your eyebrows in a way that is comfortable for you. The fingers lie softly and put a little pressure on the eyebrows, the pressure of the fingers goes strictly inward.

In this exercise, you should try to move your eyebrows as much as possible, but they should not even move, since the muscles are pressed with your fingers.

By increasing the force of eyebrow movement, you simultaneously increase the force of finger pressure. As with other face-building exercises, it is important that the rest of the facial muscles remain relaxed. Open your mouth slightly so that not a single facial muscle, including the chewing muscles, is tense at the same time as the muscles being trained.

Lower and relax your shoulders; they should not get tired during the exercise. Extend your elbows and wrists to make your arms as comfortable as possible. To minimize the tension in the back of the neck, it is better to tilt your head slightly forward or turn the top of your head up.

For such muscle training, it would be optimal to hold the maximum tension for 5-6 seconds, counting to yourself, then move your fingers away from your forehead, trying to feel complete muscle relaxation. Repeat the exercise 4-5 more times with breaks of 2-3 seconds between tensions.

Perhaps it would be convenient for you to study with audio accompaniment. “Audio Support: Exercise for the Pride Muscle” is designed for such an activity.

Write to us through the website or ask questions if you are unable to perform the exercise properly. You can also take a master's lesson on Skype.

Achieving maximum effectiveness of the exercise.

To increase muscle tension and speed up the effect of the exercise, tense your muscles at the same time as you begin to inhale and relax them as you exhale, visualizing the muscles being trained and mentally helping them tense and relax. After each tension, do not forget to note the passage of a warm wave of relaxation along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the periphery and upward.

Muscle fatigue after training can be helped by one of the audio recordings:

airy face

Face massage

About the regularity of training.

To get rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose or remove the fold between the eyebrows, to reduce the sagging of the upper eyelid, it is advisable to carry out this training 5-6 times a week, gradually increasing the number of repetitions of the tension to 10-12. With such regularity, a visible effect can be achieved after 2-3 months of training. To maintain the quality of the skin of the forehead and bridge of the nose, prevent wrinkles and folds, prevent the appearance of blackheads (blackheads or whiteheads) or pimples on the forehead and bridge of the nose, it is enough to train 1-2 times a week.

Training these muscles will give you the opportunity to easily express a variety of emotions and use them for expressive facial expressions without fear of getting wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, since your skin will become more elastic, and you will easily notice and remove the slightest remaining tension.

All women, regardless of age, are afraid of the early appearance of facial wrinkles. It is especially difficult to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. In this article we will look at why folds appear in the eyebrow area and how to deal with them.

Reasons for education

Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose are divided into horizontal and vertical, and their development mechanisms are different. Let's look at the reasons for the appearance of each type of wrinkle.

Horizontal wrinkles

Horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose and above are a characteristic sign indicating overstrain of the frontal muscle. The skin of the forehead is fixed to it, that is, when the muscle moves, the skin also moves.

When we are surprised, the frontalis muscle raises the eyebrows and forms folds of skin. Then the muscle relaxes and the folds disappear. However, sometimes a person may unknowingly keep a muscle in a contracted state, as a result of which it becomes overstrained.

This is especially noticeable with age, when elasticity and tone decrease. In the place where folds usually form, persistent horizontal wrinkles form.

Vertical wrinkles

The appearance of vertical wrinkles is associated with the work of another muscle - the one that moves the eyebrows. In another way it is also called “the muscle of the proud.” When it is overstrained, vertical wrinkles are formed, running from the skin of the nose up to the forehead.

Fighting methods

Wrinkles can appear as early as 25-27 years of age. Their appearance is associated primarily with the specifics of our facial expressions - we often frown, frown, and think. All this is reflected on our face, eventually leading to the appearance of wrinkles.

There are several ways to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and forehead. Both salon therapy and specially designed gymnastics are suitable here. In addition, there are many pharmaceutical and folk remedies.


Cosmetology centers provide many methods that will help quickly and reliably remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

These include:

  1. Botox, or botulinum toxin injections. This technique involves the introduction of a special agent that inhibits the functioning of nerve endings in the skin and blocks the transfer of nerve impulses. As a result, the muscles relax and wrinkles disappear. The effect of the procedure lasts for about six months, then it is necessary to repeat the manipulation. This is the most effective method of getting rid of wrinkles.
  2. Biorevitalization and mesotherapy. The method involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid and its preparations under the skin. Due to this, the synthesis of natural collagen is stimulated, as a result of which the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases. In addition, hyaluronic acid helps tighten pores.

However, despite the effectiveness of the technique, in some cases it cannot be used, since there may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Much attention should be paid to the qualifications of the cosmetologist who will perform the procedure. In many ways, the result of mesotherapy depends on the experience and skill of the specialist.

  1. Chemical peeling. The method involves exfoliating the upper layers of the skin, “polishing” it. Peels can be superficial or deep. Removing surface formations helps cleanse the skin and stimulate regeneration. However, it is worth correctly understanding the purpose of peeling.

The procedure is not capable of removing a horizontal wrinkle on the bridge of the nose if it is very deep. Peels can be used to get rid of small facial wrinkles. It is worth noting that after using peeling, peeling will appear on the skin for some time, but this is just a side effect of such therapy.

  1. Microdermabrasion. This technique has a similar effect, but here, instead of chemicals, a special laser is used, which easily and quickly deals with facial wrinkles.

After the procedure, slight redness of the skin is observed, but it disappears on the second day. The advantage of this method is its very low morbidity. However, you should not expect results from a laser, like peeling, in the fight against deep wrinkles.

  1. Exposure to microcurrent. The newest procedure involves stimulating the skin with currents of different frequencies. This effect leads to the fact that blood circulation in the area of ​​influence is activated, the flow of oxygen and tissue nutrition increase.

The technique has a good general health effect and significantly slows down skin aging.

  1. Reinforcement. A new word in cosmetology is restoring skin elasticity with the help of special threads. They are made of platinum, gold, polypropylene. Metal products cannot be pulled out of the skin, and over time they become noticeable, which significantly reduces the cosmetic effect.

At the moment, absorbable threads have been developed that dissolve inside the skin about a year after the procedure. In their place remains a strong and elastic collagen frame.

  1. Thermage. This technique involves radio wave irradiation of the skin, which stimulates tissue restoration at a certain depth. The effectiveness of the technique is in no way inferior to surgical intervention.
  2. Lift. An operation in the field of plastic surgery is a technique that is rightfully considered “heavy artillery” in the fight against wrinkles. The procedure will help to quickly improve the shape of the face and remove even the deepest wrinkles, and the effect will last for many years.

Any of the above procedures has certain contraindications. Before performing them, you should consult with an experienced cosmetologist.


You can also remove shallow wrinkles on the bridge of your nose with the help of special exercises:

  1. Place your fingers at the beginning of the eyebrows and press firmly into the skin. Try to furrow your eyebrows while applying resistance with your fingers. Do the exercise 30 times.
  2. Pull the skin of your forehead upward with the edge of your palm. Count to 15 and release. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Pinch the eyebrow all the way from the bridge of the nose to the temple area. Do this 10 times on each eyebrow.

These simple exercises will not only help you get rid of small facial wrinkles, but also prevent the appearance of deeper skin folds. They must be performed regularly, because only then will the result be noticeable.


One of the most effective means of combating wrinkles is self-massage. It should be done by first steaming your face and lubricating it with a nourishing cream. Using gentle circular movements, massage the bridge of the nose, eyebrows, and forehead.

Try to move from the center to the periphery - to the temple area. Massage the skin on your temples. Then go over the same area with light patting movements. Your skin will thank you for this attitude – you won’t see facial wrinkles on your face for a long time.

Video: Useful information

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