Periostosis Bambergera

Periostitis develops, as a rule, accompanied by periostitis in children and in patients with early tuberculosis. In these cases, antibiotics do not help treat the disease. The occurrence of periostitis in survivors of childhood tuberculosis is often associated with mechanical damage to the bone tissue of the affected limbs during the application of plaster casts. Intensive damage to the nail plates of the extremities is observed - in children 4-8 years old there is often hyperemia of the terminal phalanx of the thumb. The disease usually develops gradually, painless or slightly painful at first, and as it progresses it is characterized by intense pain, intensifying at night, with movement and palpation. The pain syndrome is relieved by deep but short rest. There is no normal body temperature, its values ​​are elevated, and general intoxication of the body is noted. Possible hyphedonia. The affected bone is swollen, loosened in the form of a persimmon seed. The formation of a tumor with a cyst-like expansion of the periosteum sometimes occurs gradually. X-rays clearly show compaction of soft tissues and bone structure; widened gaps, partial resorption of old callus. Treatment is aimed at reducing pain and rejection of the necrotic area of ​​the periosteum. For this purpose, analgesics and physiotherapeutic procedures (sollux, diathermy) are prescribed. In severe forms, removal of the affected area through the bone (resection) is indicated, subject to preoperative and postoperative tetanus prophylaxis.