Why does gray hair appear at a young age?

It is generally accepted that gray hair appears in people who have reached a certain age. However, recently more and more people under 30 have noticed this problem. Premature gray hair can appear even in completely healthy people. So why is it that some people start going gray at 20, while others don’t have a single gray hair on their head even at 50? In this article we will talk about why people go gray early, what gray hair is and how to treat it.

What is gray hair?

Graying is the result of the hair bleaching process due to the loss of pigments that are responsible for dyeing the hair a certain color, as a result of which the hair is filled with air bubbles.

Hair follicles are deprived of the necessary nutrients and amino acids, as a result of which melanocyte cells suffer. After 30, every 10 years these cells reduce their activity until they disappear completely, and when this happens, the hair begins to grow gray. This entire process is completely individual and is influenced by many factors.

There are the following types of gray hair:


If you are over 40 years old, then the process of graying is absolutely natural and physiological. For some people, this process may not begin at all.

Let's consider the main reasons for the appearance of gray hair:

  1. The process of age-related changes - aging
  2. Genetic factor
  3. The result of congenital or previous diseases
  4. Constant stress

Graying factors are internal and external. The rate at which gray hairs appear is also affected by the environment and the negative impacts of the environment.

Why does hair turn gray at an early age?

Premature graying (if these are not single gray hairs) is when the hair turns gray at the age of 35 years. It is almost impossible to completely stop the process; it is only possible to slow it down if the cause is not genetic. It is best to follow some dietary guidelines and lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent this problem in the future.

If gray hair appears at the age of 20, you should definitely consult a doctor. This pathology is unnatural and requires a comprehensive examination to discover the cause.

10 reasons for gray hair in young girls

Although recently many young girls have been dyeing their hair gray on purpose, following fashion trends, not everyone likes this tone.

There are a number of factors that directly affect the formation of gray hairs in young girls. These include:

  1. Heredity
    Very often, gray hairs appear in people at approximately the same age as their father and mother. It also depends on your natural hair color. Blondes and redheads go gray before everyone else.
  2. Stress and frequent nervous breakdowns
    Long-term depression, constant quarrels and mental disorders have a very detrimental effect on our health. Due to the strong release of adrenaline into the blood, a person can turn gray even in one day, regardless of age. It is very important to take care of your psyche and nerves, since stress often causes not only gray hair, but also the formation of cancer cells.
  3. Diet lacking vitamins and protein
    If your diet is missing vitamins A, B and C, as well as nutrients such as folic acid, copper, iodine and iron, this needs to be corrected urgently. In addition, a protein-free diet, which is so popular among women, only contributes to the appearance of gray hair.
  4. Viral diseases or immune system problems
  5. Thyroid diseases
  6. Poor circulation
  7. Effect of drugs
  8. Chronic colds
  9. Smoking
  10. Frequent consumption of coffee and salt in large quantities

To accurately determine the cause, we advise you to consult a trichologist or dermatologist, who will send you for examination. Very often, early gray hair is a signal of problems in the body. The main thing is not to panic; gray hair is not a sign of old age.

What to do to avoid early gray hair?

If early graying of hair is not genetic in you, then there are some rules that will help slow down this process. The main thing is to understand that it is impossible to stop the manifestations of gray hair; it is very likely to simply postpone this process to a later time. To do this, follow the following rules.

Food should be rich in vitamins, minerals and always plant and animal proteins. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, as well as foods rich in calcium, zinc, iron, copper and iodine. Eat more dairy products, fresh berries, whole grains, lean meats, sea fish, legumes and nuts.

A sufficient amount of fluid is simply necessary for the good functioning of the hair follicles. Moisture will help nutrients reach the follicles faster and prevent early gray hair.

If possible, try to avoid nervous situations or at least control your emotions. Learn to calm yourself or take special training. Stress is the main cause of most diseases, so take care of yourself and your nerves.

Scientists have proven that smoking and alcohol can cause early aging of the body, as well as worsen blood circulation. If you want to stay young as long as possible, give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Adequate, long-term sleep will improve not only the condition of your hair and skin, but also your overall appearance.

The only way that will definitely help hide gray hair is coloring. But paint will not save you from this problem, but will only make it invisible. There are also cosmetics and folk remedies that promise to help you get rid of gray hair, but of course it will not be possible to completely return your hair to its former color, since this is physiologically impossible.

Gray hair at an early age causes a lot of concern. It is important to find the cause of this phenomenon and select treatment methods to stop this process. What factors influence the early appearance of gray hair, depending on the ethnic race and color type of a person?

Why does hair turn gray?

The first gray hair appears between the ages of 33 and 40, after which the number of strands will increase. Why does the hair follicle lose the pigment melanin and the hair color?

The hairs accumulate peroxide, which whitens the curls from the inside. The structure changes - cavities appear inside, which are filled with air bubbles, which adds a light shade to the strands.

Attention! The activity of melancites, which are responsible for coloring strands, decreases every decade; starting from the age of 30, this figure goes beyond 20%, and therefore every year the risk of getting gray hair increases.

Hair begins to turn gray from the root, and sometimes the bleaching process can appear from the end, affecting individual areas of the hair on the head. Representatives of the stronger sex go gray 10-15 years earlier than women.

Causes of early graying

If gray hair is found on the head before the age of 30, then we are talking about premature graying. There are internal and external factors that stimulate this process.

Internal reasons:

  1. Genetic predisposition - a set of genes is laid down in the womb, in the early stages of fetal development.
  2. Psycho-emotional factor - excessive nervousness, depression, negative attitude towards life, worries and worries, such factors affect the decrease in the amount of melanin, reduce the hair growth phase, which leads not only to bleaching of strands, but also to early baldness.
  3. Diseases of internal organs - infections, sinusitis, pathologies of the esophagus, vegetative-vascular dystonia, vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, deficiency of magnesium and iron in the body, renal or liver failure.
  4. Hormonal surges are especially observed in women during pregnancy, postmenopause, and after childbirth. It is important to follow the recommendations of the gynecologist, consume sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements to maintain the functionality of the systems and organs of the mother and child.
  5. Parasitic diseases - often the problem with early gray hair is associated with the presence of worms; it is necessary to get checked and, if necessary, undergo the necessary treatment.

There is a circle of scientists who express the idea that gray hair appears in completely healthy people and improves their well-being, because ashy strands rid the body of damaged cells.

Minor factors:

  1. Fashion for weight loss - the use of diet food for a long time leads to weakened immunity, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, insufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are so necessary for a person’s full existence.
  2. Chronic fatigue - the intensity of the cycle of life leads to a weakening of the immune system, the lack of proper sleep and rest negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. And if you add constant stress and taking potent medications, then such factors will inexorably lead to the appearance of gray hair at an early age.
  3. Excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee - to improve your well-being, you need to replace these drinks with fermented milk products, decoctions of medicinal plants, freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, fruit drinks, compotes, which will not only provide energy for the whole day, but also saturate the body with useful microelements.
  4. Bad habits – smoking and alcohol lead to premature aging of the entire body, including reducing the production of melanin. Blood circulation is disrupted, the functioning of internal organs deteriorates, and a person inexorably ages ahead of schedule.
  5. The active influence of ultraviolet radiation and other weather phenomena - rain, snow, fog, and therefore it is important to wear hats during the holiday at sea and on any other day, according to the season, to treat the strands with special protective compounds to avoid washing out the pigment from the hair.

The process of graying hair in blondes begins faster, although it is less noticeable on light hair. If you take various grievances and experiences to heart, then in this way you will accelerate the “silvering” of your head.

Myths and facts about the appearance of gray hair

They say that if you pull out a gray hair, several new ones will grow in its place. This is a myth, because one follicle has one hair, so removing one will not affect the appearance of the hair. But frequent plucking of strands can lead to necrosis of the bulb, stopping the growth of curls.

Another statement is that gray hair is stronger than pigmented hair. Hair without pigment increases in volume due to the air content inside, and therefore appears strong and thick, but at the same time it is more brittle, porous and dull.

Attention! Studies have shown that natural hair color is preserved among representatives of the Mongoloid race, and Indians begin to turn gray after 70 years. But Europeans see gray hair after 30 years.

If gray hair begins to appear, then you shouldn’t panic and pull out the hairs, just cut them off carefully with scissors and carry out restorative procedures for the hair and scalp - massage, nourishing masks, taking multivitamin complexes, changing your lifestyle.

You can stimulate the production of pigment with the help of a balanced diet, moderate physical activity, a measured lifestyle, and effective treatment of various diseases.

Less stress and more positive emotions - then your hair will delight you for a long time with its bright color and elasticity of shape.

It is impossible to avoid the appearance of gray hair. After a certain age, hair inevitably loses its color, and this process is irreversible. In old age, of course, gray hairs do not upset men and women too much, as they emphasize the number of years lived, being a sign of wisdom and experience. But what to do in cases where gray hair began to appear at a young age, and what needs to be done in order to, if not stop, then at least slow down this process as much as possible?

The mechanism of gray hair appearance and its possible causes

Regardless of what age and for what reason gray hair begins to appear, in all cases at the cellular level this process proceeds the same way. Graying is due to the loss of melanin, the pigment found in the hair. It is produced in melanocytes. These are special cells located in the hair follicles that synthesize pigment formation. The activity of such cells depends on the hormonal background, in particular, the synthesis of melanin is influenced by the hormones of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and sex hormones. As the body ages, the number of melanocytes decreases, and the remaining cells lose some of their activity. As a result, gray hair appears.

Unfortunately, this process affects not only the color, but also the health of the hair. In addition to pigmentation of the hair, melanin is responsible for its elasticity and also performs a protective function, helping to resist the negative effects of the environment and ultraviolet radiation. The change in quality is visible to the naked eye: they become harder, more brittle, and lose their smoothness.


At what age does the problem begin to appear?

It is impossible to predict exactly when the first gray hairs will appear. This process largely depends on the hormonal regulation of the body and genetic factors. It is believed that in women the process of graying begins after 40 years, and in men - after 35 years. These are average indicators, and if gray hairs became noticeable 2 - 3 years earlier, then this is not considered early graying. However, if they appeared before the age of 30, we can already talk about this phenomenon.

The process of “aging” hair in men and women not only starts at different ages, but also proceeds differently. Women notice the first gray hair on their temples, while in men they appear on the chin.

Causes of early gray hair

The main reason contributing to the appearance of gray hair is a decrease in the level of melanin, which occurs due to the natural age-related death of melanocytes. But these cells can die at an early age. This can happen for the following reasons.

  1. Genetic predisposition. In this case, we can say that the program of early death of melanocytes in hair follicles is laid down in a person from birth. It is impossible to influence this process in any way.
  2. Severe stress. At the same time, it should be accompanied by the production of large amounts of adrenaline. It is the latter that is the cause of early gray hair, as it disrupts the connection of melanin with the protein structure of the hair, which leads to neutralization of the pigment.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system, as a result of which hormonal levels are disrupted. Since the activity of melanocytes depends, among other things, on the hormones of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, any disturbances can interfere with the sufficient production of the pigment responsible for color.
  4. Vascular spasms and poor circulation of the scalp.
  5. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. In particular, vitamin B promotes proper protein metabolism in the follicle and structure. Its deficiency has an extremely negative effect on cellular metabolism in the hair. Hair also needs iron, copper, zinc, magnesium.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. We are talking about their serious advanced forms, when nutrients are no longer absorbed from food. As a result, the hair is also left without nutrition.
  7. Viral diseases.
  8. Taking certain medications. These are particularly aggressive substances, the list of which, in fact, is not so long. First of all, these are medications used for chemotherapy. They have a destructive effect on both the roots and their structure. Subsequently, after stopping their use, the quality and color of regrowing hair will largely depend on the body’s ability to recover. Also included in the group of medications dangerous for menanocytes are medications for Parkinson’s disease.
  9. X-ray exposure. Within reasonable limits, it does no harm. However, it is better not to get carried away with them.
  10. Thermal and chemical damage. For example, frequent coloring. Dyes contain aggressive substances, such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Perm products also do not have the best effect on hair. Accumulating in the structure, chemicals penetrate into the hair follicle, disrupting the process of pigment production. Curling irons and straighteners also have a negative impact. If you constantly burn your hair in the root zone, you can damage your hair follicles.

The listed reasons are typical for the appearance of early gray hair in both men and women.


Despite the impressive list of possible causes of early gray hair, it has been proven that the main factor that surpasses all others is genetics. British scientists investigated this issue by observing twins living in different areas and having completely different living conditions, lifestyles, and diseases. These people started going gray at the same time.

Why do temples turn gray in the first place?

When women begin to experience gray hair, it occurs first at the temples. And only after some time, which can reach from one to five years, gray hair will spread to other areas of the hairline. This is due to the special structure of hair in the temporal zone. It is in their bulbs that melanin disappears first.

In men, the temporal part turns gray only after the beard and mustache. They are more prone to early pigment reduction. But the whiskey should turn gray secondarily.


Types of gray hair

The appearance of any gray hair: early and old, in men and women, etc. has the same mechanism, so there is no point in saying that one gray hair is fundamentally different from another. However, we can still conditionally distinguish some of its types.

  1. Age-related gray hair. The most common type. It may begin to appear after 35 years in men, and after 40 years in women. This is considered the norm.
  2. Early. Gray hair occurs earlier than expected. After 30 years, this is, in principle, not a rare case, but it happens that the first gray hairs become noticeable already at 20.
  3. Congenital gray hair. An extremely rare genetic disorder.
  4. Full. In this case, the hair color is completely lost. All hair turns gray.
  5. Partial. There are both gray hairs and hair that has not lost color on the head.
  6. Absent-minded. Gray hair is distributed relatively evenly throughout the head.
  7. Focal or zonal. All (or almost all) gray hair is concentrated in a certain area.
  8. Easy to paint. This type of gray hair lends itself well to correction using chemical dyes, as well as natural dyes (for example, henna). The scales of easily dyed gray hair are located at a considerable distance from each other, which is why the dye easily penetrates inside. This hair structure indicates its depletion. Most often, with age, hair is in this condition.
  9. Glassy or difficult to paint. This type of gray hair is characterized by the fact that, despite the loss of color, the structure of the hair is not depleted, and its scales fit tightly to each other.

Can the process be reversed: treatment?

Unfortunately, already gray hairs will never be able to restore their natural shade. This is explained by the fact that the graying process is associated with the death of melanocytes, and these cells cannot be restored. They cannot develop again in the hair follicle. But this does not mean that you need to accept the situation and not make attempts to treat your hair, because you can significantly slow down the destruction of pigment-producing cells in hair follicles that have not yet lost their color. In order to “freeze” gray hair, avoiding its further development, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Use a special shampoo that prevents the intensive development of gray hair.
  2. Take complex vitamins. It is especially important to pay attention to the presence of sufficient amounts of vitamin B in the diet.
  3. Avoid curling irons, hair curlers, and perms.
  4. Avoid prolonged exposure of hair to direct sunlight.
  5. Avoid stressful conditions. If there is such a need, it would be useful to resort to taking sedatives.
  6. In addition to general recommendations, you can also resort to targeted methods to slow down the development of gray hair.



Improves blood circulation in the scalp and cellular metabolism in the hair follicles, thereby activating pigment-producing cells. It is useful to do a massage every other day for 30 minutes. This service is provided in salons, but it is also very easy to do it at home. You can use various massage techniques. During the massage, with intense movements, it is necessary to rub special products into the scalp to slow down the spread of gray hair. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. Castor or burdock oil is also good for these purposes. It is necessary to carry out at least 10 - 15 massage sessions, after which a two-week break is recommended.

But a light short-term massage does not need breaks. On the contrary, it is useful as a daily procedure. To activate blood circulation, it is enough to use a stiff massage brush and comb your hair for at least 5 minutes.

Video: treatment of gray hair using traditional methods

Oil mask

This method refers to folk remedies. It is necessary to mix burdock and castor oil in equal proportions. Heat slightly in a water bath. This mixture should be rubbed into the roots of the hair for 10 minutes, then left on the hair for about 1 hour, wrapping the head in cellophane and a towel. Wash off with hot water and shampoo. It is recommended to do this mask 2 times a week. After 10 procedures, be sure to take a break for at least a month, otherwise your hair may become too oily.


This method already refers to “heavy artillery”. To use it, you must resort to the services of a trichologist, who must carry out this procedure. He will select the necessary medications and determine the required number of sessions. The composition of the products injected under the skin of the scalp is determined individually, but in any case there will be an additional large amount of vitamins and substances beneficial for hair. To treat gray hair, a solution of magnesia or nicotinic acid is often used as the main drug.



This procedure has a beneficial effect on the hair roots, improves blood microcirculation in the scalp, promotes cell regeneration and tissue nutrition. In particular, melanocytes begin to be better supplied with blood and nutrients. To carry out darsonvalization it is not even necessary to visit a salon. There are inexpensive (from 3,500 rubles) devices for home use with a set of attachments, including a comb attachment, designed specifically for affecting the scalp. Instructions are also included indicating the required number of sessions and their recommended duration.


A complex procedure during which blood is taken from a vein, plasma is isolated from it and its subsequent injection into the scalp. As a result, the process of cellular restoration should begin. Plasma is supplemented with useful substances as needed.

Is it possible to pull out gray hair?

Sometimes people pull out gray hair, apparently hoping that a new hair will grow pigmented. This is an absolutely pointless activity, since the pigment ceases to be produced in the hair follicle, which means that the new hair that emerges from it instead of the one torn out will also not be colored. Moreover, pulling out gray hair can cause harm to yourself. Firstly, this is fraught with the development of dermatitis, and secondly, the hair follicles are severely injured, which can lead to their complete death. As a result, instead of gray hair, you can get a partial absence of it.

Preventing gray hair

  1. Good nutrition and taking complex vitamins;
  2. limiting stressful situations;
  3. protection of the scalp from temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation;
  4. reasonable use of artificial hair dyes (no more than 3–4 times a year);
  5. maintaining sufficient blood microcirculation in the scalp, including periodic massage courses, and, if necessary, hardware procedures;
  6. additional nutrition of the scalp using masks (if we are talking about folk remedies, then the same masks that are used to treat it, for example, made from castor and burdock oils, are suitable for the prevention of early gray hair).

Sooner or later, gray hair makes itself known. You can be upset about it all you want, but there is no way to turn back time. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure gray hair, but you can take preventive measures that will help postpone its appearance to a later date, unless, of course, it is due to genetic reasons. And most importantly, even gray hairs should not disturb your peace of mind, because stress hormones only accelerate the process of graying.