Smallpox Hemorrhagic Early

Early hemorrhagic smallpox is an acute viral disease that occurs with hemorrhagic rashes. Synonyms: Bishing's disease, Hess's disease, strophulus, purpuric pox. Previously it was called contagious smallpox, because The causative agent is hemorrhagic staphylococcus, which is found in newborns and is the most common cause of infection of both the skin and soft tissues, and internal organs. The course of the disease ranges from congenital to neurotoxic in approximately 40% of patients, almost half of whom have contact infection. The mortality rate reaches 35%.

The classic course is characterized by low temperature, drowsiness, irritability, poor appetite, and lethargy. Over time, generalized rashes occupy large areas of the skin, fever occurs, and there may be manifestations of gastritis. There is difficulty swallowing, mild intoxication of the salivary glands and conjunctiva of the eyes. Severe vegetative-vascular disorders are noted in the form of anemia, sweating, coldness of the extremities, and less commonly, heart damage. Against the background of a rash, as well as hemorrhages under the mucous membrane and bleeding from the nose, there are signs of endocarditis. Interruption of the disease and recovery without the development of complications in a period of one to two weeks. The exit wound usually heals under a crust by 7-8 days, only sometimes the process drags on for up to a month. Outcome in relatively mild exhaustion.

Diagnostics. Diagnosis of the disease is made possible by the detection of lesions indicating a pathogen, or by establishing the fact of infection based on clinical signs. In case of pneumoenteritis, the pathogen can be determined on a bacteriological culture isolated from mucus, urine and blood, smears, swabs from perianal folds or feces. The diagnosis is confirmed by the results of serological analysis.

Treatment. Immediately after the diagnosis is made, the patient is isolated, its duration is determined when the patient’s condition worsens (at the same time, diet table No. 8 is introduced), the fever is brought down with medications with an antipyretic effect (ammonia diluted in water or taken orally). The effect on herpetic rash is exerted by locally applied ointments using antimicrobial components (tetracycline hydrochloride, erythromycin ointment). In case of development of concomitant diseases, etiotropic treatment, in case of complications, antibiotics are prescribed together with antiviral (species-specific) drugs - anti-influenza or antioxidant. In other cases, bed rest should be observed (with the exception of water procedures). To combat dizziness and increased heart rate, antihypoxants (ichthyol, nicotinic acid) and cardiac glycosides are used. Vitamin A deficiency is eliminated by intramuscular administration of a vitamin A solution - 1 ml immediately and 2 ml every other day for the entire course. Pantothenic acid for severe stage and enterogenic anemia is prescribed 1 g per day in 6 doses for a month.