Medical Nutrition Table

Therapeutic Nutrition Table: How standard diets developed in the USSR helped fight disease

Table of Therapeutic Nutrition (S.l.p.) is the general name of standard diets developed in the USSR, designated by numbers from 1 to 15. Each of these standards was developed taking into account the energy value, chemical composition and physical properties of food products selected in this way to provide therapeutic effects for a specific group of diseases.

Idea S. l. p. originated back in the 1920s, when Soviet doctors and scientists began to explore the connection between nutrition and health. First, universal nutritional recommendations were developed, then specialized diets began to be created for the treatment of specific diseases. As a result, S. l standards were created. etc., which from that time to this day are one of the most common nutritional recommendations for the treatment of diseases.

Each diet S. l. item was developed taking into account a specific pathology. For example, diet No. 1 was developed for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, and diet No. 15 was developed for the treatment of obesity. In each case, the body's needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals were taken into account.

One of the most famous diets is S. l. n. - diet No. 5, which was developed for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. She prescribes reducing the consumption of animal fats and increasing the amount of vegetable fats, as well as increasing the amount of proteins and limiting the amount of carbohydrates. This diet is still used in medical institutions around the world to treat liver and biliary tract diseases.

One of the advantages of S. l. part is that they provide patients with specific information about what type of nutrition is needed depending on the specific disease. Following these recommendations can significantly speed up the healing process and prevent possible complications.

In conclusion, the Therapeutic Nutrition Table is one of the most important and useful tools in the treatment of many diseases. The diets developed within this system are scientifically sound and relevant to this day, and can be used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Therapeutic nutrition table is the general name for the standard of diets developed in the USSR (from 1 to 15), as well as a special system for organizing nutrition for sick people. In some foreign sources, Russian diets may have additional designations in accordance with the Dukan diet number system. The term “diet” or its equivalent can denote a nutritional system that only contains an increased amount of food and involves strict adherence to prohibitions and dietary restrictions by one or more patients.

Medical nutrition tables are basic treatment tables that can have various additions to the main diet. There are eight main tables of therapeutic nutrition, each of which is aimed at eliminating a specific group of diseases. The purpose of the treatment table is to give the body the necessary nutrients and energy to help restore health. When a person gets sick, they experience stress, which reduces the function of the immune system and at the same time activates inflammation in the body. Therefore, patients suffering from many diseases must adhere to a strict diet to maintain the balance of nutrients and maintain normal functioning of the body. In addition, most healing tables contain increased amounts of proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for recovery from illness. Basic nutrition should include all the necessary nutrients to maintain health and recover from illness, but individual nutrition may vary depending on the individual needs of each patient. Thus, diet may be the mainstay for many patients who require health support.

Medical nutrition is a basic nutrient that has a different