Bodybuilder, feel the BCAA effect on your skin!

Many even experienced bodybuilders, who have repeatedly heard about BCAA, still do not fully understand what it is. Let's shed some light on this extremely popular type of sports nutrition.

What are BCAA's? - this is a bunch of branched chain amino acids - an excellent thermonuclear charge for our muscles, exhausted by weight training. Nothing is clear yet. What kind of connection? What chain? Why is it branched? - Now let’s sort out all these questions...

Judging by the observations of experts from the World Sports Pharmacology, the BCAA effect is simply amazing - this is an excellent option for athletes who actively train in the gym and intend to give their growing body the maximum maximum of effective nutrition.

From a metabolic point of view, proteins entering the athlete’s body with everyday food or sports nutrition are broken down into so-called amino acids, from which the types of protein required by the body for the processes of building muscle tissue are subsequently created. Scientists have found that there are a total of 22 different amino acids in our body, and they perform various highly specific functions. Moreover, there are 9 so-called essential amino acids that our body is not able to produce on its own. Well, of these nine, three amino acids are metabolized precisely in muscle tissue, and not, for example, in the liver, like others - these are the so-called BCAA amino acids, which have very specific names:

  1. a) valine,
  2. b) isoleucine,
  3. c) leucine.

Due solely to the fact that these amino acids feed our muscles directly, they are very effective for the construction and formation of new proteins and the energy that muscles need so much. Their effect is simply amazing. Also, leucine, valine and isoleucine prevent a sharp decrease in serotonin levels in the athlete’s body, and serve as a good source of energy in myofibrils (muscle cells). Valine is also considered a key component for the formation and growth of almost all tissues of the human body and maintains nitrogen metabolism in our body at the proper level.

If you haven’t tried it yet, we strongly recommend that you try this type of sports nutrition and see for yourself its effectiveness and usefulness. And feel this effect first hand, which cannot be achieved by eating regular protein powder.

And remember: it was our grandfathers who tried to swing and grow only on everyday food. Now bodybuilding technologies have gone far ahead, and all these products have been tested and are absolutely harmless. So we highly recommend it to you! You will not regret it…

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