The intestines are the health of the whole body

The intestines are the health of the entire body. If you suddenly have problems with it, then most likely you feel unwell, feel drowsy, lethargic, have problems with your skin, and even with your mood.

If you suspect you have inflammatory bowel disease, you can find out more here:

The main cause of intestinal problems is poor-quality, unbalanced nutrition with a lack of nutrients, fiber (vegetables and fruits) and proteins.

Another important reason is a violation of the diet itself, which includes too frequent breaks between meals, eating large portions, and the habit of eating too much at night.

And as a result, you get an intestine clogged with toxins and waste. They subsequently become “stones”. This is how constipation occurs.

There are special products for cleansing the intestines. It is best to do a gentle cleaning with quality food products.

List of cleansing products:

  1. Kefir with flaxseed flour.
  2. “Laxative” salad consists of fiber, which may include apples, cucumber, petiole celery, carrots, radishes, beets, cabbage, and onions. You can use olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil as a dressing.
  3. Beetroot juice.
  4. Warm cabbage brine.
  5. The decoction in which dried fruits were boiled is drunk as a laxative. To enhance the effect, the steamed fruits themselves are consumed.
  6. Adding seaweed to any dish.
  7. Fresh persimmon is an excellent laxative.

Health to you and your intestines!