Dull facial skin causes and treatment

A dull complexion is not always a sign of old age. A grayish tint sometimes signals diseases of the internal organs, but is more often associated with negative aspects in a person’s daily life. What to do to restore radiant skin depends on the reasons that led to its deterioration.


Causes of dull skin

Skin becomes dull under the influence of various factors from various diseases to poor lifestyle. A gray face is the first sign of aging. Next, the dermis dries out and the pores expand. Bruises under the eyes, age spots, and spider veins appear. Such changes are typical for older people, but they can begin at different ages.

The following have a negative effect on the skin:

  1. smoking;
  2. avitaminosis;
  3. frostbite;
  4. "passive lifestyle;
  5. alcohol consumption;
  6. excessive passion for tanning;
  7. weathering;
  8. mono-diets;
  9. water scarcity;
  10. constant stress;
  11. lack of sleep;
  12. pathologies of internal organs.

Let's take a closer look at the most common causes of dull skin color.

Dehydration causes cellular renewal processes to slow down and dead epidermal scales to accumulate on the face.

The dermis becomes dull. Redness, dryness, and small wrinkles appear.

Oxygen is necessary for the skin so that the skin can perform its main functions - protect the body from the negative effects of the environment and remove toxins.

Oxygen starvation leads to the fact that the cells of the dermis cease to renew and recover in a timely manner, and the process of saturation with nutrients becomes difficult. Without enough fresh air, collagen and elastin production decreases.

This results in an unhealthy gray complexion. Constant stay in stuffy, smoky rooms, as well as in air-conditioned rooms, has a particularly detrimental effect on appearance.

Under the influence of tobacco and alcohol, capillaries narrow. The skin stops receiving adequate nutrition, dries out, and loses elasticity.

Alcohol removes fluid from the body and poisons it with toxins. Nicotine reduces the content of vitamin C, which slows down the recovery processes in the epidermis. There is such a thing as a “smoker’s face.” Its main symptom is the gray color of the skin.

Sedentary work, passive rest in front of the TV or at a computer monitor leads to poor circulation. This causes disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, and vegetative-vascular system.

The cells of the dermis cease to receive sufficient nutrition, and it becomes pale and dry.

Regular walks and sports will help restore attractiveness. Doctors recommend walking at least ten thousand steps a day to maintain good physical shape.

Nutrition should be balanced. The body needs to constantly replenish its reserves of essential substances. If this does not happen, it begins to use internal resources. As a result, the functioning of all systems is disrupted, which primarily affects the condition of the skin.

To maintain youth, you need to eat foods such as:

It is better to reduce the consumption of sweets, flour, spicy and salty foods. Such food increases the consumption of microelements, antioxidants, and vitamins. As a result, the face becomes dull due to lack of nutrition.

For complete cellular restoration, the dermis needs at least seven hours of sleep per day.

If the body does not receive proper rest, the skin turns pale, acquires an earthy tint, and dries out. The face swells, “bags” and blue circles form under the eyes. Due to disruption of the regeneration processes of epidermal cells, aging mechanisms are triggered and wrinkles appear.

The appearance is worsened by the use of cosmetics that are not suitable for the patient’s skin type or age.

Meanwhile, moisturizing, nourishing, and regenerative procedures should be carried out regularly. It is better to consult with a cosmetologist first. A specialist will help you choose suitable industrial or home-made products.

Tanning is fashionable now, but you shouldn't get carried away with it. Excessive production of melatonin pigment is the body’s protective reaction to ultraviolet radiation, which has a negative effect on the upper layer of the epidermis.

The dermis dries out and loses its freshness. Excessive exposure to both the sun and solarium is equally harmful.

There are vitamins without which the normal functioning of skin cells is impossible. They participate in the processes of metabolism and cell division.

The following groups of vitamins are especially important:

  1. F – helps retain water;
  2. E – tones, protects against free radicals. It is also called the “vitamin of youth”;
  3. A – restores cells;
  4. C – retains elasticity;
  5. PP (B3) – smoothes wrinkles, stimulates oxygen saturation.

The lack of these substances, as well as iron, potassium and magnesium, provokes premature aging processes, making the dermis flabby and dull. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes will help fill the body with the necessary substances. The choice of dietary supplements is large. Before you start drinking them, you should consult your doctor (especially people with chronic diseases).

How to deal with dull complexion

You can get rid of dull skin color with the help of special care. Following simple rules will help restore freshness to your face:

  1. in the cold season, wash off cosmetics with moisturizing milk, in the warm season - with tonic;
  2. Exfoliate weekly. If there is inflammation on the skin, this procedure cannot be performed;
  3. make masks regularly;
  4. use cosmetics in moderation.


People with dry, dull skin should not wash their faces with ice water in the heat; sudden temperature changes are harmful for such dermis.

In addition, you need to use cosmetics daily that restore the structure of the integument.

An effective cream for dull skin should include the following components:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. vitamin C;
  3. minerals;
  4. retinoids (in small quantities);
  5. amino acids;
  6. algae extracts;
  7. antioxidants;
  8. fruit acids.

It is better not to use products based on glycerin and other astringents.

To stimulate the oxygen exchange of creams, you need to regularly use scrubs. They free the dermis from dead particles, impurities, and makeup residues. Preference should be given to oil-based formulations. Procedures should be carried out no more than twice a week.

For daily facial cleansing, you need to use lotions with moisturizing ingredients. They soften the dermis well, nourish it with nutrients, restore the relief of serums and masks made from natural ingredients.

Professional cosmetic manipulations will help you cope with age-related changes.

Cosmetology salons offer a wide range of methods to restore radiance to your skin.

The most popular of them:

  1. Plasmolifting is aimed at enhancing lymph flow. It begins to act immediately after introducing the solution under the skin;
  2. chemical peeling frees the dermis from the stratum corneum, removes impurities, stimulates the process of cellular renewal;
  3. photorejuvenation activates metabolism through a targeted light flash. The epidermis is saturated with water, tightened, the acid balance is normalized;
  4. mesotherapy involves subcutaneous injections of medicinal compounds, which, penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, stimulate metabolism, blood supply, and increase the elasticity of the integument;
  5. Laser peeling is carried out using a special device. The procedure evens out the tone and surface of the face and gives a quick rejuvenating effect;
  6. biorevitalization has a positive effect due to the introduction of hyaluronic acid. This substance is produced by the human body, so it almost never causes an allergic reaction;
  7. Ozone therapy improves complexion under the influence of gas. Cleanses, stimulates cell regeneration;
  8. Ultrasound frees the epidermis from dead cells and promotes renewal of the top layer;
  9. Gas-liquid peeling cleanses the face mechanically and saturates the dermis with oxygen.

The above manipulations should be carried out exclusively in certified salons, after first making sure that the specialist is sufficiently qualified. Using the services of dubious cosmetologists can cause serious harm to your health.

At home, it is quite possible to prepare a variety of products from available ingredients that perfectly restore and even out skin color.

The easiest way is to wash your face daily with decoctions of medicinal herbs. The following recipe works well: pour two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Wipe your face with the resulting solution twice a day.

From herbs you can make compositions for medicinal baths.

Such procedures are designed to normalize water balance and metabolic processes. Saturate the deep layers of the dermis with oxygen and essential nutrients.

To prepare a herbal bath, you need to take one tablespoon of the following herbs:

The herbs should be poured into a saucepan, filled with water, and boiled.

Another bathhouse recipe: pour two tablespoons of linden flowers into 1.5 liters of water. Boil.

It is enough to carry out manipulations once a week. You need to keep your face over the hot mixture for 20-30 minutes, at a distance of 30 cm. Throw a towel over your head so that the steam does not disperse throughout the room. After the bath, rinse your face with warm water, and after half an hour apply a mask.

An important component of caring for dull skin is nourishing masks. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. pour a teaspoon of flaxseeds into 100 g of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, then strain, bring the infusion to a boil. Add a tablespoon of oatmeal to the liquid. When they swell, apply the mixture to your face (after cooling);
  2. mix crushed peach pulp with a teaspoon of starch;
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey to the pulp of three large strawberries and spread the mixture over your face using patting movements with your fingertips;
  4. Mix the juice of a large aloe leaf with the beaten white of one egg;
  5. cover the face and décolleté with fresh melon puree;
  6. Apply sauerkraut to the skin in an even layer. Thin orange plastics can be used in a similar way.

These substances will help make the dermis radiant and rested, and slow down the fading process. To achieve maximum effect, procedures should be performed 1-2 times a week. It’s good to alternate recipes. Keep the mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The face must first be thoroughly cleaned and steamed to open the pores.

Compresses based on herbs containing essential oils and mucus help to refresh dull skin.

For lotions, you can use plants such as:

  1. mint;
  2. mullein;
  3. parsley;
  4. mallow;
  5. thyme;
  6. marshmallow root;
  7. Melissa;
  8. quinces (seeds);
  9. chamomile;
  10. coltsfoot.

To carry out the procedure you need:

  1. steam a tablespoon of linden flowers in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, then soak gauze in the infusion and apply to the face. Change the compress every 2 minutes. Repeat six times. The technique should not be used by people who have visible spider veins;
  2. take rose petals and jasmine flowers (a tablespoon each), brew each plant separately in a glass of hot water. Leave for 5 hours. Heat the rose infusion and cool the jasmine infusion. Wet the fabric in solutions. Apply hot first (for 30 seconds), then cold for a minute. Do ten alternations.

It is recommended to apply compresses every ten days.

Concealing makeup for dull complexion

Trying to disguise dull skin with decorative cosmetics is not the best solution to the problem. Under no circumstances should you apply multiple layers of foundation. It clogs the pores, the dermis experiences oxygen starvation, and metabolic processes are disrupted.


Cosmetologists recommend hiding a sallow complexion using a makeup base with reflective substances. In this capacity you can use:

It is very important to select products that are suitable for a woman’s age, skin type and tone. It is advisable to purchase decorative cosmetics with caring properties.

Before going to bed, as well as visiting a bathhouse or sauna, your face should be completely free of makeup.

What is contraindicated

Women with dull complexion should not:

  1. wash with ice or hot water;
  2. abuse trips to the solarium or to the beach;
  3. use aggressive compounds (for example, alcohol) to cleanse your face;
  4. apply makeup in thick layers.

You won't be able to maintain youthful and healthy skin with skin care procedures alone. It is important to adjust your lifestyle.


To ensure your complexion remains radiant for many years, you need to:

  1. walk more in the fresh air;
  2. get a good night's sleep. It is better to stop using any gadgets at least an hour before bedtime. This will help you calm down and ensure relaxation of the nervous system;
  3. balance nutrition;
  4. Once a week, give your skin a break from cosmetics;
  5. drink enough water (you should avoid soda and packaged juices);
  6. avoid stress;
  7. Always remove makeup from your face at night.

You can’t neglect nourishing and moisturizing products. It is better to choose suitable creams with the help of a cosmetologist.

Dull skin is the first sign of poor lifestyle or health problems. It will not be possible to disguise it with cosmetics or solve the problem with a one-time visit to the salon. To restore attractiveness to your face, you need to combine dermal care procedures with proper nutrition, exercise, and give up bad habits.

Let's talk about why skin becomes dull and how to restore its radiance. Spoiler: of course, you can’t do this without well-chosen cosmetics.

  1. Causes of dull skin
  2. How to help dull skin
  3. But you don’t need to do this!
  4. Beauty products against dull skin
  5. 5 effective cosmetics for glowing skin

Causes of dull skin

The skin looks sluggish, there are dark circles under the eyes - these are just a couple of signs that accompany dull skin. It’s not surprising if you work 24/7, and only go outside to go to the grocery store. However, there are many more reasons for dull skin. Let's look at the most common ones.

Dullness and dehydration are often synonymous. This is due to a slowdown in cell renewal processes and the accumulation of horny scales on the surface of the skin due to moisture deficiency. In addition to discomfort, redness and dryness, a fine network of wrinkles also appears, especially noticeable towards the end of the day. They are very easy to distinguish from real wrinkles - after applying a moisturizer, they quickly smooth out.

The desire to lie under a warm blanket with a book in your hands or surf the expanses of social networks while sitting at the computer, instead of spending a couple of hours in the fresh air, is one of the most common reasons for a dull complexion.

To maintain physical fitness, it is enough to walk at least 10,000 steps daily. © iStock

Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, but we will remind you that it is also bad for the skin. Under the influence of nicotine, capillaries narrow, blocking nutrients from reaching the cells. In addition, the consumption of vitamin C in the body of smokers sharply increases, and this greatly slows down the processes of epidermal renewal.

If the skin texture becomes uneven, the refraction of rays from the surface is distorted, and the face appears gray.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to disturbances in the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, which, of course, affects the condition of the skin. It becomes dry, dehydrated and loses its radiance.

Review your lifestyle and, if necessary, make adjustments: move more, walk, walk. © iStock

Sweet, floury, too spicy or salty foods do not please the skin at all. And alcohol consumption is another factor that aggravates the consumption of antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements. As a result, cellular metabolism slows down and the skin becomes dull. Analyze your diet - maybe you should change something.

You've probably noticed that after a sleepless night you don't look very good:

under the eyes - blueness and swelling;

and even makeup doesn’t fit well.

Nothing surprising. For proper rest, the body needs at least 7–8 hours. The skin needs this time to complete a cycle of nightly restoration work at the cellular level.

Alas, dermatologists and cosmetologists are still faced with the fact that their clients do not always choose care products wisely. And thus they provoke problems, including loss of skin radiance.

If you still don’t have your own cosmetologist, we highly recommend finding one. The doctor will study the features of your skin in detail and give useful recommendations for home and professional care.

A deficiency of B vitamins, niacin, antioxidants (vitamins C and E), as well as a lack of iron, potassium and magnesium can contribute to a decrease in skin tone, leading to dehydration, irritation, and dullness.

If the body lacks moisture, the skin suffers first:

all update processes slow down;

the effectiveness of key enzymes decreases.

The drinking norm for a healthy person is 1.5-2 liters per day. © iStock

How to help dull skin

Let's say right away that there is no universal advice. The problem must be solved comprehensively.

Review your lifestyle and, if necessary, make adjustments: move more, walk, walk.

A fresh, radiant tone is a sign of good digestion and metabolism. Balance your diet, drink more non-carbonated clean water, give up packaged juices and especially soda. This is a minimum program.

Get enough sleep. An hour before bedtime, put your gadgets aside, or even better, leave them outside the bedroom threshold. Let this room be associated with relaxation and lack of stress.

• A fresh, radiant tone is a sign of good digestion and metabolism. © iStock

Don't ignore cosmetics designed to treat dull skin.

Don't forget to remove your makeup at night and cleanse your skin well.

To moisturize and nourish, use products designed for your skin type.

To quickly restore radiance to your face, add a serum to your skincare routine.

Sign up for a peeling course with a cosmetologist.

But you don’t need to do this!

Use alcohol tonics and generally products with a high alcohol content.

Abuse hard scrubs and masks with white clay, especially homemade ones.

If you are severely dehydrated, you should not go to the bathhouse often, abuse contrast washing, massage with ice cubes and other extreme types of care.

Beauty products against dull skin

Clinics and beauty salons strive for radiant skin through a variety of procedures, and cosmetic companies continue to develop new innovative formulas.

The composition of a cream aimed at combating dull complexion usually includes a whole complex of substances.

Hydrofixatives: hyaluronic acid, amino acids, minerals, algae extracts (carrageenan or laminarin). Their mechanism of action is based on hydrophilicity - the substance attracts water and retains it in the epidermis (for example, one molecule of hyaluronic acid retains up to 1000 molecules of water).

Retinoids in low concentration.

Among salon procedures, give preference to programs aimed at improving metabolic processes and enhancing microcirculation (galvanic currents, microcurrent effects, and peelings).

5 effective cosmetics for glowing skin

The formula, high in meadowfoam oil, infuses dry, dull skin with nutrients, hydration and softness. Suitable as a base for foundation, evens out the texture and adds radiance.

Gentle and pleasant to use, the product helps to evenly distribute moisture in the skin.

Eliminates the feeling of tightness.

Smoothes lines of dehydration.

Provides comfort and freshness throughout the day.

Thanks to hyaluronic acid, it moisturizes and retains moisture, improves complexion.

Impregnation with sakura extract, hyaluronic acid and moisturizing serum quenches the thirst of the skin and restores a healthy complexion. The gel texture of the mask acts as an anti-stress compress.

A proven product to brighten and even out skin tone. Enriched with vitamin C and glycolic acid, the gel visibly reduces age spots, smoothes skin texture and adds radiance. Provides intense hydration for 24 hours. Has a non-greasy and non-sticky texture. Does not contain parabens and synthetic fragrances.

The hydration booster fluid contains high concentrations of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B5. Provides skin with the nutrients necessary to maintain beauty and health. Includes Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) to restore optimal moisture levels. Suitable for men.

Of course, no woman likes it when her appearance is far from ideal. Why does facial skin acquire a gray tint over time, what are the reasons and what cosmetic products to use to improve it and create the effect of a radiant face.

But before you rush into battle with imperfections, it doesn’t hurt to know where they come from and why your skin tone can be earthy.

Dull facial skin: reasons ↑

In fact, this problem can have many origins. Basically, dull skin color is caused by bad habits and disrupted daily routine: smoking, alcohol, frequent lack of sleep and sitting at the computer for many hours - all this does not add to the beauty of a woman’s appearance

Also, the shade of the face can be affected by a lack of oxygen and physical activity - the more actively the soft tissue is supplied with oxygen, the brighter the shade it has. This means that the gray color of the skin is caused by oxygen starvation: the dull layers of the dermis simply do not receive nutrients in the required volume.

Physical illnesses also affect beauty – and not in a positive way. Often, a sallow face can be a sign of a serious illness of an internal organ, circulatory system, or even anemia.

In this case, you should first solve the problem and seek help from a specialist in order to identify the cause of this phenomenon and recover from the disease. It is in such situations that creams and masks will be powerless, because an ugly complexion is just a visible manifestation of an existing disease.

What to do if your facial skin becomes dull ↑

First of all, you need to review your daily routine. It is worth spending more time on sleep and rest, moving more, and being in the fresh air. Daily walks in the park or morning jogging are an excellent and affordable remedy that has a beneficial effect not only on the complexion, but also on the entire female figure.

If you suffer from bad habits, then there is a reason to try to give them up. Addictions do not bring any benefit to the body, but they deprive it of youth and beauty, wear out internal systems prematurely and contribute to early fading.

You should also pay attention to your health; it may make sense to undergo a full medical examination. If no serious abnormalities have been identified and no treatment is required, then go in for sports and eliminate all harmful foods from your diet, replacing them with a healthy alternative.

Typically, a gray complexion occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are often nervous and lack sleep. For an active person who finds time in his schedule for sports, this problem is much less common.

It also doesn’t hurt to supplement your diet with special vitamin complexes, since most often a sallow face means a deficiency of vitamins and essential microelements. B vitamins are considered the most beneficial substances for female beauty.

Cream for dull skin ↑

Treatment must begin in a comprehensive manner: in addition to correcting shortcomings in the menu and increasing time in the fresh air, it is worth acquiring cosmetics that are suitable for you.

The best assistant in the fight for beautiful skin and a healthy complexion is vitamin C - it allows blood flow in the vessels of the dermis to resume its natural function. That is why cosmetologists advise using products based on orange or lemon juice for lifeless, pale skin.

If you set out to find a suitable cream, then pay attention to its composition - there is no need to poison dull skin and weigh it down with additional chemical ingredients, so you should choose organic products.

Although citrus fruits are the best component for improving complexion, other fruit acids cope with this task no worse - look in the list of ingredients on the packaging for a designation that the cream contains ANA.

How to disguise a gray complexion ↑

Of course, dull skin noticeably spoils the overall appearance and can distort even the most beautiful face. To forget about this problem for a while, you can use special cosmetics - it will camouflage the gray tint and give your face a healthy look.

To make your skin look rested and radiant, you can use a brighter blush, but just don’t use too dark shades - it’s better to choose light pink or light brick.

It also removes gray undertones from the skin of the face and yellow concealer or golden illuminator - it can be used in the cheekbones, on the bridge of the nose, in the center of the forehead and above the upper lip.

In the first case, a low-quality product can leave unsightly spots, and in the second, it is necessary to mask gray skin under a layer of tan sparingly, since an abundance of sunbathing is also not good for female beauty.