Recipes for health and beauty based on pumpkin oil

Pumpkin oil is a real storehouse of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on human health and beauty. It contains beta-carotene and vitamin C, zinc, B vitamins, calcium, selenium, magnesium, as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids. Regular consumption of pumpkin oil helps normalize blood pressure, reduce blood cholesterol, helps eliminate toxins and has a rejuvenating effect. In this article we will look at several pumpkin seed oil recipes that will help improve your health and beauty.

  1. Salad dressing

Combine three tablespoons of pumpkin oil, one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, three tablespoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of grain mustard and a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley leaves in a blender. This dressing is ideal for fresh vegetable or fruit salads.

  1. Nail strengthener

To strengthen your nails, you can use baths with pumpkin oil. To do this, heat four tablespoons of pumpkin oil in a water bath, add three drops of lemon essential oil and two drops of rose essential oil. Carry out the procedure several times a week.

  1. Eyesight improver

Pumpkin seed oil contains vitamin A, which is essential for eye health. For three to four months, consume a third of a teaspoon of pumpkin oil daily, either alone or adding it to any dishes that do not contain food colorings or preservatives.

  1. Remedy for chronic cystitis

Pumpkin oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat chronic cystitis. Take ten drops of pumpkin seed oil three times a day every day for a month.

  1. Hair loss remedy

Pumpkin oil contains many vitamins and microelements that help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. Half an hour before washing your hair, rub pumpkin oil into the roots of your hair. Carry out the procedure at least twice a week.

  1. Weight loss product

Pumpkin oil can be used for weight loss. Take one teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil and one teaspoon of fresh grapefruit juice daily for 45 days. Take this remedy morning and evening. It is recommended to start treatment when the moon is in its waning phase. This combination of pumpkin seed oil and grapefruit helps speed up metabolism and reduce appetite, which promotes weight loss.

Pumpkin oil is not only a tasty product, but also a real source of nutrients. Regular consumption of pumpkin seed oil can help improve your health and beauty. These pumpkin seed oil recipes will help you with this, but do not forget that they are not a substitute for a nutritious and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.