Massage of nasolabial folds at home technique

Beauty is given to women from birth, but it is very difficult to preserve it, especially with age. Wrinkles around the mouth are the most difficult to correct; they are also called nasolabial folds and “sorrow lines.” An effective means of eliminating and preventing these imperfections is massage. To learn how to massage your face from nasolabial folds, just read this article and watch several useful videos.

Popular types of massage

To date, many ways have been invented to remove nasolabial folds. Different countries have their own methods of combating such wrinkles. Cosmetologists from all over the world share their experience in performing procedures. Today the following are considered especially in demand:

  1. Japanese massage for correction of the lower part of the face;
  2. Indian Ayurvedic effect against nasolabial folds;
  3. bodyflex for the face, developed by Grill Childers;
  4. Aerobic exercises Carol Maggio.

The causes of nasolabial folds can be very different: aging of the dermis, lack of nutrients, genetic predisposition and others. Depending on them, you should choose a set of exercises. Is it possible to remove nasolabial folds without leaving home and without resorting to expensive procedures? This is quite possible if you act intelligently and correctly.

  1. If folds appear due to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, it is necessary to use predominantly the Indian technique. To do the exercises, sit in front of a mirror. Place your index finger over your upper lip. Place the middle finger of the same hand under it. Slide your fingers from the middle of your upper lip to the top of your ear. Massage the opposite side of your face in the same way.
  2. Japanese massage is universal. It is suitable both for correcting facial nasolabial folds at home and for eliminating age-related changes in the skin. The ribs of the palms are used to perform the exercises. Following the massage lines, you need to run your hand over the skin from bottom to top. The number of repetitions is not limited.
  3. Combined massage is especially popular. It includes classic manual manipulation along with gymnastic exercises. When performing it, it is important to breathe correctly: inhale deeply and exhale slowly. You can alternate between puffing out your cheeks, rolling air from one side to the other inside the mouth, pressing the tongue on the mucous membrane, and gently kneading the muscles with your fingers.

A decrease in the depth of nasolabial folds can be noticed after 2-3 weeks of active exposure. If you use cosmetics in addition to exercises, the results will appear even faster.

Stages of massage

For massage to bring long-awaited results, it is important to perform it correctly. The technique will come with experience, but the correct algorithm must be learned at the very beginning. Any manual intervention includes several stages.

  1. Cleansing the skin of cosmetics and impurities. During the massage, the pores expand, and if there was dirt on the surface of the face, it will immediately penetrate into the epidermis and worsen its condition.
  2. Warm up. It is necessary to prepare the facial muscles for massage. To do this, stroke the area to be corrected with your hands and knead it a little with your fingertips.
  3. If massage is combined with facial gymnastics, then you need to do the exercises first. Manual influence is carried out last, because it has a calming effect.
  4. At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the nasolabial folds and let the skin rest for 2 hours.

During the massage you need to use cream or natural oil. Extracts of shea butter, jojoba, wheat germ and other soft aromatic esters are perfect for this procedure.

Performing a massage at home is not only useful, but also pleasant. To learn this art, you should watch several video tutorials. We suggest starting with an introduction to a very effective technique - Shiatsu massage. The technique has ancient roots and is successfully used all over the world, including to combat nasolabial folds.

Often, with age, the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle becomes more noticeable due to the appearance of wrinkles. In this article, we’ll talk about getting rid of this problem naturally, using environmentally friendly rejuvenation methods, including special exercises for nasolabial folds and massage.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Before you learn how to get rid of nasolabial folds, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance. It is a mistake to believe that age alone can be to blame. If you pay attention to babies, you will see creases on the cheeks in the area of ​​​​the nostrils and on them.

However, over the years, nasolabial folds worsen, they become visible not only at the moment of smiling, they deepen, nasolabial ridges or nasolabial wrinkles form.

The causes of deformation of this zone with age are:

  1. hypertonicity of facial muscles

If the facial muscle located on the sides of the nose spasms, it contracts and shifts the position of the muscle suture, the place where many muscles on the face are held together, as a result of which the skin in this place begins to hang, exacerbating the fold.

After which, if the zygomatic muscles become hypertonic, the nasolabial region descends lower, forming between the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips.

Further, when the cheek and triangular muscles are overstrained, the nasolabial deformities spread even deeper, forming a “fold of sorrow” near the corners of the lips and below.

  1. swelling, lymphostasis

Our skin receives nutrition through the blood, passing through blood vessels and capillaries. It is cleansed through lymph, which is drained through lymphatic vessels and capillaries. Most blood and lymphatic vessels and capillaries first pass through the muscles. If the muscles are in spasm, the vessels and capillaries are also pinched, resulting in impaired blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. The skin does not receive enough oxygen and begins to cleanse itself poorly. The lymphatic system cannot cope with removing excess fluid, mucus and toxins. As a result, such stagnant fluid begins to accumulate in the cheek area, enhancing the effect of nasolabial swelling.

If a person has general swelling of the tissues of the upper part of the head, as a result of spasm of the neck muscles, lymphatic fluid drains from above, falling onto the face, forming nasolabial folds, lip bags, swelling of the eyes and contributes to an enlarged nose.

  1. facial habits

Articulation when speaking, the habit of smiling (up or down) also influence the tendency to form facial wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

  1. body fat

With age, subcutaneous fat tissue has the peculiarity of concentrating closer to the center of the face, where, obeying the law of gravity, it begins to sag downward along with the skin, aggravating the problem.

  1. location of the skull bones

The shape of the skull, the arrangement of its bones and the bite also influence the susceptibility to the formation of nasolabial lips.

It should also be noted that the defect of the nasolabial area is divided into two types:

  1. Nasolabial ridges (borders) are a volumetric defect of the muscle-skin layer.
  2. Nasolabial wrinkles are creases in the tissues due to active facial expressions, including spasms of the facial muscles.

Not necessarily both of these troubles can occur at the same time, but it is much easier to smooth out the nasolabial ridges. Nasolabial wrinkles are formed as a result of active facial expressions in the area of ​​the nasolabial seam, creating creases in the skin. They are much more difficult to remove, since a person uses his facial expressions every day, helping to maintain the nasolabial skin fold.

How to get rid of nasolabial folds

So, we figured out why defects of the nasolabial triangle are formed and now we understand how to get rid of nasolabial folds using environmentally friendly methods:

  1. With the help of exercises for the face and neck, which involve muscles in work, increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as a result of which the skin is nourished, cleansed, swelling goes away, and nasolabial folds are smoothed out.
  2. Relaxation and stretching of the muscles that worked well during training, which will help reduce nasolabial folds.
  3. A massage that removes swelling in the cheek area, relaxes and stretches the facial muscles.

Effective sets of facial exercises and massage aimed at relaxing and strengthening muscles, when performed regularly, can smooth out existing nasolabial folds and prevent their appearance.

Exercises for nasolabial folds

Facial exercises for nasolabial folds without surgery or injections will remove existing defects by stimulating muscle tissue and getting rid of lymph stagnation in the area of ​​the wings of the nose.

There are many techniques for natural facial rejuvenation using exercises for the nasolabial folds. Let's look at the most effective and well-known of them.

Revitonics and Osmionics methods

Created by Natalya Osminina, who devoted 20 years of her life to studying the issue of biological rejuvenation of all body structures in the shortest possible time and developed more than 20 hardware and manual techniques for effective rejuvenation, these techniques have proven themselves to be the best in the fight against age-related changes in the face.

Exercises from Revitonics and Osmionics help tighten the oval of the face and remove nasolabial wrinkles. The best exercises against nasolabial folds in these techniques are as follows:

  1. Relaxing the muscles around the nostrils

1. Pinch the outer edge of your left nostril with your right index finger and thumb.
2. Place the index finger of your left hand alternately around the nostril, turning figure eights with the fingers of both hands. Imagine that the grip of the wing of the nose is the “toe” of one eight, and the finger of the second hand, placed next to it on the fabric, is the other “toe”. To relax this zone, rotate two fingers relative to the conditional center of the intersection of the “eight”.
3. Walk in the same manner as above in a circle around the area of ​​​​both nostrils.

4. Place your index finger towards your nostril along the nasolabial fold.

Using light vibrating movements, push the stagnant lymph towards it along the fold from bottom to top. Move up in intermittent movements, stepping back a little at each step and moving forward again. Help this movement by sniffling.

  1. Relaxation of the levator ala nasi and upper lip muscles
  1. Work alternately on each half of the face. Pinch the outer edge of your left nostril with your right index finger and thumb. Place the index finger of your left hand at the inner corner of the left eye, at the point of origin of the levator nasi muscle.
  1. Move your bottom finger towards your top finger. A fold forms between them. You should not pinch the skin, but the muscle, that is, tuck the deep subcutaneous layers.
  1. Rub the resulting crease until it disappears. Stretch your work area in different directions. Form a pinch again, periodically gently stretching the area of ​​the muscle you are working with. Lock it in.

You can watch a video of this exercise for nasolabial folds in practice in the Revitonics webinar, starting from a time of 5 minutes 7 seconds.

Face building for nasolabial folds

In the fight for youth, face-building gymnastics has proven itself well..

By performing exercises for nasolabial folds using this technique, you can also tighten the oval of your face and raise your cheekbones:

  1. Sponges are placed in the pipe, and as you exhale, the sound “u” is drawn out with intensification. Without returning to the original, the sound “u” is transformed into a drawn-out “o”. Rolling sounds with a characteristic tension of the lips should be repeated up to 20 times.
  2. Air is drawn into the oral cavity, which is distilled from one cheek to the other, straining the nasolabial area to the limit. Within 5 minutes, the cheek muscles should be tense.
  3. On the cheeks, the index and thumb grab the skin, which is stretched into a forced smile, feeling the tension in the cheekbones. Repeated up to 20 times.
  4. The palms hug the cheeks, and the little fingers are located on the nasolabial cavities, on which pushing pressure is applied for up to 2 minutes. Local massage of the folds stimulates muscle activity.
  5. Active articulation helps to engage numerous muscle fibers when pronouncing vowel sounds in any order: a, e, u, i, s, o. Begin performing at a slow pace, clearly pronouncing each of the sounds, fixing the position of the lips when pronouncing. The speed gradually increases, but the clarity of each spoken sound is required.
  6. Having drawn the maximum amount of air into your mouth, you need to distribute it over your cheeks and upper lip. Holding in this position for 5 seconds, you need to sharply push out the air and relax your cheeks. Repeat up to 5 times in 5 approaches after rest.
  7. By opening your mouth as wide as possible, your lips are given a beautiful, wrinkle-free “o” shape. The position of the lips is fixed for 25 seconds, after which the muscles relax. This is done in 3 approaches. ATTENTION! For those with sunken cheeks, this exercise is contraindicated, because getting rid of nasolabial folds can worsen the existing defect.
  8. We strongly pull the cheeks inside the mouth, done in 2 approaches.
  9. Circular rolling of air in a circle. Inflating one cheek, a balloon wanders through the upper lip, then the second cheek and lower lip, straining the muscles from the inside. 10 approaches.
  10. Having drawn air into the cheeks, the air is released from the mouth in measured doses with force.
  11. Face building for nasolabial folds involves intensively smoothing the problem area with the tongue from the inside. With effort, the tongue moves to the wings of the nose from the corners of the mouth.

A video of face-building gymnastics with Yulia Kovaleva clearly demonstrates exercises for nasolabial folds:

Carol Majeo's exercises

The following method of natural rejuvenation by Carol Majeo is based on visualization techniques and energy practices:

  1. You need to sit in front of the mirror, straighten your back.
  2. Muscle memory kicks in. The middle of the upper and lower lips is determined mentally.
    With your mouth slightly open, these points are stretched in the opposite direction from each other. A clear oval is formed, stretched horizontally without wrinkles. In this case, the upper lip is pressed tightly against the teeth.
  3. Mentally we formed a ball of energy that moves towards the wings of the nose from the corners of the lips, duplicating these movements with the fingers.
  4. To eliminate nasolabial folds using gymnastics, it is necessary to repeat the ironing movement of the index fingers along the folds, but in the opposite direction, and so on until a characteristic burning sensation is felt.
  5. Using the pads of your fingers, quickly run up and down the nasolabial folds with drumming movements, repeating this 30 times.
  6. After inhaling air, slowly blow it out with force through pursed lips.

Face massage

A facial massage will help consolidate the work done after gymnastics. So the most popular and in demand are:

  1. Japanese Shiatsu massage is a type of acupressure practiced for thousands of years in Eastern medicine;
  2. Asahi massage is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery, allowing you to lose 10 years.

Modern technologies help the effects of facial exercises, removing nasolabial folds with the help of hardware additions to them:

Nazarov BMS apparatus

By influencing the facial muscles with its help, blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and the activity of muscle fibers improve, regeneration processes occur faster, age-related defects disappear, the face becomes younger, turning back time.


The ideal option for getting rid of nasolabial folds would be a comprehensive effect on the problem: performing exercises for the face, neck and performing a massage, either independently or using Nazarov’s BMS apparatus. Regular exercise for 10-15 minutes a day and facial massage will allow you to observe dramatic changes in your face for the better within 14 days.

It is generally accepted that wrinkles on the face are a sign of old age. However, nasolabial folds can appear at a young age. Skin folds running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips do not add attractiveness to anyone, giving the face a stern expression and visually making it older. One way to eliminate emerging wrinkles is to massage the nasolabial folds. Let's figure out how this procedure should take place.

Where do they come from?

The reasons for the formation of nasolabial folds are obvious - this is our facial activity. The deepest wrinkles appear in people with high facial muscle tone. Tense muscles shorten, and this leads to stretching of the epidermis. As a result, a deep fold is formed.


The prerequisite for the formation of folds is a decrease in the elasticity of the skin due to age and dehydration of the skin. One cannot fail to note such a factor as heredity; if close relatives have deep nasolabial folds, then the likelihood of their occurrence increases.

There is an increased risk of early development of nasolabial folds in those people who experience high articulatory loads. These are teachers, announcers, actors, etc.

Remember! Wrinkles at a young age are formed by people who do not take care of their skin or who do not take care of it properly.


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Benefits of massage

It is necessary to combat the deepening of nasolabial folds in a comprehensive manner. One of the most effective procedures is facial massage against nasolabial folds. This procedure promotes muscle relaxation, that is, it eliminates one of the main causes of wrinkle formation.

A properly performed massage helps improve the movement of blood and lymph, the tissues are saturated with oxygen and other essential nutrients.

Special massage techniques help improve the elasticity of the skin, causing wrinkles to smooth out or become less noticeable.

You can take a course of rejuvenating massage in the beauty salon. As a rule, a full course includes 10-15 procedures, and sessions are recommended twice a week. Moreover, cosmetologists recommend conducting sessions within the same course at approximately the same time (for example, on Wednesday and Saturday at 18:00), this approach increases the effectiveness of the procedures.

You can start performing cosmetic massage to get rid of nasolabial folds from the age of 25-27. At this age, it is enough to do 1-2 courses of massage per year. After 35 years, it is worth repeating the massage course once every three months.

The results of the procedures will be noticeable immediately after the first session. However, you should not interrupt the course; a lasting effect can only be achieved with regular massage.

Not everyone has the opportunity to regularly go to a cosmetologist for massage sessions, so you can master the technique and do massage at home.


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In order for the massage to bring the greatest benefit, you need to be well prepared for the procedure. First of all, you need to remove your makeup and carefully cleanse the skin. Then it is recommended to lightly steam the skinby making a hot compress. Simply hold the towel over steam or soak it in hot water and wring out thoroughly. After that, apply to the skin for about five minutes. Make sure the towel is not too hot!


The next stage of preparation is applying a massage base to the skin. It can be a rich cream or any cosmetic oil suitable for your skin type. After applying the foundation, you need to wait a few minutes so that most of the oil or cream has time to be absorbed.

When deciding to remove nasolabial folds with massage, you must first choose the type of procedure and study the technique well. It is best to conduct sessions in front of a mirror, this will allow you to control the correctness of the movements.


The procedure consists of three main stages: stroking, rubbing, vibration. The session begins and ends with stroking. Each movement (except vibration, we perform 5-6 times).

  1. We start by smoothing out the nasolabial folds, smoothly running our fingers along the fold from top to bottom;
  2. then we perform stroking movements from the corners of the lips to the auricle (at the level of the tragus);
  3. the next line of influence is from the wing of the nose to the top of the ear;
  4. After this, you can move on to the next stage - rubbing. The movements are performed in exactly the same way as when stroking, but the pressure should be slightly greater;
  5. Then you can move on to the next stage - vibration. We place our fingers on the upper part of the fold, now we begin to apply rapid pressure to the skin, simulating pulsation. After 2-3 seconds of exposure, we move along the fold a little lower and perform the movement again. Vibration is carried out only along the nasolabial fold;
  6. We end the session with stroking, as at the beginning of the procedure.


To perform a vacuum massage, you need to purchase special equipment - silicone jars. The jars come in different diameters; to massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, you need the smallest option (diameter approximately 1 cm).

To perform the procedure you must use oil. Any vegetable will do, but it must be unrefined. Preparation for the session is standard: the face is cleaned and steamed. But the oil needs to be applied in a thicker layer so that the can glides easily over the skin.