Antifibrinolytic (Antifibrinotytic)

Antifibrinolytic (Antifibrinotytic) - used to characterize an agent that inhibits the resorption of blood clots (see Fibrinolysis). Antifibrinolytic drugs include aprotinin and tranexamic acid. Antifibrinolytic drugs are used to treat increased fibrinolysis, which can lead to abnormal bleeding. They are used in surgical operations to prevent excessive blood loss, as well as in some hematological diseases accompanied by hyperfibrinolysis. The mechanism of action of these drugs is to inhibit fibrinolysis activators such as plasmin and plasminogen. By suppressing fibrinolysis, antifibrinolytic agents help maintain the integrity of fibrin clots and stop bleeding.

Antifibrinolytic: what is it and how does it work?

Antifibrinolytic drugs are a class of drugs that inhibit the process of blood clot resolution known as fibrinolysis. Fibrinolysis is a normal process that occurs in the body to dissolve blood clots after they have served their purpose. However, sometimes fibrinolysis may be unnecessary or undesirable, for example, during bleeding or during surgery. In such cases, antifibrinolytic drugs may be effective in preventing excessive resorption of blood clots.

The two best known antifibrinolytic drugs are aprotinin and tranexamic acid. Aprotinin has been used in medicine since the 1960s to control bleeding during heart and lung surgery and in liver and pancreas surgery. However, its use has been limited in recent years due to high costs and the risk of side effects, including anaphylactic shock and renal dysfunction.

Tranexamic acid, or aminocaproic acid, is a less expensive and more readily available antifibrinolytic drug. It is used to control bleeding during surgery and to treat bleeding of various origins, including bleeding disorders that can occur with hemophilia and congenital bleeding disorders.

Antifibrinolytic drugs work by inhibiting the action of fibrinolytic enzymes, which break down fibrin, the main component of blood clots. This allows you to maintain the integrity of blood clots and prevent unwanted resorption.

However, like any other drug, antifibrinolytics have their side effects. Some of these may include renal dysfunction, thrombosis and allergic reactions. Therefore, the use of antifibrinolytic drugs should only be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.

In conclusion, antifibrinolytic drugs are effective in controlling bleeding and preventing excessive resorption of blood clots. However, their use should be limited to qualified personnel only and only when necessary. In this case, possible side effects and limitations of the use of these drugs should be taken into account. In general, antifibrinolytic drugs are an important tool in medical practice and help preserve the health and lives of patients in difficult and critical situations.

Antifibrin lytics are medications that affect blood vessel thrombus formation. It provides more effective wound healing and relieves swelling. The product has an excellent hemostatic effect, thinning the blood, turning it into capillaries. Antifibrenolics – prevent

In clinical practice, there are often cases of a sharp decrease in fibrinolysis and activation of the blood coagulation system. In these cases, the timely use of antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants and, in some cases, thrombolytic drugs (streptokinase), which help stop bleeding and restore blood circulation, is of great importance. However, due to the fact that patients have limited choice of drugs in antithrombotic therapy, the use of additional effective methods for treating bleeding is required. One such drug is an antifibrinolytic agent, which has certain pharmacological properties associated with the drug's ability to suppress the conversion of fibrin into soluble fragments.

Physiology of antifibrinolite Vitamin K synthesized in the liver is a precursor to a number of important coenzymes, including vitamin K1. After acting on the activator protein, coagulation factor II is converted to its active form. Activation of factor II occurs with the participation of calcium and citrate ions, when this acidic ion from the bloodstream enters the core of coagulation hemostasis - between red blood cells. The energy used for this process is generated by the synthesized supply of the vitamin, which was obtained during the breakdown of boenquinurin. Due to a deficiency of certain chemical compounds (vitamins V. X, Y), the synthesis of fibrin-stabilizing factors is suppressed, which leads to depletion of fibrin reserves and the development of spontaneous blood coagulation [8].

Initially, antifibrinolysis drugs were tested on laboratory animals. To obtain the material, serum or whole blood was used, which was placed in pre-prepared glass reaction vessels. Observations of the results of this study allowed us to draw a number of conclusions. First, it was found that fibrinopectin levels increase as the dose of a synthetic antifibrinolium agent increases. Secondly, aprotinan and transketoic acid show their effectiveness some time after administration to the animal’s body. After 5 hours, the level of fibronopectin was completely restored. It should be noted that laboratory models are unable to reproduce all the complex biochemical processes that occur in the patient’s body during blood coagulation and after the administration of antifibinolytic drugs. It is also worth saying that such a study did not take into account the peculiarities of the pathophysiology of blood coagulation associated with the course of the pathological process. Consequently, the data obtained cannot serve as an absolute criterion for determining the effectiveness of therapeutic techniques in the event that a patient develops a pathology associated with a decrease in the synthesis of fbrzinoilitic and hemoglobin-stabilizing proteins. In turn, this factor must also be taken into account when choosing a drug for a particular patient. Pharmacological studies have confirmed that antifibryolytic drugs