Black pepper

Pepper - Piperaceae. Pharmacy name: black pepper (unripe, unpeeled fruits) - Piperis nigri fructus (formerly: Fructus Piperis nigri); white pepper (ripe, peeled fruit) - Piperis fructus albus (formerly: Fructus Piperis albi).

Botanical description. A climbing shrub with large, long-petiolate, dark green leaves and a spike-shaped inflorescence. Originating from the forests of the Malabar Coast in Western India, pepper is now grown in most tropical areas.

Active ingredients: essential oil, piperine - a carrier of peppery taste, enzymes, resins and a number of other substances.

Healing action and application. Nowadays it is used as a pungent aromatic spice to stimulate digestion; Previously - as a medicine for feverish conditions, diseases of the stomach and throat. It is also included in the ointment for scalp scab.

In addition, from ripe and peeled fruits, a spice called white pepper is obtained, which was previously used, especially in folk medicine, for hemorrhoids. Single dose: from 5 to 15 grains.