Breche Canals

Breche is an incredibly important and characteristic detail of the city

life. For people with disabilities, this element is sometimes inaccessible, because it is sometimes not visible behind decorative items. But it is the gaps that perform the function of viewing between adjacent rooms or

Bresche is a cooking tradition in Italy that is characterized by having a large number of ingredients that are all used at the same time. This creates a unique taste and aroma of food that is not found in other cuisines. One of the main ingredients in the breach is pasta, which is cooked in plenty of water and is often combined with vegetables, meat and cheese.

Canali is another tradition that originated in Piedmont, a region in northern Italy. They are similar to gaps and also contain a large number of ingredients. Kanagli can be with the addition of vegetables, meat or seafood, and also have different shapes, for example, in the form of rings or cylinders.

Sicilian sauce, like canagli, is another traditional Italian seasoning used in many dishes. It can be used as a sauce for pasta or vegetable dishes, and can also act as a side dish for meat or fish.

There is also another type of sauce called "Balsamic". This vinegar-rich sauce is made with black grape wine. It has a sweetish taste and is great for appetizers, desserts and some main dishes.

As you can see, Italian food is very diverse and each region has its own traditions and products that make this country so attractive to tourists from all over the world. Here you can try everything from traditional pasta and pizza to more exotic dishes using new technologies and ingredients brought from other countries. The tour ends with a visit to famous Italian brands and shops that you can visit during your holiday.