Chapter 6 Diet for Diabetes Mellitus

Chapter 6 Diet for diabetes mellitus

When writing the chapter “Diet for Diabetes Mellitus,” the goal was not to offer readers an approximate menu for a month or a week. Agree, few people will follow a diet for diabetes if the food does not bring pleasure. Each person has his own tastes, his own habits, and following an imposed diet with diabetes is always more difficult.

Therefore, let's talk not about a diet for diabetes, but about which foods are safe for a person with diabetes, which ones you can eat, but with caution, and which ones are better to forget about altogether. Let's learn how to calculate the daily calorie intake depending on weight and type of activity. And we will even “advise” how sometimes you can “correctly” break your diet for diabetes, because life is not a courier train that moves only strictly according to the schedule.

First, let's talk a little about diet for diabetes mellitus No. 9. Ask what kind of diet for diabetes mellitus is this, and how to follow this diet for diabetes mellitus. Then you should go to the next page “A little about diet No. 9”