Don't Get Sick, Moms, With the Flu

Although the influenza virus does not cause damage to the fetus, it can cause serious harm to the child's health. During pregnancy, a woman is in a state of increased vulnerability and her immune system is weakened. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to pay special attention to flu prevention.

Flu symptoms may be more severe in pregnant women than in other people. This is due to the fact that their body is already experiencing stress associated with the growth and development of the fetus. In addition, the flu can lead to various pregnancy complications, such as premature birth, as well as an increased risk of developing respiratory failure.

To protect yourself and your baby from the flu, pregnant women should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Vaccination. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza in pregnant women. The vaccine not only protects the mother, but also transfers protective antibodies to the baby through the placenta, which will help prevent the newborn from contracting the flu in the first months of life.

  2. Avoid contact with sick people. Pregnant women should avoid contact with people who have the flu or other respiratory illnesses.

  3. Maintain good hygiene. Regular hand washing with soap and using antiseptics should become a mandatory habit.

  4. Proper nutrition and rest. Proper and rational nutrition, as well as regular rest and exercise will help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from influenza and other infections.

  5. At the first symptoms, consult a doctor. If a pregnant woman develops flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, runny nose and headache, she should consult a doctor immediately.

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life when the health and well-being of the unborn child becomes a priority. Therefore, pregnant women need to pay special attention to the prevention of influenza and other infections. Do not forget that the health of the mother is the health and future of the child.