Genetic Dose for Population

Population genetic dose (PGD) is a measure of the genetic risk associated with exposure in the general population. It is used to estimate the total genetic load that an individual would generate if their genetic data were passed on to offspring.

DGP is calculated as follows:

  1. The annual genetically significant dose (AGD) is determined - this is the genetic impact that can be received by each person in a year. For example, if a person smokes, then his GDI will depend on the number of cigarettes he smokes per day.
  2. The average age of conception (AMA) is determined - this is the age at which people usually start having children. For example, the average age for conception in Russia is about 25 years.
  3. The DGP is equal to the annual genetically significant dose multiplied by the SVD. Thus, the DGP shows what genetic impact one individual can have on the entire population during his lifetime.

For example, if a man smokes 20 cigarettes a day throughout his life, his GDV will be 7,000. If the average age of conception is 25 years, then his GDV will be 17,500 (7,000 x 25). This means that a man can pass on a genetic risk equal to 17,500 genetically significant doses to his children.

It is important to note that GHD does not take into account the influence of other factors, such as diet, lifestyle and environment, which can also influence the genetic health of the offspring. In addition, GHD can be used to determine genetic risk in the population as a whole, but not to assess the individual genetic risk of each person.

The human gene pool is a group of genes responsible for the transmission of certain characteristics to future generations. Each person inherits his genes from his parents, who in turn received them from other ancestors. There is a certain risk of passing on unhealthy or damaging genetic mutations. This probability can be expressed as genetic load dose (GDN).

DGN is an indicator that shows what percentage of people are not healthy and can pass on dangerous genetic mutations to their descendants. This dose refers to the human gene pool and is usually expressed as a percentage. Its goal is to demonstrate both the safe and unsafe genetic combinations people pass on from their parents.

After the act of conception, the influence of DGN is caused by hereditary genetic mutations. Doses of genetic load are often related to family size, health care, race, and where they live. For example, some areas with healthier lifestyles and more opportunities to have children have lower genetic risk. However, in areas where certain medical problems exist, the risk of passing on a genetic defect or disease increases.

Due to the fact that it is impossible to accurately estimate the real level of each DGN, scientists try to find the most approximate indicators by simulating various situations, for example, through the domino effect or even statistical data processing. These approaches make it possible to study the genealogy of populations and determine the likely level of genetic load as a whole.

It follows that demographic indicators, such as age of childbearing, birth rate, and natural population growth, directly affect the volume of genetic transmission. For example, countries with large young populations encourage the spread of harmful mutations in future generations because they are more likely to produce children. The higher the annual birth rate or the harsher climate, the less likely healthy genes are to be passed on.

Thus, assessing the pre-genetic load of a population is a very important tool for analyzing and studying the population, as well as searching for ways to improve its genotypic composition in the near future.