Erba Point

Erbatochka is a new word in the Russian lexicon, which is derived from the English term “erball” - a tennis ball (as well as for some other games). This unusual word has already begun to be used in various areas of communication, and I became interested in figuring out what it means and how it appeared.

What is the meaning of the erbatochka? So what is an erbatochka or, as some informants call it, “erbalulka”? This and its subspecies came to Russia from the German language. The original word Erbkugel comes from Erb - "possession", "inheritance" and Kugel - "ball". The German word Erbkabulle means "gravy" or "fish sauce". The Russian version of the erbatochka is more likely associated with tennis, where it originally appeared - it is a simple tennis ball, but why did it have the prefix “dot”? The question "where do legs grow from"