Experts have named the happiest time of day

American scientists conducted a study to determine what time of day people feel happiest. Researchers studied over 500,000 microblogs and social media accounts to determine which times of day generate the most positive posts from social media users.

The results of the study showed that people feel happiest in the morning. It is at this time of day that the highest number of life-affirming entries in the profiles of social network users occurs. Scientists explain this by the lack of stress in people in the morning. People are positive in the morning because they have time to relax, rest and relieve emotional stress overnight.

However, it is worth noting that this observation does not apply to people who work at night and are active during this period of time. Such people do not rest and relax during the night, and therefore they do not feel the joy of starting a new day. For them, a new day and the need for activity cause irritation, and they feel happy only in the evening.

Thus, a study by American scientists showed that the beginning of the day is the happiest time of day for most people. This is due to the fact that in the morning people are in a relatively relaxed state and do not experience a lot of stress. The study showed that the number of positive posts on social networks decreases in the evening, when people's stress levels increase.