How to gain muscle mass as quickly as possible?

“How to gain muscle mass as quickly as possible?” is an excellent question that concerns many young people, especially those who are thin (ectomorphs). After all, all young guys want attention, especially girls, and a beautiful athletic figure greatly contributes to this. But getting a sculpted, toned, muscular body is not so easy... It takes years of hard work and careful work on yourself. How to speed up this process? And in general, is it possible to somehow speed it up? Now we will analyze this issue in more detail and debunk some myths...

Answering the question: how to gain muscle mass in the shortest possible time, first I would like to note the fact that this process is quite slow, especially if we are talking about natural training. So it’s better to forget about “extremely quickly”. Just quickly - cats are born... A lot of factors play a role here: genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, knowledge and experience, mental connection, etc. In principle, for a thin young man to naturally gain 1-2 kg of weight in a month is considered a very good result. Moreover, as you understand, we are not talking about pure muscle mass. Along with the muscles, the percentage of body fat will also increase, but more on that below. It is believed that if you have gained 2 kg of mass, half of which is muscle (1 kg), then this is a good result, and if even more (for example, 1.5 kg), then this is generally excellent. Control this process so as not to end up with fat. Even a thin person can become fat, believe me, but it takes a lot of effort.

We are still interested in muscle mass, so let’s move on to the basic principles of gaining weight:

1. Nutrition is the most important point.

Proper balanced nutrition is the basis for everything: good health, weight correction, etc. To begin with, you must consume more calories than your body uses (positive energy balance). Many people often write to me that they cannot gain weight or have experienced a plateau in their gain. I tell them all to just add 300, 500 or more calories a day. And the weight immediately starts to go up. Everything is very simple in our life.

You need to eat every 2-3 hours. With this regimen, you will get 5-7 meals. This is quite a lot and not every person will be able to adapt quickly, but it is very important. The food should be nutritious, not fast food. We need to gain weight wisely, and not swim with fat alone. You should get the full range of macro- and micronutrients. Protein should be consumed at least 2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.

You can include sports nutrition in your diet, which will help you reach your protein standards and increase your caloric intake.

Keep drinking regime! We are 70% water, and the muscle itself is 75-80%. Muscles are reservoirs of water, so if you don’t drink enough, gaining muscle mass will take much longer. Consume 2-4 liters of clean water per day

2. Training.

This is also a very important point, because... In order for a muscle to grow, it must first be injured. I won’t describe the training programs to you. I’ll just tell you a secret that they all work. Just remember the main principle - this is a progression of loads in training: in the form of increasing weights or approaches, it doesn’t matter. Try to gradually increase the load. In response to this, the body will increase muscle mass.

Of course, learn the correct technique for basic exercises and focus on them. However, don't ignore isolated exercises.

You will need to get enough sleep (at least 8 hours), otherwise forget about gaining muscle mass. Muscles recover well and actively grow during sleep. If you like to party until the morning, then reconsider your lifestyle.

Bad habits: alcohol, smoking, etc., greatly inhibit the process of gaining muscle mass. This is all poison for the body, therefore, instead of restoring and building muscles, the body will be distracted by removing the poison from itself. This greatly slows down the recruiting process.

4. Training diary.

The diary will help you control the process of progression of loads, because... it is impossible to remember everything. If you don’t keep a diary, you will stand still, it’s been verified.

These were the most basic points. Of course, there are many nuances in gaining muscle mass that you will later encounter. However, these principles are quite enough to get you started.

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