Top 7 Best Herbal Teas for the Winter Season

In the winter cold, it is customary to warm up with hot tea, coffee or cocoa. We suggest drinking herbal tea, which can not only warm you up, but also raise the tone of the body, protect it from colds and make it cheer up.

  1. Mint tea. On holidays, when the tables are full of dishes and our stomachs are bursting from overeating, mint tea will help relieve the heaviness. It has a very refreshing and pleasant taste and is recommended to be drunk regularly.

  2. Ginger tea. Ginger has a warming effect, making it perfect for winter evenings. In addition, it tones and invigorates.

  3. Thyme. This aromatic tea will help cope with colds thanks to its antiviral properties. Thyme also relieves inflammation and sore throat.

  4. Chamomile. A calming and relaxing chamomile-based drink will help relieve stress and tension after a working day.

  5. A series. It has a diuretic effect, so it will help remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.

  6. Oregano. This herb will ease breathing during colds and also improve digestion.

  7. Linden blossom. Linden tea calms the nervous system and improves sleep. An excellent choice before going to bed.

Look for herbal teas in pharmacies or at bazaars from people who sell herbs. However, at the same time, be interested in where the collection was brought from and when it was collected, because all these characteristics affect the taste of the drink.