Facelift with Galina Dubinina all video

Age-related skin changes - wrinkles, bags under the eyes, swelling, unclear facial contours - are an inevitability that is not easy to come to terms with. Many women, in an effort to become younger, are ready to go under the surgeon’s knife, forgetting about possible complications. Others pay tidy sums for various cosmetic procedures, which also do not guarantee eternal results. But there is a simpler, completely free and at the same time very effective solution to this problem - the so-called facial fitness.

Facelift of Galina Dubinina - what is it?

There are several famous fitness trainers who develop this direction. One of the facelift gurus is the American Carol Maggio, who was among the first to offer consumers a set of exercises to combat skin aging. Our specialists, including yoga instructor Galina Dubinina, picked up the American baton. She carefully studied Maggio’s work and based on it, compiled her own program, adapted for Russian women. The technique, called “Facelifting with Galina Dubinina,” incorporates effective techniques from different areas - bodyflexing, face-building and even yoga.

Galina Dubinina's facelift is not just exercises for the face. These are several courses with different focuses:

  1. massage of bioenergy points;
  2. exercise for the eyes;
  3. program for working out problem areas of the face and neck;
  4. express charging;
  5. a set of procedures for men;
  6. a set of manipulations for morning and evening;
  7. fitness for the face in combination with breathing exercises Bodyflex and so on.

Of course, Galina recommends taking Facelifting courses as a whole, but if free time is short, it’s better to focus on facial gymnastics.

The benefits of facelift

To motivate you to do facial fitness, we’ll tell you exactly why this technique is good, what results it can show and in what time frame.

Face lifting with Galina Dubinina is suitable for everyone who wants:

  1. remove facial wrinkles from the eyes, nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds, creases between the eyebrows, bruises and bags under the eyes;
  2. fill the skin with radiance;
  3. make facial contours clearer;
  4. tighten sagging cheeks and cheekbones;
  5. make the lip contour smoother and brighter.

With the help of a facelift, you can improve blood circulation in the skin tissues and strengthen the facial muscles. In addition, the technique is indicated for young women who want to prevent the possible appearance of age-related skin changes. That is, facial fitness will be useful to everyone, regardless of gender, age, presence and scale of the problem.

Advantages of the technique

Now let’s talk about why facelift from Galina Dubinina is better than other anti-aging procedures:

  1. Simple and convenient. The trainer films special video lessons in which he talks in detail about how to perform the exercises correctly and what mistakes should be avoided. The video “Facelifting with Galina Dubinina” is a truly convenient training format for everyone.
  2. Effectively. The effect of gymnastics according to the Galina Dubinina system can be compared with the result of plastic surgery. In addition, regular exercise can not only eliminate visible imperfections, but also make your face more well-groomed and fresh.
  3. Healthy. When combining facial exercises with Bodyflex breathing exercises, the general condition of the body also improves and the functioning of many of its systems is normalized.
  4. Safely. Facelifting has no contraindications - it is a universal technique that suits absolutely everyone (unlike injections or plastic surgery).
  5. Available. No cosmetics, special devices or additional equipment are required for classes. You can perform the exercises anywhere at a convenient time.

You need to exercise every day for 20-30 minutes - be prepared for this. The first results will be noticeable in about a month.

Facelift with Galina Dubinina: video for classes

After the hardware has been studied, you can move on to the most important stage - performing the exercises. We will not describe them in this article, since we believe that it is most convenient to study using video lessons.

It is impossible to attach all the videos “Facelift with Galina Dubinina” - there are several dozen of them. Therefore, we have selected for you the most common, topical and effective ones.

For young beauties who want to do facelifts as a preventive measure, Galina Dubinina has developed a special “Gymnastics for the face at 20 years old”:

Those who have crossed the thirty-year mark have probably already noticed the first symptoms of “old age” on their own faces. Galina Dubinina suggests not waiting for their development, but killing the problem in the bud - with the help of “Gymnastics for the face at 30 years old”:

Older ladies should do another set of exercises – “Gymnastics after 40”:

The following video is for those who want to make the oval of the face clearer and remove unattractive folds from the neck:

To effectively combat nasolabial folds, there is also a special set of exercises:

Well, for a snack - an excellent complex for combating bags and bruises under the eyes:

As soon as you see the first results, be sure to share them in the comments!

We rarely think about the fact that on our face, as well as on our arms, legs, waist, and buttocks, there are many muscles that need training. Some of them actively work in the process of chewing food, while the other part provides expressive facial expressions and allows us to express the emotions that we are experiencing at the moment.

A distinctive feature of these muscle fibers is that at one end they are attached to the bones of the skull, and at the opposite end to the skin. And if the muscle often tenses or is constantly in increased tone, then a fold forms on the skin at the site of its attachment. This is how facial wrinkles appear, which deepen over the years.

If you periodically perform simple exercises that help relax and subsequently strengthen the facial muscles, you can prevent the formation of wrinkles and even get rid of most of them. To achieve greater effect, exercises should be combined with simple massage movements that improve blood circulation, stimulate lymph flow and activate metabolic processes. This is the basis of the technique developed by Galina Dubinina - facelift, which literally means “lifting, lifting the face.”

Facelifting is a facelift exercise combined with massage movements.

All these problems are easily solved by a facelift with Galina Dubinina, the video of which we now present to your attention.

Removing wrinkles in the forehead area:

In most cases, they occur due to constant muscle tension (when we frown and concentrate on serious work);

Removing folds on the bridge of the nose:

Removing wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead:

Exercises for the upper eyelid:

Drooping upper eyelid - the main reason for its drooping is a decrease in the tone of the muscle that lifts the eyelid:

Cheek exercises:

double chin and “bulldog cheeks” - they are also formed due to weakening of the muscles;

We tighten the oval of the face:

The blurry oval of the face is a clear example of the fact that as a result of weakness of the facial muscles, even the face loses its shape over time.

Give your lips the perfect shape:

Regular exercise improves the nutrition of the tissue in this area and helps make lips plumper and well-defined.

Exercises for the neck and décolleté:

There are also special exercises to improve the shape of the décolleté and neck, and even for those who are preparing for a special event and want to look irresistible at it!

Facelift with Galina Dubinina is a series of interesting complexes aimed at working the facial muscles and solving specific problems. Elastic muscles are the prevention of age-related changes and an effective way to combat them.

Facelift with Galina Dubinina reviews:

The exercises are great. The results are very good, the main thing is to practice regularly! (alevita)

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Among the variety of cosmetic and surgical methods of facial rejuvenation that exist today, one can also find “natural” ones, which act by triggering skin regeneration processes. These are absolutely safe techniques that allow you to fight age-related changes and prevent their occurrence. One of these techniques is facial gymnastics, developed by fitness instructor Galina Dubinina. This method of rejuvenation is also called facelift. It is a set of exercises that improve the tone of the facial muscles and thereby tighten the skin. Facelift classes do not take much time, do not require the use of any special cosmetics and have no age restrictions. All the exercises are quite simple, but at the same time very effective: performing them regularly will lead to results that can be compared with the effect of cosmetic procedures.

About the author of the method - Galina Dubinina

Galina Dubinina is a specialist not only in the field of facial gymnastics. She works as a fitness instructor and has always been interested in natural ways to maintain health and youth throughout the body. But she decided to get serious about developing a system that allows her to rejuvenate her face only when she saw the first signs of aging in the mirror. In order to stay young and beautiful herself, she began to study natural rejuvenation techniques: the systems of Carol Maggio and Reinhold Benz. Studying and testing these techniques on herself, Galina Dubinina created her own complex, which includes the most effective exercises. Having tested the system on herself, she moved on to training other women, and in 2004 a group was created to test the effectiveness of the new technique. The facelift system became widespread after all participants were satisfied with the result.


Galina Dubinina is an ardent opponent of injection cosmetology and plastic surgery. She suggests women choose “healthier” methods of rejuvenation, which are not limited to facial gymnastics: the author recommends supplementing facelift with breathing exercises, as well as regularly conducting self-massage sessions.


Galina Dubinina's method

The essence of Galina Dubinina’s facial rejuvenation method is to perform a set of exercises that train the muscles of the eyes, cheeks, forehead, chin and neck. With the help of these fairly simple, at first glance, actions, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin. Due to weak, flabby muscles, the oval of the face loses its definition. It is the weakening of the muscle frame, according to the author of the technique, that is the main cause of aging. And with the help of exercises you can increase the tone of your muscles and, accordingly, your skin.

In addition, thanks to facial gymnastics:

  1. cell renewal occurs;
  2. the outflow of lymph from facial tissues is normalized, swelling is reduced;
  3. the production of collagen and elastin is activated;
  4. blood supply to the face, neck and entire head increases.

The following positive aspects of facelifting using the Galina Dubinina method can be noted:

  1. they make you look younger;
  2. in the future it will be possible to refuse traumatic cosmetic procedures (injections, laser and chemical peels, etc.), and even more so from the services of a plastic surgeon;
  3. improvement of skin condition and color;
  4. pain in the head and cervical spine caused by impaired blood supply or overexertion disappears;
  5. Thanks to the stimulation of the lymphatic system, the entire body heals.


The author of the technique recommends doing facial gymnastics every day, devoting 15-20 minutes a day to working on yourself. The course is quite long, you should not expect quick results. But after 1-2 months, you will be able to see obvious changes that have occurred in your face:

  1. the oval of the face will become clearer;
  2. wrinkles around the eyes will disappear;
  3. swelling of the cheeks and manifestations of ptosis will decrease;
  4. bags and bruises under the eyes will disappear;
  5. transverse wrinkles on the forehead and eyebrow folds will be smoothed out;
  6. the nasolabial triangle will become less pronounced;
  7. the lip contour will be evened out;
  8. complexion and skin texture will improve;
  9. the eyelids will become tightened and the eyes will become more open;
  10. double chin will disappear.


The author of the methodology has created special age programs for those over 30, 40, 50 and 60 years old. In general, these complexes have no fundamental differences from each other. Each consists of several exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of different areas of the face.

It is recommended to start facelifting when small facial wrinkles (which are the first signs of aging) appear: at 25-30 years old. This will help avoid worsening the problem and return the skin to its previous condition. Of course, if you became acquainted with facial gymnastics only when there were already serious age-related changes, you should not expect stunning results. Unfortunately, with the help of facial gymnastics it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the same results as, for example, with the help of plastic surgery or similar radical rejuvenation methods. But with the right approach and regular exercise, the results are still impressive.

Gymnastics for the face according to the Galina Dubinina system

The facelift system includes exercises for different areas of the face.

Exercises for the cheeks and nose will help make the cheekbones more defined and reduce the manifestations of ptosis:

  1. To train the zygomatic muscle, you need to smile with your lips tightly pursed and their corners raised. In this case, the upper lip should be pressed against the teeth. You can do this with your finger. You need to do 8 repetitions at a medium pace, and then 16 at a fast pace. The muscle is under tension all the time. If wrinkles form under the eyes during the exercise, you can hold these places with your fingers.





Exercises that will help make the oval of the face clearer and tighten the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle:

  1. Raise the corners of your lips as high as possible and hold them tense for 16 seconds. If nasolabial folds form during the exercise, you need to hold them with your finger. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.






The author claims that wrinkles on the forehead are formed as a result of the habit of raising and frowning the eyebrows. With the help of exercises you can correct the situation. To begin with, it is recommended to massage the surface of the head, focusing on the frontal part: this will improve blood circulation and enhance the effect of the complex. The exercises themselves must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Place your hand on your forehead in the area where your hair borders. Pull back a little, lock and hold for 8 seconds. Then look down and slowly close your eyes. Stay in this position again. And finally, you need to pull your lips down, stretching your face well. After static exercises, you need to repeat all the actions dynamically, pulling your lips down 16 times and closing your eyes, while holding your forehead.





Exercises for the area around the eyes will help deal with wrinkles and tighten the eyelids:

  1. Open your eyes as wide as possible. You can raise your eyebrows a little if it makes it easier. Hold the tension for 4 seconds. Then lower the upper eyelid without relaxing. Wait 4 seconds. Repeat all manipulations 8 times.





I also encountered all of the above problems because... I’m approaching 30 years old and I like close-up photos less and less, and there is no money for salon procedures and no plans in sight, I started doing these exercises - each small lesson in the video course is dedicated to a specific problem and well describes a specific exercise - how to work muscles, where to put your fingers and so on... What I like is that it explains in detail how to avoid unnecessary wrinkles with such active facial expressions, there are elements of massage... after a week of classes (there are two seasons, I did the exercises according to the 1st, everything took 20-30 minutes , and when you already know how to do the exercise, everything is much faster) I felt the muscles of my face, they ached and my neck too. Unfortunately, mother’s laziness overcame me and in the end I chose only a few of the most relevant exercises and try to do them in the bathroom. It’s better, of course, to do this everything in front of the mirror to control your actions, and first of all it will be funny because of the grimaces. I’m sure it works, and I especially like the face of Galina herself - in close-ups you can see that everything is in order with her face despite her mature age. I want believe that it is not plastic.



So, after going through a bunch of information, I decided for myself that Carol Maggio’s exercises would be too strenuous for me, and somehow scary, the reviews are different; I somehow didn’t like the other techniques either, but the exercises from Galina Dubinina attracted me because of their accessibility (the trainer shows and explains in a way that even my child can understand), in addition, the lessons can be downloaded from well-known resources. Yes, and the reviews were neutral and positive :) So, my impressions: doing all the exercises from Galina Dubinina’s complex, I spend about 50 minutes - 1 hour. Does it seem like a lot? But you probably spend even more time in the gym, and there are about 50 muscles on your face, I wouldn’t lie! When you have mastered all the exercises, you can perform them during the day in “snatches”: in the elevator, in the toilet/bathroom, on the way to work, before bed). I prefer to do the whole complex at once, but this is my choice. I do facial exercises about 2-3 times a week. I think that this is enough for me for now, but again, each person will find an optimal regime for themselves - most importantly, not every day, since the muscles should rest. Immediately after finishing, you will feel how your face seems to rise up)) These are subjective impressions, but that’s exactly what they are! Not a single cream/serum/mask gave the same effect, but this is understandable - they have a different function (care for the epidermis, that is, the “tip of the iceberg”). An important point: I (and not only me) recommend applying oil to a cleansed face before gymnastics. In principle, any cream, or even a rich cream, will do. In a word, I recommend trying this wonderful method of facial care - perhaps this is exactly what will help you correct or “maintain” something in your face without radical intervention!



The advantages of Galina Dubinina’s method over other methods of rejuvenation, which involve the use of cosmetic products or the implementation of manipulations aggressive to the skin, explain the huge number of fans that it has won. Its simplicity, naturalness and safety attracted many women, who were subsequently not disappointed with the results achieved through simple exercises. Of course, the method also has disadvantages. So, if after some procedures, for example, Botox injections, you can literally look younger “before your eyes,” then facial gymnastics should be done regularly for a long time. This requires patience and determination. However, many women experience much greater pleasure from the results that were obtained through their own efforts.