Foreign Bodies of the Stomach

Foreign bodies of the stomach: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Gastric foreign bodies are objects that enter the stomach from the outside and remain in it. Such objects can be different: spoons, knives, forks, needles, buttons, coins and others; they are most often found in children and the mentally ill. Small objects usually pass naturally, but large ones can linger in the stomach, causing unpleasant symptoms and even complications.


One of the most common symptoms in the presence of a foreign body in the stomach is constant aching pain in the epigastrium and a feeling of heaviness. In addition, other symptoms may occur, including nausea, vomiting, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), anorexia, increased body temperature, and even peritoneal phenomena if complications develop.


To make a diagnosis, an anamnesis (medical history), an X-ray examination of the stomach (survey for X-ray-contrast objects, contrast for X-ray-negative foreign bodies) and gastroscopy are used. Gastroscopy allows not only to make a diagnosis, but also to remove the foreign body (caution, in mentally unstable people it is better to perform gastroscopy under anesthesia).


Treatment of a foreign body involves removing it. If a foreign body has passed into the intestine and stopped at some level for more than a day (x-ray control), surgical treatment is indicated. The operation is also performed if it is impossible to remove a foreign body from the stomach using a gastroscope.

Tricho- and phytobezoars

Tricho- and phytobezoars are foreign bodies in the stomach formed when ingesting hair or plant and fruit seeds, most often persimmons. These foreign bodies gradually increase in the stomach, forming a cast of the stomach. Their sizes are sometimes significant. Patients are bothered by a feeling of heaviness, distension in the epigastrium, sometimes bezoars are palpated through the abdominal wall.

Diagnosis and treatment of tricho- and phytobezoars

Diagnosis is based on X-ray and endoscopic data. Treatment consists of removing the bezoar using an endoscope after preliminary crushing. If attempts to remove the bezoar are unsuccessful, surgical treatment is indicated.


The prognosis for gastric foreign bodies is usually favorable, especially if the diagnosis was made and treatment started on time. However, if treatment is delayed, serious complications such as gastric perforation, peritonitis, infectious complications and even death may occur.


Stomach foreign bodies are a serious problem that can lead to serious complications. Therefore, if symptoms appear indicating the possible presence of a foreign body in the stomach, you should consult a doctor. Diagnosis and treatment must be carried out immediately to avoid serious complications and ensure a favorable prognosis.