How to wash your hands of hot peppers

Hot pepper is used in the kitchen as a full-fledged ingredient in some very spicy dishes, and it is also used as a seasoning in preserves. When cutting peppers without gloves, getting oil on your hands is inevitable, as is the appearance of an almost unbearable burning sensation. If this happens, it is important to properly wash the chili pepper off your hands so that it does not have time to seriously damage the skin.

Why is pepper so hot?

The burning sensation of red hot peppers and chili peppers is appreciated by gourmets around the world. The bitterness of the product is due to the presence of capsaicin, an incredibly pungent-tasting substance that causes irritation even at the slightest contact with human skin.

Hot red pepper

The strength of the burning sensation depends on the amount of capsaicin in a particular type of pepper. Those grown in East Asia and South America stand out especially for their bitterness. European varieties are distinguished by a milder pungency, which does not cause an overabundance of feelings even when consumed directly.

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The stability of the juice that gets on the skin is determined by the oily base of the pepper itself. Simply washing it off with water will not work - it is not able to dissolve the oil and remove the burning sensation from the stained area of ​​the skin. It is important to decide how to wash your hands from hot pepper and what to do if burns occur.

When working with pepper, it is advisable to use gloves to prevent burns.

How to relieve burning skin

To make the burning disappear, you need to neutralize the capsaicin that gets on your hands, wash off the oil and treat the damaged areas of the skin with a moisturizer or gel. Despite its stability, hot pepper oil is susceptible to the influence of certain substances that are freely available in any kitchen.

Typical hot pepper burn

The old way - salt and milk

One of the most effective methods of neutralizing capsaicin is fine kitchen salt. It almost instantly reacts with bitterness and turns it into harmless substances.

Fine kitchen salt

To enhance the effect of salt, it must be turned into a thick paste using a few drops of warm water. The smaller the grains of salt, the faster they will turn into a homogeneous mass and react. For 1 tablespoon of salt, half a spoon of water is enough.

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After preparing the gruel, the mixture is carefully applied to the area on the skin stained with pepper. It is necessary to cover the entire stain with the mixture so that the capsaicin is completely neutralized. After a few minutes, you need to wash your hands with warm milk after hot pepper, which will complete the reaction and partially relieve irritation.

At home, salt gruel can also be used to remove superglue from your hands and residual sealant from the bathtub.

Using toothpaste and milk

The method is very similar to the previous one, only regular toothpaste is used instead of salt.

Active components designed to cleanse contaminants quickly react with pepper oil. It is enough to apply a small amount of toothpaste to the stain to feel a pleasant cooling sensation and relief from the burning sensation after a short period of time.

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After the paste dries, it is removed from the skin using a cotton pad soaked in warm milk. After complete cleaning, the remaining milk is washed off with plain water, and the irritated area is treated with moisturizing cosmetics.

Wedge with wedge: how to wash away the remaining bitterness with alcohol

Another emergency way to neutralize capsaicin is to treat it with ethyl alcohol. Alcohol neutralizes the reaction of the burning substance and the skin, quickly removing the burning sensation.

However, this method has a significant disadvantage - you should not use alcohol if you have sensitive skin. Capsaicin will very quickly damage the upper skin, and if alcohol gets into it, the burning will only intensify.

Advice! Capsaicin is much more stable than alcohol, so if the burning sensation from pepper is very strong, it is better to choose the lesser evil - alcohol. It will evaporate very quickly, and the skin can be treated with moisturizer.

In addition to pure alcohol, any alcohol-containing liquid such as strong alcoholic drinks and antiseptic can clean your hands from hot hot peppers. The liquid can be applied using a clean cotton pad, gently applying it to the pepper-stained skin.

Note to the owner! Alcohol-containing liquids can be used to clean any greasy stains, including from the surface of the refrigerator, interior doors or linoleum in the kitchen.

Cucumber compress

Cucumber is a natural source of a huge amount of nutrients and very useful substances. It’s not for nothing that cosmetics based on these components have an excellent rejuvenating and moisturizing effect.

The best way to neutralize capsaicin is to cut a fresh cucumber into pieces. Apply it with a damp surface to the spot on the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes until the beneficial moisture evaporates. The cucumber can be removed, but your hands should be washed well with soap and sanitized.

Advice! Cucumber is clearly inferior to other means in neutralizing burning, but it is absolutely safe even for the most delicate skin.

Oil or glycerin mixture

As mentioned above, hot peppers have a strong, oily base. It is in this oil that capsaicin is dissolved. You can knock out a wedge with a wedge - dissolve it in another oil and simply wipe it off the skin. An ideal candidate for the role of a lifesaver would be sunflower or olive oil. These products are always in a liquid state and are convenient to use on your hands. To enhance the effect of oils, regular sugar is used.

A mixture of liquid butter and sugar is prepared in a ratio of 2:1, respectively. The prepared mixture has a convenient consistency for application to the skin. 10–15 minutes are enough for capsaicin to dissolve in sunflower oil and completely transfer into it from the skin of your hands. After the specified time, the mixture is washed off the skin with plain water and treated with cosmetics.

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Any butter is suitable for this method, including margarine and butter, which must first be melted to a liquid warm mass. Melted butter copes well with stinging agents, but is also suitable for safely cleaning children's skin from felt-tip pen drawings or effectively removing pigmented henna from hands.

Note! If it is not possible to use fat, it can be replaced with glycerin, which is directly applied to the skin in liquid form.

Removing the burning sensation from pepper with soda and soap

A homemade scrub based on laundry soap and soda will help you quickly wash off red hot pepper from your hands.

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The soap is grated on a coarse grater and mixed in a small amount of warm water. Soda is added to the prepared gruel, and all components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is convenient to apply to the skin. Like a cleansing scrub, the mixture is lightly rubbed into the pepper stain until the capsaicin is completely neutralized. Remains of the scrub are removed with plain water and soap.

Interesting to know! In all the methods described above, sugar, salt and soda are used as a scrub - thanks to light rubbing, small grains destroy the oily film and significantly accelerate the neutralization of the burning sensation.

An unusual way to wash your hands is by washing

Rinsing with plenty of water immediately after getting pepper on your hands can help in some cases.

Rinsing your hands with cold water only gives temporary results

With prolonged exposure to capsaicin on the skin, water is practically useless. Some people report significant relief from the burning sensation after soaking their hands with water, but this may be explained by a similar effect of a cold compress - the placebo effect. The burning sensation will appear again as soon as the hands return to normal temperature.

Treatment with Solcoseryl gel

In the pharmacy you can find creams that are designed to relieve irritation from the hands and quickly heal wounds and burns. One of these products is Solcoseryl for external use.

It can be used instead of moisturizer to treat cleansed skin. After several regular applications, the unpleasant burning sensation will disappear, and the burn will heal quickly.

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It is advisable to prepare the cream before you start washing your hands from chili pepper, so as not to waste time.

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The video materials present interesting ways to wash your hands, lips and eyes from hot capsicum.

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To wash your hands of hot peppers, you can do the following:

  1. Lubricate your hands with olive oil, first mix the oil with sugar. This mixture perfectly relieves burning and does not cause redness of the skin. Wash off after a while with warm water and soap;
  2. Mix regular baking soda with liquid soap to a paste, apply to hands and wash off with warm water and soap.

I definitely make adjika for the winter in the fall. Of course, you can’t do without hot pepper when preparing this delicacy. Hot peppers contain phytoncides that simply eat into the skin. And God forbid you touch your face, nose or eye with such hands. Therefore, I hold my hands suspended like a surgeon and immediately try to take measures to get rid of the hot pepper juice from the skin. And simple hand washing with toilet soap will help with this, and then you should wipe your hands dry and lubricate them with moisturizing hand cream.

After working with hot pepper, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, and God forbid you touch your eyes.

The hotness of pepper on your hands can be removed using regular vegetable oil, which you need to thoroughly rub your hands with. Then wash them just as thoroughly with soap.

If you have milk or sour cream on hand, they can also help you in this difficult matter. By the way, the burning sensation in your mouth can be reduced by drinking milk or taking a spoonful of sour cream in your mouth.

If you are already getting into hot peppers with your bare hands, the most important thing is not to scratch your nose or eyes. Then you go, take a basin and wash your husband’s socks or something for yourself. During the washing process, everything will be washed off along with the pepper and there will be benefits. Just washing and washing your hands with soap is somehow boring, when for the good of the cause, somehow more fun time passes.

I wash my hands off after using chili peppers with water and have never had any problems. Well, it stings and that’s it.

Another option is to use sunflower oil or glycerin.

I couldn’t find glycerin, I took butter)). Everything washed off well with shampoo and hot water.

What a pepper!, my grandmother told me when I, as a 5-year-old child, ran into the house with my mouth open and a hot pepper in my hand)) Tears, as I remember, rolled down on their own, although I was already ashamed of them then.

Quickly, immediately guessing that I had tried it, she took out kefir (or yogurt), said that she would put it in her mouth and hold it.

It let go immediately (I remembered it for the rest of my life)), but held on out of fear for at least 10 or 15 minutes). She also put my hands in the plate and poured the same kefir over it. I remember standing there like a Chinese dummy, although up until that moment, he was always “lighting up” like Carlson, with a motor in his butt.

After the kefir and the 10 or 15 minutes that had passed, she thoroughly washed my hands with soap. She warned me not to get them in my eyes and advised me to go and hold them in the stream. I remember it took me at least another 15 minutes,

the pepper “let go”, but I still remember this lesson today..)

Hot peppers add piquancy to food. It is not for nothing that many national cuisines cannot be imagined without this spicy vegetable. This additive must be handled with extreme caution, as some varieties of pepper can cause an unpleasant burning sensation and cause burns. To avoid negative consequences, you need to wash your hands quickly. We will tell you what and how to do this in our article.

Why is he so hot?

All varieties of hot peppers contain a special substance - capsaicin, which imparts a fiery taste. When it comes into contact with the skin, it provokes an immediate reaction: burning, redness or burning.

The degree of heat of pepper is determined by the amount of capsaicin

However, not all varieties contain the same amount of capsaicin, which is why they all burn differently. Thus, peppers from Southeast Asia and South America are considered the most aggressive. These include red bitter and chili. But European varieties, in particular Italian pepperoni, are considered to be the most loyal.

How to wash your hands after peeling hot peppers

As you know, it is easier to prevent trouble than to try to fix it. If you have to work with hot peppers, it is better to do it with gloves.

To avoid getting burned by hot peppers, you need to wear gloves when handling them.

If contact has already occurred and your hands begin to burn, there are several effective ways to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

Treatment with Solcoseryl gel

The product, used to heal wounds and scratches, copes well with burning sensations.

Solcoseryl gel is suitable for treating skin after contact with hot peppers

Those who have used Solcoseryl gel note that they will have to apply the product more than once, but at least 3-4 times until the discomfort goes away.

We clean it the old-fashioned way - with salt and milk.

This method repeats the proven village method of getting rid of burning sensation. True, our ancestors valued salt very much and saved it, so they made do with milk or curdled milk.

Salt scrub quickly removes the burning sensation on the skin that appears after hot pepper

  1. For 1 tbsp. l. Add a few drops of salt and water to make a paste.
  2. Spread the mixture over your hands.
  3. Wash off with milk.
  4. We wash our hands with soap.

This recipe requires fine salt; it quickly removes the cause of the burning sensation - capsaicin.

Toothpaste and milk recipe

Another method of getting rid of burning sensation is based on milk. It is similar to the previous one, only toothpaste is used instead of salt.

Milk neutralizes capsaicin thanks to the protein casein

  1. Apply toothpaste to your hands.
  2. We wait 2–3 minutes.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in milk and wipe off any remaining paste.

Wedge with wedge: how to wash away the remaining bitterness with alcohol

We are talking about alcohol-containing drinks in which you need to hold your hands for several minutes. Alcohol neutralizes the reaction with capsaicin.

To eliminate the burning sensation, wipe your hands with an alcohol-containing liquid.

After this procedure, it is recommended to wipe your palms and fingers with a piece of ice to relieve irritation.

This product is not recommended for use by those who have very sensitive skin on their hands.

Remove hot peppers with a cucumber compress

If hot pepper left a burn, then fresh cucumber can help relieve unpleasant symptoms and restore the skin.

A fresh cucumber compress is a good remedy for relieving burning and healing the skin.

Instructions for use.

  1. Apply a piece of cucumber to the affected area.
  2. Leave for 10–15 minutes.
  3. Remove the compress.
  4. We wash our hands with soap and water and lubricate them with nourishing cream.

Use oil or glycerin

Capsaicin is fat-soluble, so any oil will do to remove the heat. For example, olive.

Olive oil in combination with sugar will quickly relieve unpleasant burning sensations on the skin.

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. olive oil with 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hands.
  3. After 10 minutes, rinse with water and apply hand cream.

Instead of oil, you can use glycerin.

Glycerin effectively neutralizes burning sensation on the skin

Instructions for use.

  1. Lubricate your hands with glycerin.
  2. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash off with hot water and soap.

Glycerin can be replaced with any oil, such as butter.

Removing the burning sensation after chili with soda and soap

To quickly get rid of the burning sensation, improvised means are useful: baking soda and laundry soap.

  1. Mix soda and soap until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Apply to the affected areas.
  3. Wash off with soap and water.
  4. Apply nourishing hand cream.

The baking soda, salt and sugar in these recipes act like a scrub. They remove stubborn juice, eliminating unpleasant sensations.

An unusual way to wash your hands is by washing

Do you still feel the burning sensation? It's time for hand washing. Contact with plenty of water will eliminate the discomfort.

With prolonged contact with water, for example, washing by hand, the burning sensation on the skin goes away

Many who have experienced this method believe that its effect is a placebo effect. In fact, we simply distract ourselves from some sensations and focus on others.

What to do if your mouth burns after eating pepper - video

Hot peppers add zest to dishes, but at the same time make the life of those who undertake their preparation significantly more difficult. If you forgot to wear gloves, you can get rid of the burning sensation using proven means. It is better to evaluate the effectiveness of each one experimentally, since it depends not only on the type of pepper, but also on the individual skin reaction.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement. (4 votes, average: 3.3 out of 5)