Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids

When treating hemorrhoids, depending on the stage, the entire range of therapeutic agents is used, from medications to surgery. These techniques are well developed and widely tested, the risk is considered relatively small.

Conservative therapy

Conservative (drug) therapy does not completely eliminate the disease. Its main goals are to reduce the frequency of exacerbations, their severity and duration. Indications for conservative treatment are the initial stages of chronic hemorrhoids and the acute course of the disease in its later stages.

Don't self-medicate! Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids at home is possible only if the diagnosis of hemorrhoids is established by a proctologist, since more serious diseases of the colon can be hidden under the mask of hemorrhoids.

Conservative therapy consists of general and local treatment. The basis of general treatment, in addition to preventive measures, is the use of drugs that increase the tone of the veins, improve microcirculation and normalize blood flow, so-called phlebotonics.

Local treatment is aimed at eliminating pain. Basically, the drugs are used topically, in the form of suppositories or ointments, and are classified as non-narcotic analgesics. For local treatment of hemorrhoids, drugs such as Gepatrombin G, Posterisan, Procto-glivenol, aurobin, ultraproct, nefluan, etc. are used.

Gentle treatment methods

However, medications can only relieve symptoms or slow the progression of the disease. The problem can only be solved by direct action on the hemorrhoids. The choice of radical methods depends on the stage of the disease, available equipment, etc. Gentle treatment methods use all kinds of physical and chemical influences instead of a scalpel: light, heat, radio waves, special drugs, etc. These methods have the same idea - in various ways to stop the blood flow in the node, as a result of which it atrophies and disappears on its own.

Infrared photocoagulation - exposure of the hemorrhoidal node to high temperature. A coagulator (thin light guide) is applied to the hemorrhoid at 3-5 points. In a few seconds, a burn with a diameter of 2-3 millimeters occurs. The node will disappear in the coming days. The method is considered quite painless. After the intervention, patients can begin work on the same day or the next day.

The sclerotherapy method involves injecting a special drug under the rectal mucosa near the hemorrhoidal node, which also causes blocking of blood flow in the node. The injection is small, only 2.5 mg of the drug, done through the anus.

The most common method for treating early stage hemorrhoids is ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings. In this case, the hemorrhoidal node is strangled mechanically by placing an elastic latex ring on its base. The effect is the same - rejection of the node after 7-10 days.

One of the most gentle methods is the use of a radio beam scalpel - exposure directly to the node with powerful radio waves. Laser coagulation is also used for hemorrhoids. A carbon dioxide or neodymium laser is used. This method can be used to cut off the knot and heal the wound.

Surgical methods

In most developed countries, a typical hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical operation performed only in 17-21% of patients, and in the rest, minimally invasive treatment methods are used.

At the same time, in Russia the most common treatment method is hemorrhoidectomy, performed in 75% of patients, and the above methods are used in only 3%. In large city general hospitals, quite a lot of operations for hemorrhoids are performed, and in specialized proctology hospitals this operation takes first place.

The operation should be performed in case of heavy hemorrhoidal bleeding or constant prolapse of internal nodes in good general condition, in young and middle age.

Among the unpleasant aspects of the operation is its painful