Lewis Triple Reaction

Lewis Triple Reaction is a mechanism that describes the interaction of three chemical reagents leading to the formation of a new substance. This mechanism was discovered and described by American cardiologist Thomas Lewis in 1935.

Lewis Triple Reaction describes the interaction of two or more reactants in the presence of a third reactant, which serves as a catalyst for the reaction. The catalyst speeds up the reaction, but is not consumed in the process. As a result of the interaction of reagents, new compounds are formed, which may have new properties and functions compared to the original reagents.

One example of a Lewis Triple Reaction is the reaction between nitric acid, ammonia and ferric chloride. When these reagents are added to water, ammonium nitrate and ferric chloride are formed, and nitrogen gas is released. This process is an example of a catalytic reaction, since ferric chloride is a catalyst that speeds up the reaction between nitric acid and ammonia.

Another example of a Lewis Triple Reaction is the reaction between calcium carbonate, nitric acid and water. This produces ammonium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water. This process is also catalytic, since nitric acid is the catalyst.

Thus, the Lewis Triple Reaction is an important mechanism in chemistry that explains the interaction of three reactants and the formation of new compounds.

Lewis Triple Reaction

Lewis The triple reaction, also known as the Runyon-Wiscott reaction, is named after cardiologist Thomas Brown Lewis, who discovered it in 1916 while researching the causes of hypertension. This reaction is the effect of mixing three different solutions. One of these solutions contains sodium, the other contains potassium chloride, and the third contains a glycoside, that is, a compound that gives the solution the properties of an electrolyte. By mixing these three solutions, Lewis discovered that their interaction occurred in three stages, each of which was accompanied by the release of heat.

When we mix these three substances together, a complex ionic complex is formed. The interaction between different groups in a solution is responsible for a number of characteristics, such as boiling point, consistency, color change or precipitation. In relation to this reaction, we can say that when mixing sodium potassium chloride and a glycoside, three successive stages of interaction are observed. In the first stage, sodium from potash takes the place of chlorine in the glycoside, thereby yielding cyanide bromide. This leads to the fact that at the second stage the process of replacing bromocinade chlorine with hydrochloric acid in the solvent is carried out, giving the solution hydroxide properties. Finally, in the third stage, the hydroxide residue is replaced by the sulfenamine reagent, forming sodium sulfate. It is also worth noting that analysis of a ternary reaction allows one to obtain information about the components of each solution and their interactions with each other. In addition, analysis of the dynamics of processes occurring in the system helps to determine the conditions for reactions and their results depending on the concentrations of substances.

The significance of the ternary reaction is that it opens the way to studying the multiple reactions that occur between ions in solution. Its broad application is to help detect and quantify the presence of foreign ions in a solution or parts of an extraction, purification or removal of impurity elements. Consequently, the triple reaction makes it possible to evaluate the degree of homogeneity of the system and the relative effectiveness of the proposed operations. Of particular note is the fact that in the process of studying the ternary reaction, the behavior of multivalent ionogens with the addition of precipitants and filters is studied. In contrast, in the case of titration, we know nothing about the properties of those ions that can form complexes. Titration according to the ionization type, carried out in the sodium chloride - potassium chloride system, made it possible to study the equilibrium of the components of the system over time. From the studies carried out, it follows that diffusion due to ions during the titration process is impaired by the heterogeneity of the system. Thus, if we carry out Turing using this method, then detecting the monomeric state will be difficult, since the concentration of produced monomers will increase more slowly.