Muhh - bone marrow

The most suitable bone marrow is calf and deer brain, then ox brain, then goat brain, then sheep brain. The bone marrow of goats and the bone marrow of bulls, especially those not casted, are drier; the bone marrow of the extremities is fattier.

Actions and properties.
It is warming, softening, cleansing and nourishing once absorbed.

Tumors and acne.
Bone marrow is good against hardening and petrification. The bone marrow of calves and deer, for example, is not the same as the bone marrow of domestic and wild goats, since their marrow is dry, and there is nothing good from it.

Nutritional organs.
Bone marrow clogs the stomach and discourages appetite; it should be eaten with seasonings and spices.

Eruption organs.
Valuable bone marrow is injected in the form of suppositories into the uterus and this helps in hardening it.

They say that smearing with deer brain will keep the creeps away.