Muscle that abducts the thumb of the hand, large (M. Abductor Pollicis Major)

The abductor pollicis major muscle (lat. Musculus abductor pollicis major, abbr. MAP) is a forearm muscle that is designed to abduct the thumb from the other fingers. It is located on the back of the forearm and attaches to the base of the thumb and the radius.

The MAP consists of two parts: lateral (external) and medial (internal). The lateral part consists of four heads, each of which is attached to the thumb in different places. The medial part consists of three heads, which are attached to the radius and to the base of the thumb.

The function of the MAP is to abduct the thumb, which allows it to move freely and participate in various activities, such as grasping objects, writing, etc. In addition, MAP is also involved in maintaining the correct position of the thumb in the palm, which ensures stability and stability of the hand.

The abductor pollicis muscle is an important muscle of the forearm and plays an important role in a person's daily life. However, if this muscle is damaged or weakened, it can lead to various problems such as impaired grip, decreased hand strength, and even limited hand mobility. Therefore, it is important to take care of the health of this muscle and perform exercises to strengthen it.

The abductor pollicis muscle (lat. Musculus abductor pollicis) is a muscle in the front of the forearm that retracts the thumb back and pulls it away from the other fingers. It is one of four muscles that form the thumb muscle group.

The abductor pollicis muscle has the shape of a triangle and consists of three layers: superficial, middle and deep. It begins on the palmar side of the forearm at the level of the wrist and passes through the wrist, where it attaches to the base of the thumb.

The function of the abductor pollicis muscle is to retract the thumb to the side, which allows us to move it freely and perform various actions. In addition, this muscle also helps us hold and manipulate objects in our hands.

It is important to note that the abductor pollicis muscle is also involved in the formation of the correct hand position when writing and drawing. If this muscle is weak or damaged, it can lead to difficulty performing these activities.

To maintain the health of the abductor pollicis muscle, it is necessary to perform exercises to strengthen this muscle, such as push-ups, pull-ups, working with dumbbells, etc. It is also important to ensure correct hand position when working with tools and objects so as not to overload this muscle.