Pregnant by choice

Well, what could be easier than conceiving a child, some might think. In any case, we more or less know how this is done. However, how many things must happen, coincide in time and fit together exactly for everything to happen!
Lack of knowledge in this area is not always a big obstacle, but having it will help you complete the task faster.
A visit to a gynecologist can solve many doubts. Moreover, you should consult a doctor before trying to conceive in order to find out about your physical condition, the level of nutrients in the body, the lack of which can lead to birth defects for your child. The doctor may even suggest doing a test to determine possible hereditary diseases. But since at a doctor’s appointment you don’t remember everything you need to ask (and sometimes you don’t even know what to ask), we offer a guide to conception, prepared on the basis of the latest scientific achievements.

When to do it
To get pregnant, you first need to calculate when you are most fertile. According to a study conducted in 1995 by the National Institute of Women's Health (USA), it lasts 6 days: five days before ovulation and one day after it. Ovulation occurs every month around the middle of the menstrual cycle.

In addition, the results of the study state that the possibility of becoming pregnant drops from approximately 36% percent (if intercourse occurs two days before and/or on the day of ovulation) to 10% (if intercourse occurs 4-6 days before ovulation).

There is a simple recommendation for couples to ensure that their sex time coincides with the period of ovulation, when the female body is most ready to conceive: make love every other day between the 10th and 18th days (counting the first day of menstruation as the first day) of your monthly cycle .

However, you should not treat the sacrament of the act of love in a down-to-earth way. This will put too much pressure on the whole pleasant, romantic, non-violent process of conception. It’s best to simply have fun making love for several months a little before the expected date of ovulation. When you realize that for some reason you cannot get pregnant, consult a doctor, who will recommend how and when you can more accurately determine the day of ovulation.

How often should this be done?
For a long time, it was believed that in order for a man to accumulate more seminal fluid, he should abstain from sex for several days before a woman's most fertile period. This is partly true. Research shows that the more often a man ejaculates, the less semen he produces.

However, as it turned out, this is not the main thing. In fact, the more often you have sex, the faster you will achieve the desired results.

Does this mean you need to make love every day to increase your chances of getting pregnant? Not at all.

Couples who have intercourse every other day during their fertile period have almost as high a conception rate (22%) as those who do it every day (25%). But for couples who have sex once a week, this percentage drops to 10, since they may simply miss the main point when they can get pregnant.

How to do this?
Popular rumor says that in order to conceive a child, you should give up certain sexual positions. This is wrong. Sperm are like salmon that like to swim against the current, says Mark Sauer, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University (USA). Couples don't have to worry about the position they take.

You can also ignore the opinion that after sexual intercourse you need to lie on your back for half an hour, placing a pillow under your hips or raising your legs up.

When seminal fluid enters the vagina, millions of sperm rush straight to their destination and are there within literally an hour.