Causes of discontinuity

The reason for this is either internal or external. Internal causes are, for example, juice corrosive, burning, moisturizing and relaxing, drying and causing cracks, or, for example, overflow with a stretching wind, or overflow with a stationary wind, or overflow with juice, stretching due to the movement of juice, which either leaves the body or penetrates it, developing a strong movement. Or, finally, the cause of the disruption of continuity is the overflow of immobile juices.

All this comes either from a strong movement or from an abundance of matter, such as from a powerful movement of expelling force occurring in an unnatural manner, or from movement after the stomach is full. Things that are similar to this include loud screaming or jumping, or, for example, opening tumors.

As for the causes that come from outside, this is, for example, the body, which stretches like a fetus in the womb, or

like a weight or an object that cuts, such as a sword, or burns, such as fire, or crushes, such as a stone. Such things, if they encounter emptiness, pierce, and if they encounter filling, they split the vessels.

External causes also include objects that pierce, such as arrows, and creatures that gnaw and bite, such as dogs, vipers and humans.