Causes of dark bags under the eyes in men

Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? This is an extremely common dermatological problem, the common causes of which are chronic fatigue, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency and the influence of harmful environmental factors. But bags under the eyes can also appear as a result of various diseases, so you should not take this symptom lightly.

Why do bruises appear under the eyes?

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes? The fact is that the skin around them is drier and thinner than on other parts of the body. Increased sensitivity and susceptibility to the influence of negative factors (both external and internal) can be explained by significant loads that are associated with the work of the facial muscles and the structural features of the skin:

  1. there is no granular layer;
  2. skin contains fewer rows of cells;
  3. subcutaneous fat tissue is weak;
  4. a small number of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  5. very thin layer of epidermis;
  6. blood vessels are located close to the surface;
  7. low content of collagen and elastin, which perform a supporting function.


The combination of these features with the influence of negative factors predisposes to rapid skin aging, dryness, poor circulation, and decreased elasticity. Stagnation in small vessels further impedes blood flow and contributes to blood thickening. This leads to skin pigmentation. Translucent vessels with darker venous blood give an unhealthy appearance.

Causes of dark circles

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes of men? Bruises are often the result of exposure to one or more negative factors on the body:

  1. stress and depression;
  2. chronic and acute diseases;
  3. unfavorable heredity;
  4. dehydration of the body;
  5. avitaminosis;
  6. dietary restrictions, vegetarianism;
  7. exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  8. smoking, drinking alcohol;
  9. lack of proper sleep;
  10. chronic fatigue;
  11. poor nutrition;
  12. lack of fresh air;
  13. stagnant processes in the body;
  14. lack of physical activity;
  15. taking certain medications;
  16. allergic reaction;
  17. heavy physical activity;
  18. age-related changes;
  19. structural features of the skin;
  20. injuries, mechanical impact;
  21. circulatory disorders;
  22. inflammatory eye diseases;
  23. wrong lifestyle;
  24. dermatological diseases;
  25. occupational hazard (prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures).

Lack of useful microelements

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes? This may be a consequence of a lack of vitamins and other nutrients in the body. For example, a lack of zinc in the body leads to a deterioration in metabolic processes and the functioning of the immune system. As a result, bags under the eyes may appear, which do not go away even after proper rest. Vitamin K takes an active part in the processes of blood clotting, therefore it is very important for ensuring a healthy complexion and normal blood circulation. Typically, dark circles under the eyes in men disappear as soon as the required concentration of vitamins and microelements is achieved.


Accelerated aging of the skin provokes a lack of vitamin A in the body. A lack of vitamin C, which prevents damage to the vascular wall, negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. It also helps produce collagen, which provides firmness and elasticity to the skin. Vitamin E actively fights free radicals, and this helps maintain a healthy skin structure. If there is a lack of any of the vitamins or microelements, circles under the eyes may appear, which are not easy to get rid of.

Anemia as a cause of dark circles under the eyes

Another cause of dark circles under the eyes in men is anemia. Iron deficiency is a secondary condition and accompanies many different diseases, so if you have low hemoglobin levels and a decrease in the number of red blood cells, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Anemia is accompanied by chronic fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability. In men with iron deficiency, hidden bleeding can be diagnosed due to peptic ulcers, intestinal erosion, hemorrhoids, parasitic diseases, malignant or benign neoplasms.

Consequence of somatic diseases

Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? Most often, such a cosmetic defect appears in those who suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, biliary and other body systems. One of the main reasons for changes in skin tone under the eyes is hypoxia. This condition can be a consequence of smoking, prolonged exposure to a stuffy room or under the scorching sun; it is observed with increased blood pressure, intoxication of the body, or heart failure.


Why are there dark circles under the eyes? Endocrine diseases can be accompanied by hyperpigmentation of the skin and the appearance of bags under the eyes. The cause may be adrenal insufficiency or increased production of thyroid hormones. These conditions are accompanied by increasing fatigue, irritability, apathy, decreased concentration, gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea), weight loss and loss of appetite, decreased blood pressure, fainting and dizziness.

The causes of blue skin under the eyes can be dermatological diseases: eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis. This cosmetic defect often appears in people who are prone to allergies. Pigmentation of the skin under the eyes in this case is a side effect of taking antihistamines. In the case of dermatological diseases, this is a consequence of the use of hormonal ointments that negatively affect liver function.

Dark circles often appear under the eyes in patients suffering from diabetes. Elevated blood glucose levels impair circulation, which can lead to sudden bruising. In the early stages, the disease can be suspected by the following symptoms: frequent urination, constant thirst, feeling hungry, sudden changes in weight, dry mouth, blurred vision, constant fatigue, poor healing of wounds, cuts, and bruising.


Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? If you have a severe cold with a high fever, deep blue-gray bruises may appear under your eyes. Skin pigmentation is caused by inflammation of the eyes (for example, conjunctivitis), tearing, runny nose or sinusitis. In this case, the skin usually acquires a healthy shade immediately after recovery.

Genetic predisposition

Why does a person have dark circles under the eyes in the absence of severe chronic diseases and a healthy lifestyle? Perhaps closely located vessels and hyperpigmentation are a consequence of unfavorable heredity. The cause of this cosmetic defect may also be constitutional factors: deep-set eyes, light and thin skin, increased pigmentation. The situation may be aggravated by the influence of other external and internal negative factors.

Wrong lifestyle

Often, dark circles under the eyes are caused by fatigue. With a lack of sleep and rest, cortisol levels increase in the body, which breaks down collagen in order to replenish energy. This causes the blood vessels to swell and the circles to become pronounced because the skin under the eyes is thinner than other areas. Under such circumstances, you can notice other manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome: decreased memory and performance, absent-mindedness.


Chronic oxygen deprivation, which can cause dark circles under the eyes, is experienced by smokers. The skin changes color due to the accumulation of nicotine in the body and frequent inhalation of tobacco smoke. The problem can be caused by lack of mobility, sudden weight loss, vegetarianism or fasting. The lack of nutrients will immediately affect the condition of the skin and internal organs. This can also worsen chronic diseases.

Dehydration leads to thinning of the skin. If you don't drink enough water, the dark circles under your eyes may become more pronounced. The flow of blood to the veins, as a result of which the vessels are visible through thin skin, can cause constant eye strain, for example, when working at a computer. Stress and depression have a negative impact on the body as a whole. Dark circles can be a reaction to stress or exposure to ultraviolet rays.


How to remove dark circles under the eyes

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to accurately determine the cause of their occurrence. Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? Such a cosmetic defect can be caused by both an unhealthy lifestyle and serious diseases that require lifelong therapy. For some people, this is a consequence of unfavorable heredity or an individual trait. In this case, no creams or ointments will be able to remove dark circles under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes are not an independent defect, but a symptom of some kind of disorder. Therefore, the underlying disease needs to be treated. You should also normalize your sleep schedule, get more rest, get rid of stress, drink enough water, stop smoking and eat a balanced diet. This will significantly improve your overall health. If you need a quick effect, you can massage with ice cubes. Cooling has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Cream for circles and bags under the eyes

Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? If other factors are excluded, then dark circles under the eyes may be genetically determined or associated with structural features of the skin. In this case, you won’t be able to completely get rid of the darkened circles, but you can lighten them a little and make them less noticeable. Special creams are used for this. You need to start actively caring for your skin as it ages, since all problems only get worse with age.


A high-quality cream that will moisturize the skin, relieve puffiness and tone - Gel Contour des Yeux from Clarins. The composition includes extracts of rose hips, butcher's broom, serrated palm, and apricot oil. Shiseido Anti-Dark Circles Eye-Cream improves blood circulation and resolves small hematomas. This product protects against harmful environmental influences and promotes active skin regeneration. The cream should be applied to the skin regularly. It is better to use in courses.

Not many people know what bags under the eyes of men mean. Some people consider this simply the consequences of a stormy night, while others immediately panic and go to the doctor. In fact, the cause of bags under the eyes in men can be the most unexpected, ranging from the most complex to the rather banal.

To eliminate the problem and regain your beauty and healthy appearance, you should go to a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination. Let's consider all the important points regarding the causes of bags under the eyes in men, and determine which method of eliminating this pathology is the most effective.

Causes of pathology

Before starting treatment, it is important to understand why the disease occurs in the first place. First of all, it is worth noting that this pathology occurs equally often in men, women and children. Women pay more attention to their appearance, so they notice bruises earlier and more often than men. In fact, men should also pay attention to dark circles under their eyes, due to the fact that this manifestation can become a definite signal of an emerging illness.

Reasons may include:

  1. restless sleep or lack of sleep;
  2. accumulation of excess fluid in the human body;
  3. changes in hormonal levels;
  4. allergy;
  5. injured nose: sinuses and septum;
  6. weakening of the walls of blood vessels;
  7. natural aging of the epidermis;
  8. excess weight or sudden weight loss;
  9. kidney and heart diseases.

Dark bags under the eyes in men, the causes of which are indicated above, can become a sign of a serious illness that requires mandatory treatment. Let's take a closer look at each of these reasons and try to determine why bags under the eyes occur most often in men.

Restless sleep or lack of sleep

It’s easy to understand what bags under a man’s eyes mean if he sat at the computer all night or attended a party. As a rule, in such situations, sleep occurs at the wrong time, and the human body is in a stressful state. The skin also gets enough time to recover and rest. Any site on the Internet on this topic will tell you how to get rid of bags under the eyes in men caused by overwork. A cool compress and eight hours of sleep have a good effect.

Accumulation of water in the human body

Dark bags under the eyes in men, the causes of which are the result of excessive accumulation of moisture in the patient’s body, can be eliminated by following a strict diet and excluding foods that cause water stagnation.

The reasons for this situation are the occurrence of excess salt in the human body. Salts retain water, and excess moisture, in turn, provokes the development of edema. Salts appear as a result of excessive consumption of food containing large amounts of them. For example, fast food, beer, salty snacks, and fish are considered such products. It is enough to stop eating such products to eliminate the cause of bags under the eyes in men.

Changes in hormonal levels

To understand how to reduce bags under the eyes in men with hormonal imbalance, you need to know how this pathology forms. The fact is that the level of the male hormone, testosterone, is constantly changing. Sometimes the amount of the hormone increases sharply, and sometimes it decreases. In addition, aldosterone, which controls the process of salt retention in the human body and is responsible for its level, can have a negative effect. It is males who produce more of this hormone than women and children.

Allergic manifestations

The causes of the problem may be the development of an allergic reaction. The thing is that special substances are produced in the blood - histamines, which provoke the development of itching, swelling of the throat, mouth and eyes, including the lower eyelid.

An experienced allergist will tell you how to get rid of bags under a man’s eyes as a result of allergies. A specialist will be able to diagnose the disease and prescribe a course of treatment, during which the bags will disappear within a few days.

Trauma to the nose: sinuses and septum

The reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes in men can be due to physical trauma. Men tend to get involved in fights and the nose is the part of the body that is usually injured. Due to such deformations, blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries may rupture and, as a result, dark circles appear under the eyes. Sometimes doctors explain why bags under the eyes in men appear by saying that the patient has a congenital deformation of the nasal septum. As a rule, this pathology is observed in men and is accompanied by swelling under the eye. Under such circumstances, only a surgeon can answer the question of how to remove bags under a man’s eyes. This pathology excludes therapeutic treatment.

Sometimes bags under the eyes in men develop due to a disease - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. They contain a special viscous liquid that acts as a protective barrier against infection. The sinuses periodically cleanse themselves, however, if this does not happen, the fluid hardens and stretches the “pockets”. If you start treatment in a timely manner, it is quite possible to cope with the problem on your own with the help of specialized medications. In advanced forms of the pathology, surgery will be required, but only after finding out why bags under the eyes of men appeared and a full examination.

Black bags under the eyes in men are a cause of vascular weakness

Black bags under the eyes in men are caused by weakening of the walls of the eye vessels and gradual stretching. As a result, they are less able to regulate the overall amount of moving lymph and blood. The resulting disturbances cause stagnation and the appearance of swelling. To make the walls of blood vessels stronger, you should wash your face with cold water every day, and it is also recommended to rub your face with ice cubes. An evening eyelid massage gives a good effect.

Skin aging

Another reason why bags under the eyes in men begin to appear is that the skin gradually ages. With age, the synthesis of collagen and elastin ceases. The skin stops looking young and begins to sag. This begins to appear most quickly in the eye area. This is precisely the reason for bags under the eyes in men. Only plastic surgery can solve the problem.

Excess weight or sudden weight loss

These factors can cause black bags under the eyes in men. The fact is that with obesity, the epidermis stretches, including the skin in the lower eyelid area, loses its elasticity and, accordingly, the quality of the epidermis deteriorates. Sudden weight loss can also lead to black or blue bags under the eyes in men. If the patient wants to restore his appearance without any problems, it is enough to monitor his own weight and lose weight gradually. In addition, it is important to eliminate the causes of black circles under the eyes in men.

Kidney and heart diseases cause bags under the eyes in men

Sometimes, experts explain why bags under the eyes in men are caused by the fact that the patient suffers from kidney or heart disease. With such diseases, fluid stagnation occurs, which in turn causes bags under the eyes in men. The problem can be eliminated only after the underlying disease has been eliminated. To do this, you should contact a specialist and undergo a course of special treatment. An additional symptom that will help determine the underlying disease is blue bags under the eyes in men, the causes of which lie in the development of cardiac pathology.

All of the listed reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes in men can occur, therefore, in order to properly begin to eliminate the problem, you must first answer the question of why bags under the eyes in men appeared in the first place.

How can men get rid of bags under their eyes?

There are several answers to the question of how to remove bags under the eyes of men. Which method will be more effective depends on the cause and form of manifestation of the pathology. Of course, you can find out why bags under the eyes in men appear at home, however, only a specialist can draw up the correct course of treatment. Many men try not to pay any attention to the ugly manifestation until the matter takes a serious turn. Only after this, a man can turn to a specialist, believing that the doctor will immediately rid him of dark circles under his eyes.

First, the doctor tries to determine why the bags under the man’s eyes appeared in the first place, and what treatment the patient needs. Today, the following options are considered the most effective ways to eliminate pathology:

  1. surgical intervention;
  2. cosmetology.

Surgical intervention is considered a radical way to solve the problem, prescribed by a doctor, however, it is also the most effective, which allows black and blue bags under the eyes in men. The operation is quite simple, takes up to 20 minutes, and local anesthesia is used. In this case, bleeding and pain are practically absent. The plastic surgeon makes an incision in the lower eyelid and removes all excess tissue. Surgeons, depending on the cause of bags under a man’s eyes, can eliminate the wrinkles that have appeared in order to restore a beautiful appearance to the face. In addition to surgery, the following will help maintain skin tone: gymnastics, massage, diet.

Cosmetic procedures can also eliminate the problem of the formation of black or blue circles under the eyes in men. Specialists will be able to eliminate swelling and swelling in the shortest period. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine why bags under a man’s eyes appeared in the first place. Once the diagnosis has been made, treatment can begin. A cream for bags under the eyes for men can quickly remove an aesthetic defect with the correct composition and regular use.

Electrical stimulation of the skin with weak impulses has a good effect. This will restore blood circulation in the epidermis and get rid of black circles and bags under the eyes. If you follow the advice of doctors and take preventive measures, the result obtained will be quite durable. In addition, mesotherapy and lymphatic drainage techniques are used, which can rid the patient’s body of excess fluid. Various cosmetic masks have a positive effect.


When dark circles appear under the eyes, the patient should ask what causes black bags under the eyes in men and take appropriate measures. The best option would be to visit a doctor who will try to diagnose the disease, identify its causes and create a course of treatment that will subsequently give a good lasting effect. You can use a cream for bags under the eyes for men, or you can visit a plastic surgeon.

In any case, you should not neglect the development of such a sign as dark or blue circles under the eyes, because this may be the initial symptom of a serious illness.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest. It is sensitive to any changes in our body, and a change in its color signals problems. Men do not care as much about their appearance as women, so they often do not pay attention to bags under their eyes. But in vain: changing the color of the skin around the eyes is not only a cosmetic problem, but also a sign of a disease or poor lifestyle.

Causes of bags under the eyes

Black circles around the eyes occur because the venous blood circulating around the eyes is dark in color. Don’t panic if this problem is related to a feature of your body or if your ancestors always had such “eyes.” Veins located close to the surface of the skin are more common in dark-skinned people than in white people. This physiological feature cannot be corrected surgically. In this case, cosmetics will come to the rescue.

There are several groups of factors that lead to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes in men.

A debilitating lifestyle

Bags under the eyes are caused by:

  1. Lack of sleep. If you sit late at the computer or in front of the TV, drive a car at night and are used to going to bed later than midnight, then the occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome is almost inevitable. Under such circumstances, in addition to circles under the eyes, you may notice impaired memory function, decreased performance and absent-mindedness.
  2. Smoking. Due to the narrowing of capillaries, active smokers regularly experience chronic oxygen starvation. The skin around the eyes begins to change color due to frequent inhalation of cigarette smoke and the accumulation of nicotine in the body.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. Walking in the fresh air and playing sports are vital for the human body. According to cardiologists, an adult man should receive at least 4 hours of aerobic exercise weekly.
  4. Losing weight. Sudden weight loss and a craving for vegetarianism or fasting are a sure way to get blue bags under the eyes. A lack of nutrients in the body immediately affects the condition of the skin and the functioning of internal organs.


Consequence of a serious illness

Diseases can also cause bags under the eyes:

  1. Hypoxia. One of the main reasons for discoloration of the skin tissue around the eyes is oxygen starvation. This condition can occur due to smoking or be a consequence of prolonged exposure to a stuffy room or in the sun, increased blood pressure, heart failure and intoxication of the body.
  2. Endocrine diseases. Hyperpigmentation of the skin around the eyes, accompanied by the appearance of bags, may indicate the development of adrenal insufficiency. And with excess production of thyroid hormones, peeling and jaundiced tissue may appear.
  3. Skin diseases. Psoriasis, eczema and atopic dermatitis can also cause blue skin around the eyes in men. This happens due to the active use of antihistamines, which affect liver function, and the use of hormonal ointments.


How to cure dark circles under the eyes

If bluish circles under the eyes occur, the possibility of developing a particular disease should be excluded. To do this, you need to contact a general practitioner for a visual examination and tests. If the presence of pathology is not confirmed, the specialist will prescribe lifestyle changes and follow the following recommendations:

  1. Healthy sleep is the best medicine. Therefore, you should sleep at least 8 hours a day with the window open. At the same time, it is recommended to go to bed no later than 10–11 pm, and an hour before bedtime, avoid watching TV and working on the computer.
  2. Drink more water - this will help your skin stay fresh and healthy longer. The optimal amount of clean water that an adult man should drink is 6–8 glasses per day.
  3. Make it a rule to spend at least 2 hours outdoors every day. It’s good if the walks include physical activity - running, exercise, team sports.
  4. Include in your daily diet various types of meat and a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which contain B vitamins. These products will help you feel energized throughout the day.
  5. Consuming ascorbic acid will help thin the blood in the vessels and capillaries, which will ensure the supply of oxygen to the tissues and help remove blue circles under the eyes.
  6. Regularly do a light toning massage in the area around the eyes. Light stroking movements will help relax the muscles and ensure blood circulation.
  7. To quickly tidy up tired skin, use special compresses made from a decoction of herbs. To do this, you need to brew chamomile, string and St. John's wort and pour the cooled mixture into an ice container. You can wipe the area around your eyes with frozen cubes every morning.


Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages provokes darkening of the skin around the eyes, so know the limits when drinking alcohol.

Video: how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are a problem that requires not a cosmetic, but a comprehensive solution. In some cases, changing your lifestyle may be enough to restore your skin's whiteness and freshness. However, to exclude serious causes related to health problems, it is recommended to undergo general tests and, if necessary, consult a doctor.