Thrombus Hyaline

Thrombosis and embolism in endothelial dysfunction

Thrombosis This is a complication of the process of thrombus formation, which develops in the lumen of a vessel under the influence of time or under the influence of certain factors. Types: arterial, venous, migratory. The shape of the lesion can be limited or widespread, superficial or deep according to the stage of development, regular or obstructive according to localization. Thrombi consist of fibrin and blood cells (red and white blood cells, pieces of endothelium). In arterial and venous thrombi, the presence of platelets, platelet detritus (protruding into the lumen of the vessel), and fibrin replacement are noted. Blood clots are white and red; the latter appear to be compaction of the vessel wall by thrombotic masses. Among the thrombotic masses there are both true thrombi and phlebothrombotic masses, which undergo lysis relatively quickly. Etiology of thrombosis. A distinction is made between primary thrombosis, when the source of the thrombus is inside the vessel and it breaks off, and secondary thrombosis, which develops as a result of the formation of a blood clot on the wall of the vessel, its separation and migration to the underlying parts of the vascular bed. In turn, the detached blood clot can return to its source. Clinical manifestations of thrombosis are caused by the mechanical effect of a blood clot or its breakdown products on the vascular wall. The severity of clinical manifestations is determined by the intensity of the thrombotic process. The risk of developing thrombosis depends on a number of factors: the patient’s age, gender, heredity, genetic defects (polymorphisms in genes for coagulation enzymes, the anticoagulant system, the presence of damage to the vascular wall). The risk of thrombosis is also influenced by the number and time the patient remains in a stationary position, the nature of nutrition, the presence of concomitant diseases (tuberculosis, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, nephrotic syndrome, congenital vascular diseases, connective tissue diseases with an altered anticoagulant system, heart valve insufficiency at the stage compensation) The amount of data on the primary sources of thrombus formation is very scarce. The exact causes of thrombogenesis remain a mystery even to leading experts. The occurrence of a hemorrhagic thrombus in a vein is accompanied by the addition of a hematoma, which adversely affects the blood supply to the limb and its overlying parts. Involvement of the abdominal aorta in the process is accompanied by the presence of collateral pathways with the development of an aneurysm