Xanthochromia Cerebrospinal Fluid Hemorrhagic

Xanthochromia is a change in the color of a solution caused by the formation of colored compounds (mainly complexes of organic substances with metal ions).

Xanthochromia is a change in the color of a liquid or solution due to the formation of a colored compound.

Xanthochromic reactions are qualitative reactions to cations Fe2+, Cu2+, Mn2+ and others.

A change in color of a solution may be caused by a reaction with one or more substances. For example, when a solution of iron (III) chloride is added to a solution of copper (II) sulfate, a red precipitate of copper (II) hydroxide is formed, and when hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4), the solution turns purple.

In medicine, the xanthochromic reaction is used to detect certain substances in biological fluids, such as urine and blood. Xanthochrome can also be used to detect certain medications, such as acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol.

The color of xanthochrome is determined by the nature of the metal cation, which forms a complex with organic matter. For example, the iron cation (Fe3+) produces a red-violet color, while the copper cation (Cu2+) produces a green-blue color.

Chronic xanthochromic hemorrhage of cerebral cerebrospinal fluid was observed in many patients in the anamnesis and proceeded indistinguishably from acute Gaucher anemia, a disease from the group of storage diseases.

If one part of the parents (usually the mother) also suffers from this disease, which can lead to the development of congenital pathology. However, such children usually have mental retardation and neurological disorders, but for a long time they can do without serious complications. Therefore, if there is a positive test for galactose in the urine and/or blood of a child, it is advisable to contact a geneticist to diagnose a disease inherited in a recessive, X-linked type: all children from the same generation and every girl in the family are the carrier and owner of the pathological gene. Women, being carriers of a hereditary defect, actively conduct prenatal diagnostics on their daughters and subsequently convince them to have an abortion,