Get pregnant at the right time

A new method for determining lucky days

Obviously, having a child will require you to change your professional and social situation for at least 6-7 months. For some, this is connected with their own career, with their husband’s career or family plans, while others are aimed at a specific season or the zodiac sign of the future heir.

At all times, there have been many ways to help you get pregnant for sure. I would like to dwell in more detail on the most justified ones.

Method 1. Single sexual intercourse.

The first intercourse is the most decisive, with the highest concentration of sperm. Subsequently, the concentration decreases by approximately half. Therefore, many families abstain from having sex for about a week before the most important sexual intercourse.

Method 2. Motile sperm in a man.

The male reproductive cell plays a decisive role in conception. Therefore, a man should be prepared, at least for the last two weeks. Be sure to include meat, fish, and nuts in his diet - all this increases sperm motility. You should avoid alcohol and heavy physical activity (including too intense fitness) - this has a bad effect on the quality and quantity of sperm. Take your man for a walk - fresh air, nature, a romantic atmosphere - all this helps to improve sperm motility and the man’s mood, which is also important.

Method 3. Selecting days.

Previously, many religions specified times when sexual activity was strictly prohibited. Usually 7 days after menstruation were prohibited. The custom was strictly observed, so the peak of sexual activity occurred precisely in the middle of the cycle, when the likelihood of conception was highest.

And now about the modern one.

A woman can become pregnant only during a few (2-3) days of the cycle - during ovulation. Moreover, not every cycle is ovulating. Normally, a woman under 28 years old has 9-10 ovulations per year, from 28 to 33 years old about 7-8 ovulations per year, and after 35 even less.

Each menstrual cycle, one of the follicles in the ovary begins to grow. Under the influence of female sex hormones, a mature egg is formed. Somewhere in the middle of the cycle, this egg is released from the follicle and is ready to meet the sperm. The egg lives for about a day. Sperm - 3-5 days.

If sexual intercourse occurs 2-3 days before ovulation, then there are few live sperm left, but if it occurs directly on the day of ovulation, this significantly increases the chances of conception.

Knowing this, you can definitely hit the right day. How to find these necessary days?

Now you can calculate the time of ovulation using several methods:

  1. the calendar method is the oldest and most unreliable, since even with a regular cycle, it is not a fact that ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of it;

  2. measuring rectal temperature (not a pleasant task) does not give a clear result, because stress, colds, and diets change the temperature in the rectum by 0.2-0.3 degrees;

  3. study of saliva crystallization - it is known that closer to the middle of the cycle, when the level of female sex hormones increases, saliva crystallizes in the form of fern leaves. But the nature of crystallization can be affected by coffee or tea drunk shortly, besides, when you really want to, you can see fern leaves in a microscope, although they are not there.

Recently, Clear Plan appeared - a special test that allows you to accurately determine the very 2 days when conceiving a child is most likely. This test was made in England. Now almost every 8th German, English or Swiss woman uses Clear Plan.

Everyone knows the Clear Blue pregnancy tests. Clear Plan is very reminiscent of them. This test determines the level of the main fertility hormone in the urine - luteinizing hormone (LH), which is a signal for ovulation. A rapid increase in the concentration of LH in the urine indicates that ovulation will occur within 24-36 hours. It was on this day that I appeared