Who is contraindicated for massage?

List of contraindications for massage

Massage - useful and pleasant

Despite the fact that massage has been used for quite a long time and is considered safe for health, there are certain situations when massage is strictly contraindicated or indicated, but with extreme caution.

Before performing any type of massage, it is recommended to consult with an experienced massage therapist or doctor.

If you trust a massage therapist to perform a massage, be sure to inform him about your health problems. This is necessary for the massage therapist to select the most optimal massage option for your case, as well as to eliminate possible contraindications.

Before performing a massage, the patient must be in a good mood and should not be distracted by lack of time or poor health. Also, the massage therapist should be notified about your injuries, possible fractures, and whether you have recently had surgery.

Contraindications to massage

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications, the presence of which prohibits the performance of one or another type of massage. If the patient has a number of contraindications or is not completely healthy, it is better to reschedule the massage for the next session.

Skin diseases and problems

It must be taken into account that areas with cuts, bruises, blisters, and abrasions are very sensitive to exercise and are also easily susceptible to infection. Therefore, such an area should be avoided. Contagious skin diseases such as scabies, lichen, herpes completely exclude massage.

  1. Scabies - a contagious skin disease. The disease can be identified by small paired red spots. Most often, such marks can be observed on the wrists, between the fingers, which are very itchy.
  2. Ringworm – is a fungal skin disease. The disease develops from small red spots, which over time increase in size and form larger shiny spots throughout the body.
  3. Herpes - a viral infection, which can be identified by sores that can itch and fester. Painful blisters can be observed on the lips, near the mouth, nose, and on the body.
  4. Impetigo – a contagious skin disease of bacterial origin. The disease consists of blisters filled with serous fluid. Over time, the bubbles begin to burst, leaving yellowish crusts in their place.

Circulation problems

If the patient has any problems with blood circulation, be sure to consult a doctor. If you have hypertension, there is a risk of blood clots, so talking with your doctor is essential. If high blood pressure is caused by frequent stress, massage will only improve the condition.

If your blood pressure is low, there is a risk of fainting. Therefore, the massage therapist should monitor the patient more closely during and after the massage session. Problems such as thrombosis, recent bleeding, embolism require mandatory consultation or the direct presence of a doctor.


In general, the presence of cancer completely precludes performing massage exercises. However, recently massage has become a palliative remedy in the treatment of this type of disease.

Before performing the session, the patient must consult with an oncologist. It should be noted that the procedure cannot be performed after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


People suffering from epilepsy should undergo almost every procedure only after consulting a doctor. This applies not only to massage. Preliminary consultation is necessary because patients with epilepsy take certain medications to stabilize the condition. Massage can provoke a new attack of the disease.


Regarding pregnancy, massage can be very beneficial during this period and is also not a safe activity. The massage therapist must be aware of your new condition, since the effect occurs on two people at once.

All movements should be smooth, light, soft. All violent forceful techniques are prohibited. It is especially important to take into account the recommendations in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Children and old age

Younger and older patients, as well as people with a fragile build, need light and soft touches. The force of influence on the patient must correspond to his state of health and energy. Even when working with large and strong-looking children, you should not overdo it. In any case, the patient must get used to the massage therapist and the technique of performing it, and the massage therapist to the patient.

It may happen that an energetic, invigorating massage will energize a young patient so much that he may faint.

Finally, some important and useful tips:

  1. For muscle pain, stiffness and tension, massage more gently and carefully so as not to increase existing discomfort.
  2. It is useful to drink a glass of water before performing the procedure. This is necessary for better removal of toxins from the body and cleansing it.
  3. When massaging a newborn, you should not massage the head, since the skull is not well strengthened and the fontanel is not overgrown. A foot massage will be very helpful.
  4. When performing a massage at home, first create a suitable environment: dim the lights, turn on relaxing music, fill the room with aromatic oils that are pleasant to you.