Breast massage for stretch marks

Small pale pink or white stripes on the chest, different in structure from the surrounding skin, are called striae or stretch marks. You can get rid of an unsightly cosmetic defect using both salon procedures and improvised means. The speed of the fight depends on the type of striae and the reason for their formation.

Why do stretch marks form on the chest?

Stretch marks appear due to thinning of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity. For these reasons, in those places where the skin is strongly stretched (chest, thighs, abdomen), internal tears of the epidermis occur, which are replaced by connective tissue over time.

Decreased elasticity of the epidermis can cause various problems. The most common include:

  1. hormonal imbalance (puberty, pregnancy, menopause);
  2. lactation;
  3. rapid weight gain or loss;
  4. diabetes;
  5. genetic predisposition;
  6. lack of vitamins and minerals;
  7. taking hormonal drugs.

Types of stretch marks

Depending on the time of appearance and color, striae are usually classified into two types:

  1. New. The lines are bright pink or purple in color and stand out clearly against the background of the surrounding fabric. Fresh stretch marks on the chest are easy to correct, shrink in size, and become less obvious.
  2. Obsolete. The stripes are pearlescent or white in color, almost invisible on the skin, and clearly appear when tanning. It is more difficult to get rid of old stretch marks; you need to contact a professional cosmetologist or undergo an expensive operation.

Is it possible to remove stretch marks on breasts forever?

When starting the fight against stretch marks, it is important to know that you can completely get rid of them only through surgery; other methods will only help make stretch marks less noticeable. If you feel severe, causeless itching in the breast area, are expecting the birth of a child, or have finished breastfeeding, seek help from cosmetics or traditional medicine.

Methods for removing stretch marks

Home remedies can only remove fresh stretch marks - red or purple in color. Effective methods include: creams or gels, compresses with aloe and other medicinal plants, massage, contrast shower. Cosmetic procedures such as mesotherapy and body wraps are no less effective. Plastic surgery can help remove old stretch marks.

Professional treatments

Cosmetic shops and beauty salons today offer different methods for getting rid of stretch marks on the chest. The most popular include:

Average price in Moscow (per session)

The laser damages problem areas, which activates the production of elastin and collagen. This leads to a decrease in the severity of stretch marks and thickening of the epidermis.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to complete a course of 5 procedures. For old stretch marks – 10 sessions.

  1. allergy;
  2. poor healing of scars;
  3. dark skin.

From 10,000 rubles.

Application of oxygen-containing products to the upper layers of the epidermis. The procedure stimulates cell regeneration processes.

Chemical peeling is performed under local anesthesia. To achieve the effect, you need to do up to 10 procedures.

  1. oncology;
  2. lactation;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. infectious diseases;
  5. heart diseases;
  6. herpes;
  7. individual intolerance to the composition.

Saturates the skin with beneficial substances, vitamins, minerals. Increases elasticity.

10–15 sessions are required. The procedure is effective as a preventive measure.

  1. fungal skin diseases;
  2. individual intolerance to mixtures;
  3. allergy;
  4. wounds, abrasions on the body;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. lactation;
  7. oncology;
  8. thrombophlebitis;
  9. cardiovascular pathologies.

It affects the deep layers of the dermis, activates blood circulation and collagen production.

Suitable only for the treatment of fresh stretch marks. Standard course – 10 procedures.

  1. various skin diseases;
  2. stage 3 hypertension;
  3. severe endocrine disorders;
  4. tumors;
  5. pregnancy.

Preparations with plant extracts are administered subcutaneously. The procedure saturates the skin with vitamins, tightens, and activates regeneration processes.

To achieve effectiveness, it must be combined with microcurrents or plasma lifting. Suitable for all types of stretch marks. Standard course – 10 sessions.

  1. pregnancy;
  2. breast-feeding;
  3. menstruation;
  4. hormonal changes;
  5. increased sensitivity to drugs;
  6. decreased immunity;
  7. blood diseases.

Massage of the upper layers of the skin, carried out by supplying a stream of directed air with solid microparticles.

The technique is suitable for getting rid of fresh stretch marks on the chest. Course – 10 sessions.

  1. rosacea;
  2. dermatosis;
  3. diabetes;
  4. increased skin sensitivity;
  5. viral or bacterial diseases.

Cosmetics and medicines

In pharmacies and specialized cosmetic stores you can find professional creams, ointments, and gels for stretch marks on the chest. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the composition, it should include:

  1. vegetable oils – shea, jojoba, olive, almond, coconut, shea butter;
  2. extracts from plants - chamomile, calendula, aloe vera, nettle;
  3. algae extracts;
  4. vitamins and minerals;
  5. hyaluronic acid;
  6. Hydroxyproline is a substance that stimulates collagen production.

The cream for stretch marks on the chest acts superficially. It saturates the skin with nutrients, prevents moisture loss, stimulates blood circulation, improves the production of elastin and collagen. Regular use of cosmetics makes the skin smooth and velvety, significantly reduces the visibility of stretch marks, but this method will only be effective if there are fresh stretch marks. Among the wide range of products, the following products are popular among women:

  1. Gel phytolastil from Lierak. The average price is 2854 rubles per 100 ml.
  2. Universal body cream for stretch marks from Vichy – 1125 rubles for 200 ml.
  3. Sanosan – 385–450 rub. for 100 ml.

Folk remedies for stretch marks on the chest

If stretch marks have just begun to appear or you want to prevent their occurrence, you can resort to the help of traditional medicine. To help get rid of the problem:

  1. Essential oils (almond, castor, coconut, peach, flaxseed). They are applied to the chest and given a light massage. The procedure is carried out every day until the desired result is achieved.
  2. Mask with honey. At 0.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, add 3 drops of essential oil and 1 tsp. thick natural honey. Apply the mixture to your chest, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. You need to make masks 1-2 times a week.
  3. Cereals. 3 tbsp. l. Pour 100 ml of boiling water over Hercules porridge. Leave for 20 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream. Apply the mixture to your chest. Wait 20 minutes, then rinse. It is recommended to make a mask once a week.
  4. Curd mask. Mix 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese with 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg, 3 drops of jojoba oil. Distribute evenly over chest and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off any remaining product. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.
  5. Coffee scrub. 2 tbsp. l. Mix ground coffee with 1 tsp. honey and 3 drops of any essential oil. Apply the scrub to the chest, massaging gently. It is recommended to use the mixture 2 times a week.

A young and fit, beautiful, healthy body is the dream of every woman. To achieve such an effect, representatives of the fair sex are ready to spend a lot of money, time and effort. However, the state of the area that has long attracted men - the breasts - sometimes brings grief instead of joy. The reason for this is the appearance of dark stripes (stretch marks, or striae), which have an unpleasant appearance. Getting rid of them is not so easy.

The main reasons for the formation of stretch marks on the chest

Doctors cite several factors as the reasons for the formation of stretch marks. The main one is a hormonal disorder caused by physical changes in the body. It is observed:

  1. at puberty, when the first menstruation appears;
  2. during pregnancy, when internal changes occur (stretching of the muscles of the anterior wall of the peritoneum, enlargement of the mammary glands in size, etc.);
  3. with sudden weight gain or loss (more than 5 kg within a month);
  4. with long-term use of hormonal drugs.

Among other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, experts note the patient’s history of certain diseases:

  1. Cushing's syndrome, accompanied by dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  2. pathologies of the endocrine system.

In some cases, stretch marks are formed as a result of a flabby muscle frame (with prolonged diets, with a sudden cancellation of sports training, etc.).

Stretch marks that appear after childbirth in nursing women are caused by regular flow of milk to the mammary glands. This creates a strong load on the chest, as a result of which the skin stretches greatly and sometimes sag. Striae formed at the end of the breastfeeding period are caused by a sharp decrease in breast size. The milk no longer arrives, but the epidermis simply did not have time to recover, hence the ruptures in the tissues.

The most difficult case is considered to be a genetic predisposition to the formation of stretch marks.. In such people, the skin is thin. Usually these are inhabitants of northern countries, where there is little sun and warmth.


Types of striae and their features

From a cosmetological point of view, a stretch mark is a narrow area of ​​deformed skin, 5–10 cm long and up to 5 mm wide. Depending on the period of appearance and shade, stretch marks are distinguished:

  1. fresh (newly formed), having a rich color, from bright red to bluish-violet;
  2. old, whitish or with a pearlescent tint.

Fresh stretch marks are easy to correct. With timely measures they are easily reduced in size and become less pronounced. Old stretch marks have a lot in common with scars. It is not always possible to remove them completely. To make the stripes less noticeable, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

The principle behind the appearance of all types of stretch marks is the same. The skin of the décolleté and chest becomes thin, loses moisture, and as a result, its elasticity and firmness decrease. Such depleted skin slowly returns to its original position after stretching caused by various factors. Therefore, micro-tears (of vessels, tissue fibers) are inevitable. Over time, the tears heal, overgrown with connective tissue. A scar, or striae, remains on the surface of the skin. Its color depends on whether there are active blood vessels at the site of the rupture. If they are present, the color of the stretch mark is bright; if there are no capillaries, the stretch mark is light.

How to get rid of them: main methods of removal

The human body has a unique ability to heal itself. A stretch mark, which is a tear inside the skin, may disappear after some time. The healing of the gap occurs due to the formation of new layers of connective tissue. However, a slightly noticeable whitish trace that does not tan in the sun and is not masked by foundation will remain for a long time.


What can you do at home?

Vegetable oils will help you fight stretch marks on your chest at home:

Apply a thin layer of oil to cleansed décolleté skin and rub in lightly.. Thanks to the high content of vitamin E, the skin:

  1. begins to actively update;
  2. becomes elastic, elastic;
  3. replenishes lack of moisture;
  4. acquires a beautiful, uniform shade.

It is useful to include nuts (walnuts, cashews, etc.), fresh fruits, herbs and seafood (mussels, sea fish, etc.) in your daily diet. It becomes mandatory to drink a sufficient amount of fluid (1.5–2 liters of clean water per day).

It is recommended to take a contrast shower daily. It will not only restore elasticity to the skin, but also strengthen the immune system.

You can regularly use special cosmetics for the breasts and décolleté (creams, serums with a nourishing, moisturizing, lifting effect). The funds should include:

  1. vitamins (A, E, etc.);
  2. amino acids;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. plant extracts (from chamomile, horse chestnut, etc.);
  5. synthesized collagen, elastin;
  6. essential oils (from wheat germ, tea tree).

An important aspect of the fight against stretch marks is the correct selection of underwear (bodices, bras). On the one hand, cups should not pinch blood vessels or put pressure on the mammary glands. On the other hand, the bodice should tightly hug the chest, fixing its position.


Regular lubrication with Contractubex (anti-scar gel) will help make old stretch marks more invisible at home. You can also do:

  1. contrast compresses (alternately hot water with salt and cold water with lemon juice);
  2. half-hour seaweed wraps pre-infused in hot water;
  3. rubbing with lotions or tonics made from medicinal herbs;
  4. scrubbing (every 7-10 days), which helps get rid of dead cells.

To prepare lotion for stretch marks you need:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Boil dried rosemary in 1 liter of water;
  2. let cool;
  3. then add 2 tbsp to the broth. l. lemon juice, 2 tsp. medical alcohol or vodka, 2 tsp. table salt.

The lotion is stored in a cool, dark place, in a glass or ceramic container.

To make a tonic that helps with stretch marks on the chest, take:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. mixtures of dry dill seeds and linden blossom;
  2. 0.5 liters of boiling water.

The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water, allowed to brew for about 4 hours, and filtered. Apply to the skin without rinsing off until completely dry.

You can add essential oils to cosmetic creams at the rate of 3–5 drops per 10 ml portion of the product. Here are the main types of essential oils:

  1. geranium - tones and softens the skin;
  2. ylang-ylang - has a smoothing effect, moisturizes;
  3. pink - restores elasticity;
  4. lavender - prevents aging.


To prepare a homemade scrub, you can mix (optional):

  1. white or blue clay with coarse sea salt;
  2. 20% sour cream with coffee grounds.

The scrub is applied to cleansed skin with light circular movements, rubbed on the skin for 5–10 minutes, then washed off with warm water, and the body is wiped dry with a hard towel. After this, apply a quickly absorbing moisturizer.

For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the choice of folk remedies that help with stretch marks in the décolleté area is greatly limited. Some components have a pronounced aroma, others are strong allergens. During the period of bearing a child and lactation, children's cosmetics, unscented creams, or products with special marks are optimal.


Professional ways and means

Breast massage, which can remove stretch marks, can be performed in a salon or at home, having mastered a simple movement technique. It is better to conduct the first sessions with a qualified massage therapist, since he is able to accurately calculate the force of hand pressure and the duration of the course. Movements should be light, clockwise.

To perform the massage, diluted essential oils (cedar, etc.), as well as special creams and mumiyo are used. A course of 8–10 procedures is enough to:

  1. eliminate blood stagnation in tissues and blood vessels;
  2. stimulate metabolic processes in the skin;
  3. improve oxygen metabolism of tissues;
  4. make stretch marks less pronounced.

Cosmetic shops and beauty salons now offer to reduce stretch marks using various techniques that are selected individually for each client.. The most common and effective methods are:

  1. wraps;
  2. microdermabrasion;
  3. course of ultrasound therapy;
  4. chemical peeling;
  5. mesotherapy and the use of ozone mixtures.

A wrap course of 10 procedures helps restore skin elasticity, increases tone, and accelerates the healing process of torn walls of blood vessels and capillaries. A medicinal mass (with algae, mud, etc.) is applied to the cleansed skin of the décolleté, distributed in an even layer and wrapped for 30–50 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Microdermabrasion is essentially similar to home scrubbing, only smaller. The technique has proven itself well in removing fresh stretch marks. Cosmetologists direct an air stream to the problem area of ​​the skin along with a fine abrasive, the particles of which simultaneously:

  1. remove dead particles of the epidermis;
  2. perform a superficial skin massage.

During ultrasound therapy, the fat layer located under the skin is massaged. This effect cannot be achieved with manual massage. Under the influence of an ultrasonic signal:

  1. metabolic processes are accelerated;
  2. collagen production is stimulated.

Chemical peeling is used to remove old stretch marks. The décolleté skin is treated with a mixture containing acids, strictly monitoring the exposure time. As a result, dead cells on the surface and in the thickness of the skin are removed, and collagen production is accelerated.

Mesotherapy and the introduction of ozone mixtures have much in common. A nutrient saturated with oxygen, vitamins and herbal extracts is injected under each stretch with a thin needle. Such injections make the skin “cheer up”, trigger metabolic processes, and stimulate cell regeneration.

Regarding laser peeling for the elimination of stretch marks on the chest, which is in great demand, the opinions of experts are divided. Some believe that the effect of the laser has a detrimental effect on the mammary glands, others note the high effectiveness of the procedure (a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin occurs already in the 3-4th session).


How to prevent stretch marks from appearing

Preventing the formation of stretch marks is much easier than removing existing ones on the body. The following are used as preventive measures:

  1. strict control of body weight;
  2. balanced diet (introduction of fresh vegetables and fruits, sufficient protein intake to stimulate collagen production, avoidance of sweets and flour products);
  3. moderate physical activity, including stretching all the muscles of the body (yoga, Pilates, stretching, etc.).

Among active sports, push-ups, exercises with dumbbells, and visiting the pool are suitable for preventing stretch marks.

Women are advised to wear a special bra during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. He is capable of:

  1. reduce the load on the spinal column;
  2. keep your breasts toned and prevent sagging skin.

In addition, you can massage your skin with a hard towel after showering. This speeds up blood circulation.

The appearance of stretch marks on the chest is a nuisance, but not a final death sentence. This phenomenon can be observed both in young girls during puberty and in young mothers after breastfeeding. It is necessary to fight stretch marks at the first signs of sagging décolleté skin, starting with the most gentle methods. Simple preventive measures will help prevent the formation of stretch marks.


All women dream of beautiful and smooth skin. However, almost every woman has shortcomings. Some skin problems are easy to deal with, while others require long-term therapy. Stretch marks can appear in any woman and in any area. Most often, stretch marks appear in the chest, abdomen and thighs. If measures are taken in time, stretch marks can be eliminated, or stretch marks can be made less noticeable.

Causes of stretch marks on the chest

A stretch mark or striae is a kind of scar. Stretch marks that appear on a woman’s problem areas are harmless, but they affect a woman’s self-esteem. Striae appear due to damage to the skin, which causes a sharp stretching of the skin. Typically, stretch marks appear due to hormonal imbalances in the human body. Such failures lead to a sharp gain in mass and the skin is sharply stretched, because of this microcracks appear, during healing of which stretch marks are formed.

Basically, stretch marks on the chest appear in the following cases:

  1. Upon reaching the age of puberty.
  2. When carrying a child.
  3. When breastfeeding.
  4. If you gain too much weight, or, conversely, if you lose weight quickly.
  5. Due to prolonged exposure to hormonal drugs on the body.
  6. Due to certain types of diseases that affect a person’s weight: diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes, diseases of the stomach and intestines, diseases of the skin.

What kind of stretch marks appear and how to get rid of stretch marks on the chest depends on the reason for their appearance and the elapsed time.

Classification of stretch marks

Women's stretch marks come in different types. They are classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Shade of stretch marks: white and pink. The color of striae is influenced by the location of their appearance in the mammary gland area. If there are blood vessels near the site where the stretch marks appear, the stretch marks will have a bright red tint.
  2. According to the date of appearance of stretch marks: fresh and old. Typically, fresh stretch marks have a bright hue; they can be red or purple. And old stretch marks most often have a white or grayish tint.

Fresh stretch marks can still be removed, but old ones are almost impossible to completely remove. But with the help of a set of measures you can make them less noticeable.

Basic rules for getting rid of stretch marks

The human body can independently repair damaged tissue without external help. Small microcracks that appear on the chest due to a sharp change in its size heal quite quickly. However, they leave traces that are almost impossible to eliminate.

But if you follow some rules and properly care for your skin, then such problems can be avoided.

Basic rules for breast skin care:

  1. During pregnancy and with sudden weight gain, you need to constantly monitor the water balance of the skin. You need to drink more water.
  2. The skin of the breast also needs to be moisturized, so during periods of hormonal imbalances, you need to apply special products to the skin daily.
  3. If the skin of the chest is damaged, you need to wear special underwear made from natural fabrics.
  4. When doing strength exercises, you need to gradually increase the load.
  5. If possible, you should try to stick to the same weight. A sharp weight gain or sudden weight loss leads to problems not only with the skin, but also with other organs.
  6. You need to constantly take care of your skin to get rid of stretch marks on your chest. You should not interrupt care for a single day.


By adhering to these rules, you can avoid problems with the skin of the chest, and even partially get rid of stretch marks if they appear.

What remedies will help get rid of stretch marks on the chest?

It is recommended to take care of your skin using natural products, as they do not harm the body and are quite effective.

To get rid of stretch marks, you should use the following remedies:

  1. Oils: olive, almond, peach and flaxseed.
  2. Vitamins: vitamin E and A.
  3. Special care products, which include the following components: amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, collagen, medicinal plant extracts, etc.

All breast skin care products should only be purchased at a pharmacy. Since purchasing a low-quality product can worsen the condition of the skin and affect a woman’s health.

Basic methods for getting rid of stretch marks

When the first signs of stretch marks appear, you need to take action immediately. Removing fresh stretch marks is much easier and faster. But getting rid of old stretch marks will be quite difficult.

To get rid of stretch marks, you need to take comprehensive measures:

  1. You will definitely need to change your diet. Your diet should include healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Because due to improper nutrition, human tissues are easily damaged and difficult to heal.
  2. Every day, the skin covered with stretch marks should be rubbed with essential oils. Movements should be light, but lightly pressing. Before applying oil to the skin of the chest, it must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  3. You should take a contrast shower every day. It will restore elasticity to the skin.
  4. Every evening, special anti-stretch mark products should be applied to the skin of the chest. It is recommended to use creams, tonics, lotions, and clays.
  5. You can also use folk remedies. They are also effective, but at the same time they are much cheaper than special means. Contrasting compresses are especially effective against stretch marks: first from a mixture of cold water and lemon juice, then from hot water and salt.
  6. Wraps. If you do half-hour seaweed wraps a couple of times a week, you can get rid of stretch marks much faster. Before using seaweed, you need to infuse it in hot water.
  7. Scrubbing. To benefit from the procedures described above, you must use scrubs. The particles included in the scrubs remove dirt and dead skin cells, making the skin better responsive to care.
  8. Massage and water treatments.

It is advisable to carry out the above procedures every day. By taking comprehensive measures, you can make even old stretch marks almost invisible. If you do the procedure once a week, there will be no effect.

Recipes for effective remedies for stretch marks

Self-prepared remedies can help get rid of stretch marks. The most effective are those prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. Rosemary with lemon. To prepare the product you will need: 2 tbsp rosemary, 1 l. water, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tsp. alcohol, 2 tsp. salt. Rosemary needs to be boiled in water and cooled, then lemon juice, alcohol and salt should be added to the broth. The finished product should only be stored in a dark place.
  2. Dill and linden flower tonic. You will need: 2 tbsp. a mixture of dried dill and linden flowers, half a liter of water. The mixture of dried leaves is poured with boiling water. The leaves should sit for 4 hours. After this, the tonic can be used.
  3. Homemade scrub. You will need: white or blue clay, sea salt, sour cream (20%), coffee grounds. Clay is mixed separately with salt, and sour cream with coffee grounds. Then the 2 mixtures are combined and applied to the skin. Immediately after removing the scrub, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream to the skin.


Folk remedies are practically harmless to a woman’s body. However, one should not forget about safety measures, since the skin in the woman’s chest area is very delicate. Therefore, before applying the product to the skin of this area, it should be tested on another area and only after that the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be especially careful when choosing ingredients for preparing a remedy for stretch marks.

Since some components can increase lactation or affect the condition of milk. Therefore, you should use components without a strong odor and not bright color.


Massage is very effective against stretch marks on the chest. You can do it yourself, but only after carefully studying the technique. It's not difficult to learn how to do it yourself. It is advisable to do the first few procedures by a professional, and then you can switch to doing it yourself.

Massage improves oxygen exchange in tissues, eliminates stagnation, and stimulates recovery processes. And if you use essential oils, the effect of the procedure will be greater.

The massage should be done in light circular movements with light pressure. To avoid friction during the process, essential oils should be used.

Exercises for stretch marks on the chest

The female body is more susceptible to sudden changes in weight than the male body. And this is precisely what causes stretch marks to appear. To get rid of stretch marks, you will need to do special exercises, they will restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and also strengthen the frame that supports the breasts.

A set of exercises for stretch marks on a woman’s chest:

  1. Starting position for performing the exercise: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands joined in a “lock”. Your hands need to be squeezed forcefully so that tension occurs in the chest muscles. You need to do it 12 times, in several approaches.
  2. Exercise 2. For this exercise, you will need to rest your knees on the floor, so that your legs are bent at the knees and your toes are pointing up. Then you need to do a bench press, your chest should touch the floor, and your torso and head should form a straight line. You need to do at least 12 repetitions.
  3. Exercise 3. To perform it you will need a horizontal bar; you need to grab it with both hands and pull yourself up. This pull-up exercise is done with outstretched arms. You need to repeat the exercise as many times as possible. The load must be increased gradually.

Exercise is a must in the fight against stretch marks on the chest. If you do them 3 times a week, your skin condition will improve significantly. It is important not to overdo it, as a sharp increase in muscle tissue will lead to the appearance of even more stretch marks.

If a woman does not take care of her skin, then over time she will develop problems with it. And some problems are quite difficult to get rid of. If stretch marks appear on the chest, and if measures are not taken in time, they will not be removed. How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach, chest and other problem areas is a fairly common question among women. Therefore, immediately after their appearance, you need to take a set of measures. Only creams will not help, you need to use other methods: massage, exercises, water procedures and more.

You can even use folk remedies for care, as they are almost as effective. If you devote enough time to care every day, you can get rid of the problem within six months. Fixing the problem is quite difficult, the main thing is not to give up, because the result will not be visible for quite a long time.