Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks on legs?


Stretch marks or stretch marks are narrow, wavy scars on the skin that resemble small scars. Initially, they may even be red-violet in color, but gradually lighten and become discolored.

Stretch marks are localized mainly in those places where the skin is subject to the greatest stretching, that is, on the stomach, hips, butt, chest, and inner surface of the shoulders.

Although stretch marks on the skin do not cause physical discomfort, they cause aesthetic “inconvenience” as they spoil the appearance of the skin.

Why do stretch marks appear?


One of the main factors determining the youth of the skin is its elasticity. When the body's collagen production decreases, it loses its elasticity. If it is stretched too much, microtraumas appear in it and in the subcutaneous tissue - this is the main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the legs and other parts of the body.

Stretch marks on the hips and other parts of the body appear as follows:

In places where there is strong stretching of the skin, the epidermis is preserved, and small tears occur in its inner layer. In the reticular layer of the dermis, blood vessels and collagen fibers rupture, causing a “deepening” to form in the skin.

When healing occurs, connective tissue forms at the site of the rupture, its appearance resembling scars - these are stretch marks.

Stretch marks appear on the legs with a sharp loss or gain of weight, during breastfeeding, while carrying a child (see how to remove stretch marks after childbirth), and during intense physical exertion. Stretch marks on the legs and other parts of the body are also formed due to hormonal disorders.

If everything is clear about the reasons for the formation of stretch marks, then the question arises, how to get rid of stretch marks on the butt and legs?

How to remove stretch marks on the butt?


Treatment of stretch marks is a difficult process, but quite feasible. The final result depends on how timely the treatment was started: the younger the skin, the easier it is to remove pink stretch marks.

Aesthetic medicine has many methods for treating stretch marks. If the question arises of how to remove stretch marks on the butt or other parts of the body, there may be several answers:

Of all the listed options for how to remove stretch marks on the butt and other parts of the body, laser resurfacing is considered the most effective and safe.

Laser skin resurfacing

This method of treating stretch marks, such as laser resurfacing, is completely safe, since skin trauma is minimized. This is possible thanks to the precise and dosed impact of laser beams. To make the grinding process more comfortable, an anesthetic cream is applied to the treated areas. This method of correcting aesthetic imperfections of the skin and returning it to its original appearance does not have any side effects.

So, how to get rid of stretch marks on your legs and other parts of your body? How many laser resurfacing sessions typically need to be performed? As a rule, the result can be seen after the first session - the skin will become smoother. To obtain maximum effect, 2-4 sessions will be required.

To ensure a quick recovery after treatment, you must carefully follow your doctor’s recommendations during the post-procedure period.

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Stretch marks or stretch marks are a cosmetic defect that most women who have children know about. It is during pregnancy that unsightly stripes most often appear on the body.

Getting rid of stretch marks on your legs is quite difficult. The longer you wait for the whitish stripes to disappear on their own, the harder it will be to achieve results. Don’t put off the fight against striae. For you - proven homemade recipes made from available ingredients.



Before wondering how to get rid of stretch marks, it is important to understand why they occur. Is it possible to prevent the appearance of unpleasant uneven stripes?

What causes stretch marks on legs? Main reasons:

  1. internal ruptures of insufficiently elastic epidermal tissue;
  2. replacement of “voids” with connective tissue.

If you are pregnant or quickly gaining extra pounds:

  1. the upper layer of the epidermis stretches too quickly, the fibers break;
  2. cells feel a constant lack of collagen;
  3. metabolic processes in the epidermis are disrupted;
  4. the skin loses its elasticity. The result is stretch marks.

In addition to pregnancy and increased body weight, there are other factors that provoke the appearance of unsightly stripes on the body:

  1. hormonal imbalances;
  2. high intensity training;
  3. breast-feeding.

Striae can be prevented only by constantly rubbing in special ointments and creams for stretch marks. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations:

  1. moisturize;
  2. maintain the elasticity of the epidermis;
  3. nourish;
  4. give the skin softness.

General rules of treatment

There are many time-tested home remedies. The list of procedures is quite large.

Consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist, listen to the opinion of a specialist. Perhaps in your case only modern cosmetic procedures will be effective.

  1. traditional methods - masks, scrubs, peelings, rubbing, wraps, self-massage, baths;
  2. hardware cosmetology. The best option is laser skin resurfacing;
  3. topical medications. Effective drugs - Mederma, Contractubex. Over time, ointments and creams remove not only stretch marks, but also scars.

The best methods and recipes to combat stretch marks

Tune in for a positive result, remember how long ago you had stretch marks on your legs. Old formations are easier to remove using laser skin resurfacing.

You can fight the newer stripes yourself. Try it! Everything will definitely work out!

How to proceed:

  1. cleanse the skin;
  2. treat problem areas with special compounds;
  3. If necessary, massage areas with stretch marks well.


Find out all about what a sun allergy looks like and how to get rid of it using medications and traditional methods.

Read about the beneficial properties of grape seed oil and its use in beauty recipes on this page.

Scrubs, peelings

Homemade compositions are suitable for mechanical cleaning. Without this simple but effective procedure that opens the pores, creams for stretch marks will not be fully effective.


Proven recipes:

  1. coffee scrub Take 4 tbsp. l. sleep coffee grounds or the same amount of high-quality ground coffee, combine with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, add 3 drops of orange oil. Rub the mixture from the knee up to the hips, if necessary into the abdominal area. Leave it on as a mask for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse off;
  2. scrub with oatmeal. Take 5 tbsp. l. medium-ground flakes, pour in 3 tbsp. l. light honey, add 3 tbsp. l. sour cream or sour milk. Add 3 drops of rosemary, lemon, lavender oil, rub the mixture, let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Carefully treat the desired areas, hold on the body for 10 minutes. After the procedure, apply stretch mark cream;
  3. clay peeling scrub. The product is suitable for treating large areas. Mix 4 tbsp. l. healing blue clay, the same amount of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. oily liquid from wheat germ, crushed pulp of a medium avocado. Prepare a mixture of medium consistency, add more oil if necessary. Peeling cream is suitable not only for the legs, but also for the chest. Rub the mixture thoroughly, leave until it dries, rinse;
  4. fruit peeling. A gentle exfoliant simultaneously nourishes, moisturizes, and does not injure the epidermis. After taking a shower, be sure to lubricate the treated areas with a gentle cream. Grate the zest of a medium lemon, add 350 ml of yogurt without dyes or additives, 1 dessert spoon of aromatic peach oil. The duration of each session is 20 minutes;
  5. exotic cleansing mixture. The active composition with overseas fruits intensively cleanses, rejuvenates, and improves metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis. Grind 200 g of pineapple pulp, 100 g of papaya, add 2 ts. l. thin light honey. The procedure time is no more than five to seven minutes. Rinse off the fruit mixture and apply moisturizer.



During the procedure, the skin is saturated with beneficial substances, and the production of collagen fibers is enhanced. Metabolic processes are restored, the tone of the epidermis increases, and stretch marks gradually lighten.

A few proven recipes:

  1. clay-coffee wrap. Prepare a medium-thick mass from coffee and blue clay. Take the components in equal proportions. Dilute with water or chamomile infusion. Apply the mixture, wrap in cling film, wait half an hour. No need to wrap yourself up. The frequency of procedures is twice a week. Be sure to lubricate all treated areas with a gentle cream, otherwise you will dry out the skin;
  2. honey wrap. Not recommended during pregnancy. Combine 5 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add 3 drops of rosemary, orange, grapefruit or lavender ether. Everything is as usual. You can wrap yourself up for 30 minutes. Check in advance if you are allergic to honey;
  3. chocolate wrap. A pleasant and useful procedure. Only dark chocolate is good. Melt the tile in a water bath, pour in 5 drops of lemon ether, 1 tbsp. l. nourishing olive oil. Cover the desired areas with the slightly cooled mixture, wrap in film, and wrap well. Stay warm for an hour. After water procedures, a light cream is required;
  4. seaweed wraps. Buy dry kelp at the pharmacy. Steam the seaweed. After half an hour, distribute the thick mass over the stretch marks on the hips and legs. Then everything is as usual - film, warm blanket, shower. The duration of the useful procedure is 30 minutes.

Oil blends for smooth skin

To the base oil (olive, jojoba, peach, wheat germ) add one type of essential oil or a composition of several essential oils.

Proportions – 20 ml of nutritional base – 3-5 drops of active ester.

Essential oils will help fight stretch marks:


Foot masks for stretch marks

Pamper your feet with healing compounds. Home remedies are easy to prepare and show good results. Two to three times a week is enough. The course is long - up to six months. During this period, alternate masks. Give your skin a week to rest after 4 weeks of active treatments.

  1. with brewer's yeast. Grind 15 g of fresh yeast. Separately, mix 5 dessert spoons of cream and aromatic honey, add yeast, mix thoroughly. After 15–20 minutes, cover the problem areas on your legs with the mixture. Take a shower, be sure to rub in a gentle cream;
  2. grapefruit mask. This composition will help not only against stretch marks on the legs, but also against cellulite. Cut a medium grapefruit in half, making sure to cut across the slices. Pour a little sea salt into the slices and wait 5 minutes. Take out the pulp, chop, apply to the affected areas, wrap in film for 15 minutes;
  3. mask with kefir. Add to 4 des. l. fresh high-fat fermented milk product a couple of drops of orange ether. Apply the nutritional mixture to the stretch marks, rub in, leave for no more than a quarter of an hour;
  4. clay mask. Combine two types of clay - blue and gray in equal proportions. Pour in the same amount of thin honey and grind. Distribute the active mixture on unsightly stripes, wait a quarter of an hour, then apply water treatments. Moisturize the epidermis.


Add “secret” ingredients to the water - and a pleasant procedure will turn into a useful one. The effect of water and active ingredients removes toxins, tones the skin, and refreshes.

Bath compositions:

  1. blue or white clay - 8 tbsp. l. + 3 dec. l. honey;
  2. esters of geranium, nutmeg - 2 drops each, orange - 5 drops, neroli - 6 drops;
  3. steamed kelp – 200 g.



A simple, effective procedure gives excellent results. Rub the composition thoroughly and massage the stretch marks for 10–15 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily.

Choose the right product:

  1. rosehip oil;
  2. dessert spoon of aromatic almond oil + 7 drops of rosemary ether;
  3. Peach oil;
  4. 2 drops each of tangerine and delicate lavender ether, 1 drop each of neroli ether and limette oil. After 15 minutes, rub in wheat germ oil.


After such a procedure, blood circulation is activated, the tone of the epidermis increases, and regeneration processes are enhanced. After a bath or shower, gently rub the stretch marks. Apply the composition with a hard towel or mitten. Then rinse off and moisturize your body.

  1. recipe first. Combine water - 2 liters, sea salt - 2 liters. l, apple cider vinegar 5% - 1 tbsp. l. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a week for maximum effect;
  2. recipe two. The tincture is prepared within a month. Combine 0.5 liters of good vodka, juice of a medium lemon, 50 g of crushed horsetail leaves. After a month, strain the solution and dilute it halfway with water. Rub problem areas every other day. Gradually, the stretch marks will definitely lighten.


Find out all about the first signs and symptoms of shingles in humans.

An interesting article about the use of Chlorhexidine digluconate for acne has been written at this address.

Follow the link and read useful information about using celandine for warts and other skin troubles.

Preventive recommendations

  1. during pregnancy, use special creams daily to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the legs, abdomen, hips, and chest;
  2. eat right. A lack of vitamins worsens the condition of the skin, reduces elasticity, and slows down collagen production. Include pears, bananas, dried apricots, nuts, vegetable oils, red fish, seeds in the menu;
  3. Drink enough fluids. Dry, flaky skin and lack of sufficient moisture in the cells increase the risk of rupture of epidermal fibers;
  4. Be sure to do exercises to maintain good athletic shape. Flabby muscles and sagging skin are a direct path to stretch marks. During pregnancy, select a special complex for expectant mothers;
  5. Take daily care of your body as carefully as you do your face. Cleanse, nourish and moisturize the epidermis. While waiting for your baby, don’t be lazy to rub in stretch mark cream. Consult a gynecologist, select available folk recipes for stretch marks. You can prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their number.

From the following video you can learn even more useful information about the causes and methods of treating stretch marks:

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On the path to perfection, modern women have to face many problems. Among them there is one that is found not only among representatives of the fair half of humanity, but even among men and children. These are stretch marks on the body that occur as a result of various factors. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of them, but it is quite possible to make them less noticeable. Salon procedures, cosmetics, folk remedies, medications and physical exercises that can be performed at home help solve this problem.

What are stretch marks on legs

Striae on the legs (in common parlance – stretch marks) are defects on the skin that appear, depending on age, in the form of white, pink or blue stripes. In essence, these are scars resulting from microtraumas, ruptures of the upper layers of subcutaneous tissue. Outwardly, they look like “scars” of torn edges and connective tissue between them, differing in length and width. A single appearance of stretch marks is extremely rare; more often they appear in groups. Pink (red), purple or blue color of stretch marks on the legs indicates that they appeared no more than a year ago.

As a rule, young scars itch, which indicates the process of regeneration of damaged fibers. It is easier to fight such stretch marks and you can do it even at home. White “scars” on the legs are already healed lesions that are more than a year old, and therefore folk remedies and cosmetic creams will only help narrow them down a little. Tanning also does not help eliminate such a defect, since melanin is not produced at the sites of breaks, and the skin does not darken at all. It is possible to make stretch marks almost invisible only in a salon setting.

Why do they appear?

The most common opinion about the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the inner and outer thighs and calves is a sharp change in weight in a larger direction. As a result of the sudden accumulation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the skin fibers do not have time to stretch and therefore tear. Also, the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks may be:

  1. increased physical activity or lack thereof;
  2. fast weight loss;
  3. changes in hormonal balance in the body, including as a result of puberty in adolescence;
  4. malfunction of the pancreas;
  5. pregnancy, lactation period (for women), during this time stretch marks often appear on the knees;
  6. obesity;
  7. problems with the endocrine system;
  8. long-term use of medications belonging to the glucocorticoid group;
  9. hereditary, genetic predisposition;
  10. use of anabolic steroids, sharp gain of muscle mass (for athletes);
  11. intensive growth;
  12. eating disorder;
  13. adrenal hyperplasia;
  14. the presence of Marfan or Ehlers-Danlos syndromes;
  15. lack of collagen, elastin, vitamins and essential microelements.


How to remove stretch marks on legs

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to carry out prevention to maintain skin elasticity in the form of proper nutrition, the use of a contrast shower, and moisturizing creams in problem areas. It will not be possible to get rid of existing stretch marks on the legs overnight; this will require time and an integrated approach or the help of a specialist. Before selecting an effective treatment method, it is important to determine the type of stretch marks.

To combat young stretch marks in any part of the legs, you need to balance your diet, do water douches and exercise, use special cosmetics (scrubs) and methods (wraps, peeling). You can use traditional medicine (masks, creams, oils) and medications (Kontratubeks, Mederma). A dermatologist-cosmetologist will help you cope with old scars on your legs by prescribing a number of salon procedures: mesotherapy, laser peeling, massage.

Treatment at home

You can combat stretch marks on any part of the legs at home using several methods that must be used in combination. The most important thing is to balance your diet, for this you need:

  1. Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water without gas every day. This will help prevent dehydration, premature aging of the skin, maintain its elasticity and prevent the appearance of new stretch marks.
  2. There are different types of meat, liver, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy products. They promote weight loss, maintain normal weight, and prevent the occurrence of stretch marks on the legs.
  3. Avoid fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods, sweet carbonated drinks and fast food dishes, which contribute to excess weight gain, which often provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the surface of the skin of the legs.
  4. Eat citrus fruits or drink ascorbic acid. Vitamin C promotes collagen production and normalization of metabolism.
  5. Take medications with fish oil, vitamins A, E, and zinc.

After reviewing your diet and changing your diet, proceed to other methods of eliminating stretch marks at home. These include:

Baths with different types of clays, essential oils

Cleanses, tones, refreshes the skin, helps eliminate toxins

Perform mechanical cleaning, open pores, prepare the epidermis for applying creams

Impact on problem areas with special compounds

Foot wraps

Saturates with nutrients, enhances collagen production, improves skin tone

Nourish and moisturize the skin.

Smoothes, nourishes the skin, improves its texture

Medicinal cream for stretch marks on legs, ointment

Eliminate scars, promote cell regeneration

Self-massage (vacuum cupping, manual)

It is carried out using various compositions, massage oils, promotes tissue regeneration and eliminates cellulite

Performed after taking a bath using a massage brush. The method helps improve blood circulation and improve skin tone.


Physical exercise will also help remove stretch marks on your calves, knees, and outer and inner thighs. Lunges and squats are considered the most effective, but if for health reasons you cannot do them, do others. For example, these exercises:

  1. Birch. Lie on the floor, lift your legs using your abdominal muscles and place them behind your head, supporting yourself with your hands. Support your torso with your hands in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, straighten your legs to a vertical position. The support should be on your elbows, touching the floor only with the back of your head, shoulder blades and elbows. Freeze in this position for at least half a minute. Return to the starting position.
  2. Lifting legs with minimal amplitude. Lying on the floor, raise your straight legs 20 cm from the surface, fixate for 10-15 seconds and lower them just as slowly. Do 3 reps.
  3. Alternate leg lifts. Starting position – lying on the floor, the whole body pressed to the surface. Raise one leg to an angle of 45-60 degrees, hold for a couple of seconds, lower. Do the same movement with the second limb. Do 3 sets of 15 lifts on each leg.
  4. Leg raises while lying on your stomach. Lie on your stomach, press against the floor. Alternately raise your legs to the maximum height possible for you, then lower them. Do 30 repetitions for each limb.
  5. Lifts from the half-bridge position. Lying on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle, lift your pelvis. Leaning with one foot on the floor, lift the other up and lower it after 5 seconds. Do 2 sets of 20 reps for each leg.


Salon treatments

If the stretch marks are old, home methods do not help you, or you want to get rid of stretch marks as soon as possible, seek help from a specialist. This could be a cosmetologist in a salon or a dermatologist in a clinic. The following procedures have proven themselves well in the fight against stretch marks:

It is carried out by administering vitamin and nutritional injections to the client, the composition of which is selected individually. Course – 7-15 procedures.

  1. long lasting effect;
  2. increasing skin elasticity;
  3. elimination of stretch marks, cellulite;
  4. requires little time for preparation, implementation and rehabilitation
  1. soreness;
  2. risk of complications (swelling, skin necrosis, allergies);
  3. expensive

A specialist uses a laser to treat scars. There are two types of therapy: superficial (peeling), aimed at eliminating young stretch marks, and deep (resurfacing), which copes with any stretch marks.

  1. no side effects;
  2. the result is noticeable after 1 procedure;
  3. can be performed on several areas of the body at once;
  4. leaves almost no damage
  1. high price;
  2. need to take a course

The cosmetologist makes a controlled burn on the problem area using special chemicals, as a result of which intensive cell restoration begins. The procedure can be superficial, middle and deep.

  1. stimulates collagen production;
  2. evens out the color and structure of the skin, increases its elasticity;
  3. stimulates the growth of new blood vessels
  1. the procedure is expensive;
  2. there is a risk of new scars, redness and hyperpigmentation

They are carried out using kelp or spirulina, pre-soaked in warm water. Seaweed is applied to areas with stretch marks, and then the legs are wrapped in plastic wrap for an hour. Course – 12 procedures.

  1. affordable cost of the procedure;
  2. Possibility of doing it at home
  1. wraps affect the upper layers of the epidermis;
  2. not effective for old stretch marks

It is used when the skin is very sagging and can only be restored by removal.

  1. helps get rid of the oldest, deepest stretch marks
  1. expensive;
  2. need to stay in hospital for at least 3 days

Folk remedies

In the fight against stretch marks, remedies prepared according to traditional medicine recipes have proven themselves well. The following drugs are effective in the treatment of striae:

  1. Oil mixture used during massage. Mix ¼ cup of avocado oil with rosemary, jasmine, neroli, lavender, red rosemary esters, taken 10 drops each. Leave for a day in a dark place, use with each procedure.
  2. Mix for chocolate wraps. For it you need to melt a bar of dark chocolate, mix with 1 tsp. olive oil. The mixture should be applied to areas with stretch marks, wrapped in film and covered with a blanket. Wash off after 40 minutes, do every day until the desired result is achieved.
  3. A scrub made from sugar, salt, taken in equal proportions, and a few drops of oil (linseed, peach, sesame, etc.). Apply the mixture to the skin and scrub it with massage movements. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse off.
  4. Mask against stretch marks. Melt two squares of dark chocolate and, after cooling, pour into a blender bowl. Add a glass of coffee grounds, ½ cup each of honey and potato starch, 0.5 tsp. salt, stir. Apply the mixture to stretch marks, leave for 0.5 hours, then rinse.
  5. Oil-vitamin composition of 5 drops of vitamin A, 10 drops of vitamin E, aloe and olive oils, taken in equal quantities. The mixture should be applied to problem areas twice a day.


The fight against stretch marks is a long process, and in some cases very expensive. To avoid using the above methods on yourself, prevent the appearance of “scars” by following the following recommendations:

  1. eat right;
  2. watch your weight;
  3. do self-massage or visit a massage therapist;
  4. drink plenty of fluids;
  5. play sports, do physical exercises;
  6. use moisturizing, nourishing creams, gels (special ones for pregnant women);
  7. Wear compression garments during pregnancy;
  8. take a contrast shower, herbal baths, douse yourself;
  9. take care of your skin.

Photo of stretch marks on legs




Milena, 25 years old I developed stretch marks after the birth of my child. Thank God they are small, because during pregnancy I used special creams. Now, while the stretch marks are still young, I decided to try a folk remedy made from baby cream mixed with crushed mummy tablets. I’ve been using it for a month, and there is a result - the scars have become smaller.

Katerina, 23 years old During pregnancy, I used Our Mom cream, which a relative gave me. I smeared it on my stomach, and from the age of 3 months on my chest, but not on my legs. For some reason I thought that there would be no stretch marks there. As a result, the skin on the abdomen remained smooth, without damage, and disgusting scars formed on the thighs, with which nothing can be done.

Svetlana, 29 years old After giving birth, I tried to restore my skin using anti-stretch mark cream gel from Avon. After three months of using the product, the scars became lighter, smaller in size, and therefore almost invisible. It is unlikely that I will be able to completely get rid of them, but I was pleased with the result, I will continue to use the cream, it is also inexpensive.