Treatments for facial skin after 30

There are many secrets and subtleties that make up facial skin care after 30 years, and most of them require very little effort and time. It is difficult to meet a lady who, in adulthood, would not dream of looking like an eighteen-year-old girl. Many of them forget that desire alone is not enough - constant procedures are needed, which can be carried out even at home. Just a few minutes a day not to watch your favorite TV series, but to pay attention to yourself - and your face will definitely shine with freshness, youth and health.

For sagging skin, age is not a barrier, and the moment when it inevitably begins to become covered with wrinkles and lose elasticity cannot be avoided. Don’t panic in advance - you can push it back significantly and remain beautiful for a long time. You can take care of your facial skin after 30 years at home without the help of a specialist, just with a little patience. And we will tell you about all the nuances of working with skin that shows the first signs of age-related changes!

Usually, with good nutrition and health, skin at 30 years old does not yet have clear signs of aging. Most often, small facial wrinkles and a slight drooping of the oval are visible on it. It is quite possible to combat such changes by going to a cosmetologist 1-2 times every six months and using high-quality cosmetics.

What happens to a woman’s facial skin after 30 years?

To understand what exactly needs to be paid more attention to, you should understand what processes occur deep in the layers of the epidermis:

  1. the sebaceous glands work unstably, slowing down the secretion;
  2. muscle tone decreases (crow's feet appear, numerous small wrinkles near the lips and nose, sagging is noticeable on the cheeks);
  3. the skin becomes dry and loses moisture;
  4. blood flow is disrupted, as a result of which the face loses its color;
  5. elastin and collagen fibers are practically not produced, which further reduces elasticity.

This is quite enough to understand that you cannot do without comprehensive care, and the struggle ahead is serious. You should not hope that decorative cosmetics will save the situation - if at first you can “cover up” the defects quite successfully, after a while even tons of products will not be able to hide wrinkles or sagging. The only way out here is to carry out procedures that can fill the skin tissue with nutrients, moisturize, and tone.

Care depending on skin type

Before you begin the procedures, you should understand what proper facial skin care after 30 consists of. There are many subtleties and nuances here, because each skin is individual and requires special treatment.

The first stage in carrying out home treatments is to find out what type of skin to choose products for:

  1. Normal. Without any special defects - spider veins, stains, greasy shine. Caring for it will not be difficult, but if you neglect it, the sebaceous glands will instantly react and begin to produce fat much more intensely.
  2. Combined. The T-zone is usually oilier than other areas, and it also ages much faster. It is these places that the greatest attention should be paid during procedures.
  3. Dry. It is characterized by increased dryness and blood vessels visible through a thin layer of skin. Without proper care, it quickly becomes covered with wrinkles.
  4. Fat. The active work of the sebaceous glands is noticeable at first glance - a fatty layer is constantly visible on the face. There is no need to worry too much about this after the age of 30 - usually it becomes combined and requires normal care.

Each home cosmetology recipe is recommended for a particular skin type, so you definitely need to pay attention to these details.

Care for normal skin type

The procedure for caring for healthy facial skin at 30 should begin with washing with cool water and a light massage (acupressure or simple patting). This will increase blood circulation, improve tone, and allow nutrients to penetrate the layers of the epidermis.

Be sure to use moisturizers (masks, creams). It is better not to use nutritional preparations - they stimulate the appearance of wrinkles. In the evening, cleanse the skin with a special milk, gel or mask.

Dry skin care

What is the care for dry skin after 30 and how to prolong youth? In the morning, be sure to wipe your face with a cleansing tonic, massage, and apply any high-fat product (kefir, yogurt, sour cream). You can make your own homemade mask. Be sure to apply moisturizer every day.

In the evening, repeat the manipulations with the cleansing tonic. Be sure to apply a moisturizer (you can alternate it with a nourishing cream).

4 fatal mistakes in caring for oily skin – how to really take care of it

Unhappy owners of oily skin often make mistakes that are immediately reflected on the face in the form of wrinkles, a scattering of pimples and blackheads. What are their mistakes and how to take care of oily skin after 30 years without mistakes?

Main errors and their corrections:

  1. Using hot water for washing. This stimulates the sebaceous glands and causes oily shine. The liquid should be cool or lukewarm.
  2. Using oily cosmetics (store-bought or homemade). Thanks to this, pimples appear that do not decorate the face at all. The composition should be low-fat, plant-based.
  3. Washing with hard water. The results of the procedure are the appearance of irritation. It is better to use decoctions of sage or mint for washing - this will not only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but will also give an even, healthy shade.
  4. Applying fatty face powder. The effect after the procedure is amazing - the skin looks like a mask with layers of cosmetic product. It's easy to correct the mistake - use loose powder, it will draw out sebum.

To correct the situation, it is recommended to constantly use drying masks; the only requirement is that they should not contain alcohol, which stimulates the secretion of fat.

Care for combination skin types

Caring for combination skin after 30 is not difficult, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

  1. select cosmetic preparations intended only for this type;
  2. if homemade formulations are used, preference should be given to products for oily and dry types, applying them to the corresponding areas of the face;
  3. Be sure to do deep cleaning weekly;
  4. make masks based on plant materials (St. John's wort, birch, yarrow, cucumbers, citrus fruits).

In the evening, apply cream for combination skin or make a special mask.

Facial skin care after 30 years - secrets and recommendations

There are many tricks that turn facial care at 30 at home into pleasure. You don’t need to go to a salon for this, you can do everything yourself and look well-groomed and always young.

Step-by-step care:

  1. start the day with proper washing, using tonic or milk, but in no case soap;
  2. have breakfast only with healthy dishes, include fruits, herbs, vegetables in your diet, give up sweets;
  3. drink plenty of fluids – green tea, plain water, vitamin fruit drinks and juices;
  4. use special anti-aging products (cream, mask, tonic, lotion);
  5. regularly cleanse and nourish the skin with masks;
  6. Be sure to remove any remaining makeup before going to bed.

Alcohol and cigarettes also leave their mark on the face, so it is better to sacrifice a few minutes of pleasure and get glowing youthful skin in return.

We advise you to listen to the advice of a cosmetologist on skin care after 30 years:

Hydration and nutrition

You can combine two skin care processes at home. The easiest option for moisturizing and nourishing is to purchase special products labeled “after 30.” You can use them at 32 or 45 - the effect will not change.

The creams should contain the following ingredients:

  1. any essential oil;
  2. nutrients;
  3. vitamins;
  4. moisturizing components;
  5. UV filters.

A little trick - in summer it is better to give preference to light formulations, but in winter choose richer products that will protect the skin from the harmful effects of frosty air.

Cleansing and toning

The necessary steps in skin care should be toning and cleansing, which will get rid of excess fat. Tips from a cosmetologist for facial care:

  1. use special products (milk, gel for washing);
  2. regularly remove dust and dirt using scrubs;
  3. The entire face should be cleaned;
  4. Be sure to use homemade or store-bought masks.

The skin must constantly breathe, so it is better not to overuse cosmetics.

Proper makeup removal

Grooming rules include removing makeup, which is where women make fatal mistakes. Few requirements:

  1. do not leave makeup on overnight;
  2. remove decorative cosmetics with special compounds;
  3. Do not use force or vigorously rub your eyes or skin;
  4. do “fasting” days, allowing your face to rest.

If you feel a little discomfort on your face after removing makeup, it is better to experiment with another milk or foam - there is a possibility that the product was chosen incorrectly.

Folk remedies

Regardless of when ladies over 30 undergo facial care, in the fall, spring, or winter, it needs to be done regularly and carefully. Folk remedies that are as effective as expensive drugs will come to the rescue here.

The most commonly used plant materials here are leaves, roots, inflorescences. You can add products from the refrigerator - cottage cheese, sour cream and honey have no less effective effects and perfectly nourish the epidermal cells.

An open mind about skin care around the eyes from age 30

We should not forget that daily facial care should also include procedures in the areas around the eyes. There are no special requirements here, but masks against crow’s feet should become a necessary habit after 30.

You can use purchased drugs or homemade formulations for the procedures - there is no significant difference between them. The only requirement is to carry them out constantly; it is much easier to prevent wrinkles than to deal with them later.

Neck care

Body care is not only a procedure for the face, the neck also needs to be given due attention. There is no need to experiment or invent special formulations - the skin of the face and neck is practically the same, so you can use the same products. The use of nourishing and moisturizing compositions on the neck is simply necessary, because it also quickly becomes flabby and loses its elasticity.

Day and night facial care after 30 years

Regular skin care includes not only daytime, but also evening treatments:

  1. washing;
  2. toning;
  3. applying a cream intended for ladies over 30 years old;
  4. deep cleansing;
  5. makeup removal;
  6. applying a night product (cream for 30 years).

Each of these points must be followed strictly - only this guarantees a successful result.

Salon facial skin care after 30

After 30, procedures carried out in the salon are simply necessary, because homemade compositions are unlikely to penetrate deep into the tissues of the epidermis. For ladies over 30, there are many salon procedures:

  1. peeling (heals and rejuvenates, cleansing of dead skin particles);
  2. injections (Botox, hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy) that nourish cells and restore elasticity and a beautiful shade;
  3. special massage (improves blood microcirculation, refreshes, smoothes wrinkles).

The procedures necessary in a particular case are prescribed only by a specialist, paying more attention to problem areas.

Homemade recipes for masks and creams when you are over 30

Carrying out this stage of facial skin care after 30 is especially important. Homemade compositions can preserve youth, but subject to regular use.

There are many tricks in using home remedies, one of them is to first clean and steam the skin - this will allow the nutrients to penetrate to the maximum depth.

Anti-wrinkle mask for forehead

Some women begin care only after 30, which is absolutely not allowed - procedures should be carried out earlier. It is recommended to use masks against wrinkles on the forehead from the age of 25, this will allow creeping old age not to take you by surprise.


  1. 45 ml of honey (preference is given to a liquid product);
  2. 45 ml of juice squeezed from grapes.

Mix the ingredients and apply an even layer on a gauze cloth. Place the mask on the forehead area for a quarter of an hour.

Rejuvenating mask with yeast

Every woman who has taken care of her face regularly is well aware of the invaluable benefits of yeast. A mask based on this product not only rejuvenates, but also smoothes out wrinkles.


  1. 25 gr. yeast (pressed);
  2. chicken egg yolk;
  3. peach seed oil.

Mix the ingredients and wait a quarter of an hour. Apply the composition to the face, wait half an hour, rinse.

Whitening mask

At 33 years old, the third condition of care is the use of a whitening mask.


  1. 30 ml of juice squeezed from citrus fruits (lemon, lime);
  2. egg;
  3. 2-4 ml vegetable oil.

Mix the two ingredients - white with juice, yolk with butter. Apply the protein mixture in several layers, the last layer is the yolk mixture. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Carrot refreshing anti-wrinkle mask

In your thirty-fourth year, you can use carrot masks, which perfectly refresh your face.


  1. 120 gr. carrots (turn into pulp with a grater);
  2. 15 gr. starch;
  3. protein.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the face for half an hour, not leaving the décolleté area unattended.

Green vitamin mask

For ladies over 30, special care is recommended, with a large number of useful elements, so after the mask it is recommended to use a nourishing cream.

Mask composition:

  1. 50 gr. chopped greens (parsley, spinach, lettuce);
  2. 15 gr. oatmeal (can be replaced with starch).

Combine the ingredients and spread in an even layer over your face for a quarter of an hour.

Cleansing and softening clay-honey mask

The mixture is recommended for ladies with thin skin.


  1. 25 gr. clay (preference is given to white);
  2. 10-12 ml honey;
  3. 10 ml concentrated green tea.

Turn the ingredients into a homogeneous paste for 20 minutes. Apply to the face, not forgetting the neck and décolleté.

Anti-wrinkle oil mask

It is imperative to complete the procedure by applying a nutrient.


  1. 90 ml vegetable oil;
  2. 15 gr. chamomile inflorescences;
  3. 20 ml honey;
  4. 25 ml of juice from rowan fruits.

Mix the components, heat until smooth in a steam bath, apply to the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour.

Magic ice cubes

Facial skin after 30 responds well to vitamin cubes, which you can prepare yourself. To do this you will need juicy parsley and mineral water.

Squeeze the juice from parsley leaves and mix with mineral water (1:5). Fill special ice molds and place in the freezer. Wipe your skin daily (before going to bed and after waking up).

Banana-based softening mask

The product not only softens, but also nourishes the epidermal cells with beneficial substances.


  1. 130 gr. banana;
  2. 15-18 ml cream (take heavy cream);
  3. 7-9 gr. starch.

Mash the banana with a fork and add the rest of the ingredients. Apply for 15 minutes.

Scrubs and peelings

Caring for problem skin at 30 consists not only of using all kinds of masks, but also requires regular cleaning, which allows you to get rid of dust particles, dead cells, and dirt.

You can make your own coffee and cottage cheese scrub that works just as well as professional products. Take equal parts of ground coffee and good cottage cheese, apply to the skin with massaging movements, leave for 10 minutes.

Soft Indian hammage

The components of the product are able to penetrate to a great depth of the epidermis, carefully cleansing the skin of dead cells.


  1. 10 gr. cinnamon powder;
  2. 15 gr. banana pulp;
  3. 30 ml fat kefir;
  4. 20 ml citrus juice (lime, lemon).

Mix the components and simultaneously apply a light massage. Leave for 20 minutes.

Deep peeling

The procedure is recommended for ladies aged 34, but provided that there are no enlarged pores on the face.


  1. 10 ml of ammonia;
  2. 10 ml boric acid;
  3. 15 gr. tar soap;
  4. 15 ml glycerin;
  5. 1 table hydroperite.

Grate the soap and add the remaining ingredients. Apply for just 10 minutes. Remove with calcium chloride by soaking a napkin generously in the solution.

Beautiful skin a week before the holiday

If you need to get your face in order in just a week, you don’t need to give up - it’s quite possible. Facial care after 30 years, advice from a cosmetologist for quick results:

  1. every other day, use a mask for your skin type;
  2. dry skin must be pampered with moisturizing preparations;
  3. carry out manipulations not only with the face, but also with the neck;
  4. cream intended for evening application should be used only before 22.00 - this will remove puffiness;
  5. Introduce green tea into your diet, or even better, replace coffee with it;
  6. drink freshly squeezed juices daily - cabbage, parsley or celery;
  7. Perform acupressure before bed.

Usually these simple steps are enough to prepare for the holiday in just a week and shine with health and freshness.

After 30, you shouldn’t start preparing for the rapidly approaching old age - life goes on! Daily witchcraft with home remedies on your face will certainly lead to amazing results.

There is an opinion that after 30 years, youth ends and the skin begins to age rapidly. There is some truth in it, but, according to cosmetologists, the appearance of a woman at this age depends only on her lifestyle and attention to herself. What should be the proper skin care after 30 years? What treatments should you use at home? And what cosmetics to choose?


Aging is determined by genetic factors, which are useless to argue with. However, contrary to popular belief, active aging, caused by genes and natural factors, does not begin at thirty, or even forty years. At this age, your skin is still capable of a lot, the main thing is to know how to help it correctly.

What happens to the skin

After thirty years, metabolic processes in our body slow down. This happens at different levels, including in the skin. Multiple changes are observed in its structure.

  1. Decreased synthesis of epidermal lipids, causing the epidermis to become drier with age.
  2. Deterioration of microcirculation in tissues. The enrichment of the skin with nutrients from the inside is reduced.
  3. Photoaging. The response to sun exposure provokes the development of fine wrinkles and the formation of age spots;
  4. Thinning of fatty tissue that supports the usual shape of the face. For this reason, the skin begins to “sag”.
  5. Thickening of the epidermis. The cells of the stratum corneum are layered on top of each other, and it is impossible to exfoliate them independently. Because of this, the face takes on an earthy tint, the skin feels rough to the touch, and looks unkempt.

Despite these processes, it is still too early to talk about the approach of old age. “The skin is a hormone-dependent organ,” comments cosmetologist Olga Fem. “At the age of thirty, the body produces a sufficient amount of hormones, so it is premature to panic at the sight of the first wrinkles.”


Possible problems

Cosmetologists do not like to give absentee recommendations on skin care after thirty years. Thus, cosmetologist Natalya Nikolaeva, author of the book “Cosmetology without surgery: 10 markers of youth,” advises visiting a specialist at least 1-2 times a year.

This needs to be done because the “behavior” of the skin at this age is very individual. And only with a direct examination can a cosmetologist give recommendations on what facial care should be like after 30 years at home.

What are the subtleties of choosing techniques? There are several reasons.

  1. Usual care. Some women are accustomed to properly caring for themselves, starting in adolescence. Their skin usually looks good, and no major adjustments in care are required. Someone begins to panic when they discover the first wrinkles, and almost for the first time they include a moisturizer and an anti-aging mask in their daily care. The results of working on yourself will certainly be visible in the second case. But maintaining youthful skin regularly is much more effective and easier than trying to restore it.
  2. Skin type. In those with dry skin, the epidermis becomes even drier, which leads to the formation of fine wrinkles in the eye area. With the oily type, the activity of the sebaceous glands may not decrease. Women continue to be bothered by clogged pores, periodic breakouts, acne formation and oily shine. These problems should be solved with multifunctional cosmetics that also have an anti-aging effect.
  3. Type of aging. There are six types of aging, the most common being fine wrinkle, fatigue, deformation and mixed. The first is characteristic of dry epidermis with thin fatty tissue. The second is formed in women with normal or oily skin and normal physique. Deformation is typical for women with a dense physique and a full face. Mixed combines the features of all previous types. The choice of facial care technique should be determined by the type of aging too, in order to ensure the best results from home and salon techniques.

A combined approach to facial care, taking into account all your characteristics: skin type, type of aging, basic care, will smooth out age-related changes and delay aging.

Basic recommendations

The most important mistake of women who are discovering the first age-related changes is to include products in their facial skin care for those over 30 that are too early to use. The fact is that with a general decrease in metabolic processes, the skin is still able to regenerate, restore its structure, and produce the necessary substances.

Follow your cosmetologist's advice on basic and additional care at home.


Cleansing, toning, moisturizing

The main “pillars” on which the beauty and external attractiveness of the skin is built. You should follow this sequence, using products based on the type of your epidermis, daily, morning and evening.

  1. Oily, problem skin. Use mousse or foam with lactulose, salicylic acid, panthenol. These components dissolve skin secretions well, normalize sebum secretion, and maintain healthy microflora, which prevents the development of inflammation.
  2. Dry skin . Use cleansing milk, which should be applied to the face, massage lightly and rinse with water. Don't try to replace milk with micellar water. Most of these compositions, despite the assurances of the manufacturers, cannot be left on the skin. The substances they contain additionally dry the epidermis. Any cleanser should be washed off with water.
  3. Normal skin. Choose any cleanser that you like and suits. Pay attention to the composition. It should not contain aggressive surfactants, including sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. These substances dry out the epidermis and deplete it. Use products with soft surfactants based on coco-betaine, cocamidopropyl betaine, glycolic, and lactic acids.

For toning, choose formulations based on your skin type. Tonic completes cleansing, dissolving the remnants of skin secretions and cosmetics that the cleanser could not cope with. It may also contain panthenol, allantoin, which is important for problematic epidermis. You can also use thermal and alkaline mineral water as a tonic.

If you are satisfied with the appearance and condition of your skin, continue to use the day and night creams that you previously included in your daily care. If you observe signs of age-related changes, choose a cream with the appropriate composition.

  1. Dryness, dehydration of the epidermis, formation of a fine network of wrinkles. Include a nourishing cream with peptides in your care. Such compositions moisturize the skin well, nourish it, eliminate the feeling of tightness and flaking. Peptides are substances with a muscle relaxant effect. They relax facial muscles, causing wrinkles to disappear. You can apply a cream with peptides to the entire face for fine-wrinkled aging or locally, to areas where wrinkles form, for example, on the forehead and around the eyes. It is necessary to use such compositions for a long time - for two to three months. Take two or three courses over the course of a year.
  2. Sagging skin, formation of a network of capillaries. Characteristic of the deformation type of aging, in which the signs of gravitational ptosis appear especially clearly. Cosmetologists advise including products that strengthen the walls of blood vessels in facial skin care at the age of 30. They improve tissue circulation and have a lifting effect, tightening the contours of the face. The active components of such products are seaweed, extracts of ginkgo biloba, arnica, and horse chestnut.
  3. Oiliness, clogged pores, first wrinkles. The most difficult thing is to choose home care for combination skin after 30 years. After all, areas of wrinkles need to be moisturized and nourished, but the epidermis responds to the active use of saturated products with foci of acne and inflammation. Choose products based on vitamin A (retinol). This component stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and has an anti-aging effect.

The compositions of day and night creams differ. During the day, we need protection from ultraviolet radiation and combined radicals, so the day cream should contain SPF filters and vitamin C (an active anti-age component). At night, the skin is restored. It's time to use retinol, peptides, and other components to solve aging problems.


Additional care

As before, more intensive skin care procedures at home should be carried out 1-2 times a week. They include deep cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition.

  1. Peeling. Designed to remove the superficial stratum corneum of cells, which gives the face a gray color and external unkemptness. It is performed using a scrub or peeling based on fruit acids (bromelain, papain). Apply the peeling product after cleansing with foam or milk. Massage and rinse with water. Do not use scrubs with natural abrasive particles. They scratch the epidermis and disrupt its structure. Choose products with soft polishing granules or gomages based on fruit acids. The latter are especially recommended for oily, combination and sensitive skin. They dissolve horn cells without an abrasive effect, while at the same time normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and providing a slight whitening effect.
  2. Deep hydration. Necessary for any skin type, not just dry skin. It is especially important to moisturize oily and problematic epidermis, since a lack of moisture with regular use of drying agents leads to a response - intense production of skin secretions and increased fat content. For deep hydration, use face masks after 30 years based on hyaluronic acid, urea, alginates (seaweed), amino acids, polysaccharides. Apply the product 1-2 times a week after peeling.
  3. Fighting oiliness and age spots. Women with oily skin should get acquainted with masks with AHA acids. Home care products contain up to seven percent natural acids. They dissolve the outer layer of the epidermis, destroying the accumulations of melanin that we call age spots or freckles. They also reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and increase the regenerative functions of the skin. It is necessary to include such products in your care in autumn and winter, when the sun is not too aggressive. Use masks in courses twice a year.
  4. Deep nutrition. You can use face masks at 30 with nourishing ingredients. But serums, the composition of which should be aimed at solving a specific problem, are more effective. For example, fighting wrinkles or excessive dry skin. In masks, the volume of active components is usually 2-10%, while serum contains up to 40% of the component in an easily accessible form. Therefore, serums are more expensive than a mask or cream, but they can be applied locally to the problem area and used as a course. Apply the serum under the cream in your usual care or under the mask in an additional intensive one. The components of the covering agent serve as a conductor for the serum into the deeper layers of the skin.

In winter, the epidermis becomes drier, so intensive moisturizing can be done two to three times a week. In summer, on the contrary, fat content increases. It is recommended to use masks with AHA acids or anti-inflammatory formulations up to three times a week.


Salon treatments

Facial skin after 30 years perfectly accepts anti-aging salon treatments. The advantage of this period is that at a minimum cost you will be able to activate the body’s own reserves and not resort to expensive “heavy” procedures in the future. According to cosmetologists, the most effective procedures in salon care are those that improve tissue trophism and microcirculation in them.

  1. Massage . Manual or hardware. Without massage, anti-aging care for deformational type of aging is impossible, since it strengthens the tissues and reduces the intensity of their sagging. Massage affects the lymphatic system, blood vessels, and enriches the epidermis from the inside. With proper home care, one or two massage courses per year are enough to keep your face fresh and youthful for a long time. You can take a course of three to five procedures, and then maintain the result by visiting a cosmetologist once a month.
  2. Microcurrent therapy. A procedure in which the body is exposed to weak pulsed currents. They improve metabolic processes, rejuvenate and heal blood vessels and tissues at the cellular level. They increase the intensity of lymph outflow, which leads to the elimination of swelling, relax muscles, reducing the severity of facial wrinkles. In salon care, professional devices for microcurrent therapy are used. There are analogues intended for home use. The effectiveness of the latter is lower. They should be used only if you use professional cosmetics “under microcurrents” and are ready to wait a long time for the result. It will appear with regular use of a household microcurrent device for two to three months. In-salon procedures provide a much more pronounced and noticeable effect faster.
  3. Peeling. The difference between home peeling and salon peeling is the concentration of active acids. In skin care after 30 years, it is recommended to use superficial peels, the concentration of acids in which is up to twenty-five percent. Such compositions create a superficial tissue burn, which is manifested by external redness. After 2-3 days, surface cells peel off from the face, while the epidermis is renewed at a deep level. Peeling triggers structure rejuvenation: increased formation of collagen and elastin. It is enough to perform it 2-3 times a year to make your face look young and well-groomed.

By pumping hyaluronic acid, Botox and other rejuvenation products into the skin, you achieve a temporary positive result. But in the long term, for example, after five years, aging will manifest itself more intensely. The face becomes puffy from frequent injections, and individual facial expressions are lost.


Folk remedies

Folk remedies are often positioned as an equivalent and cheaper alternative to cosmetics. We will answer the most common questions that women over 30 ask cosmetologists.

  1. How to use facial oils after 30 years? Oils are fats in 100% concentration. The skin of the face does not need them at any age. If you use any oil instead of a one-time cream, for example, because the cream has run out and you are worried about dryness, there is no problem. Such care is acceptable. But the constant use of fatty substances, oddly enough, dries and depletes the skin. The fact is that oil creates a film on the surface that disrupts metabolic processes. The inner layers of the skin remain dehydrated, since the oil does not contain moisture. The body tries to compensate for dehydration by increasing sebum secretion. The oily secretion, accumulating in the pores under the oil, becomes denser, which leads to the formation of acne and often to its inflammation. You can add only a few drops of oil to a mask or cream to enrich its composition.
  2. What folk remedies should you include in your care? Any you like, but respecting the basic requirement. You maintain regular daily care (cleansing, toning, moisturizing). And you use compositions from any products as an additional one.
  3. What can you recommend for oily skin? In the summer, use masks made from fresh berries and sour fruits. The fruit acids they contain will help lighten the epidermis and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Oatmeal and rice flakes have an adsorbing effect. Masks based on kefir, yogurt, clay, and honey are useful.
  4. What products are suitable for dry skin? Sour cream, cream, and full-fat milk soothe and eliminate the feeling of dryness. You can prepare formulations based on a decoction of oatmeal, mashed potatoes with patchouli oil, sandalwood, chamomile, and egg yolk.
  5. What folk remedies are better than cosmetics? The danger of this issue is the attempt to replace cosmetics with food-based products. There is nothing wrong with using such masks periodically. Do them if you like the condition of your skin after a home remedy. But you shouldn’t expect a rejuvenating effect or a solution to the problem of fatness or wrinkles.

The fact is that folk remedies combine two or three components that act only superficially. Professional cosmetics contain a complex of components in precise concentrations. Their structure allows substances to act on the surface or penetrate deep into the skin to provide an anti-aging effect.

Ready-made cosmetics from trusted brands, pharmacy cosmetic formulations and professional cosmetics developed by certified laboratories are always many times more effective than homemade masks.

After thirty years, the skin retains a high youth potential. A woman’s task is to maintain it, helping the skin with regular cleansing and moisturizing. To solve problems, include targeted formulations with peptides, AHA acids, and retinol in facial skin care after 30 years. Include serums and periodic salon treatments for additional care: massage, superficial peelings, microcurrents. Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, chronic lack of sleep and stress catastrophically accelerate skin aging.

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The photo that receives the most likes within one calendar month becomes the winner of the beauty battle and is entitled to receive a gift from L’Etoile.

On the first day of each month following the voting stage, the three best photo images are published in the “Beauty Battle” section.

Important! One user can upload an unlimited number of photos, however, each photo with a unique image can be published and participate in voting only once during the entire duration of the competition. One participant can only take one prize place. If a user's photos take several prizes in the ranking, the participant receives a gift for the photo with the most likes.

Photos of products not purchased from the L’Etoile network will not be accepted. Indication of product items is mandatory.

L'Etoile support service reserves the right to use photographs for posting and subsequent display on external resources (official groups on social networks, L'Etoile magazine and online events.)

  1. “weight” of the photo: no more than 2 MB;
  2. photo width: at least 266 pixels; photo height is at least 400 pixels;
  3. the photo must be unique, not published anywhere before;
  4. All product items indicated in the image must be noted in the publication.
  1. if there are goods in the photo, they must be distinguishable;
  2. publication of photo collages with goods is allowed;
  1. low photo quality;
  2. the product is not visible/poorly visible in the photograph;
  3. image weight: more than 2 MB;
  4. The image contains no products purchased from L’Etoile;
  5. photography does not comply with ethical and moral standards;
  6. the photo violates the copyright of another user;
  7. not a unique photo;
  8. duplication of a photograph/photo image;
  9. advertising/hidden advertising of other companies.

Comments on photo publications in the “Beauty Battle” section can be deleted by the moderator if they: