What hours can you sunbathe?

A tan is quite beneficial for the body, but only in cases where it is acquired in moderation. Enjoying sunbathing requires a responsible approach, because otherwise the risk of sunburn increases. It will be no less pleasant to encounter sunstroke or heatstroke.

But the most serious and dangerous consequence of excessive sun exposure is the development of skin cancer, which has become increasingly common in recent years. To avoid such consequences, it is important to know the basic rules for tanning and what hours are best to sunbathe.

What are the best times to sunbathe?

The most important aspect of safe tanning is the correct choice of the optimal time for solar treatments. This information is generally known, but in pursuit of a beautiful skin tone, many simply forget the following universal rules:

  1. Peak solar activity occurs between 11:00 and 16:00. During this period, it is not recommended to be in direct sunlight because the risk of skin damage is extremely high. This warning should be taken with special care by those with light sensitive skin.
  2. It is better to go to the beach in the morning before 11-00 and in the evening - after 16-00. It is during this period of time that it is possible to obtain an even skin tone.
  3. You need to take a gradual approach to getting a tan, and not lie under the scorching rays all day long. To begin with, 5 minutes of exposure to the sun is enough, and in subsequent days the specified amount of time can be gradually increased.
  4. Experts insist that the maximum time for exposure to direct sunlight is considered to be a period of 2 hours.

Even tanning: a few golden rules

A beautiful and even tan depends not only on knowing what hours you can sunbathe. Obtaining the desired result largely depends on the correct approach to the process.

The basic rules for getting a beautiful tan are presented:

  1. Before heading to the beach, you need to take care of protecting the skin around your eyes and hair. To do this, you should use sunglasses and a Panama hat.
  2. It is important not to forget about constantly changing position while being under the scorching sun. So, it is recommended to change the position every 5 minutes so that both the back and stomach are warmed up alternately.
  3. Upon returning from the beach, you should definitely take a cool shower and treat your skin with a nourishing cream.
  4. When leaving the water, it is not recommended to wipe your skin dry. It is better to wait for it to dry naturally, which will be the key to the formation of a beautiful shade.
  5. To avoid sunburn and peeling of the skin, it is recommended to use special creams.

Secrets of a quick tan

Guided by the information at what hours you should not sunbathe under the scorching sun, you will be able to prevent serious damage to the skin. Unfortunately, people often simply ignore recommendations regarding the optimal time for sunbathing in the hope of quickly achieving a change in skin tone. For these purposes, it is better to use more gentle means and methods that eliminate such negative effects on the body.

So, adding freshly squeezed juices with carrots and apricots to your daily diet will help speed up the process of forming a beautiful tan. But the safest way to speed up the appearance of the desired shade is the use of special tanning creams.

Such preparations are also good because they not only promote the formation of a beautiful tan, but also reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. The formation of a dark shade occurs due to the activation of the production of a special pigment - melanin. As a result of using protective products, a person becomes the owner of an even and beautiful tan, as well as moisturized and healthy skin.

Sunscreen should be applied to the skin half an hour before going to the beach. And while staying in direct sunlight, it is also important not to forget about the need to regularly apply cream to the skin.

You should remember what hours you can sunbathe and the maximum allowable amount of time that can be spent in direct sunlight. So, after enjoying sunbathing for half an hour, it is recommended to move to a shaded place for a while.

When determining the optimal time of exposure to sunlight, it is necessary to be guided by the phototypes of people. Thus, those with light sensitive skin are not recommended to continuously stay in the sun for more than half an hour. But people with dark skin can sunbathe for about 1 hour.

Sunbathe wisely and bring back not only souvenirs from your vacation, but also a beautiful bronze tan!

Video about safe tanning times

Tanned, smooth skin is an adornment to any body. Both women and men want to get an even, beautiful tan. But achieving a good result is not so easy; you need to know some rules for sunbathing, as well as what time is best to sunbathe. Without such information, you can get terrible burns and subsequently undergo long treatment.

The necessary vitamin

After long cold months, our body needs the sun's rays, namely vitamin D. But you need to start taking it in moderation. Pediatricians prescribe for young children to regularly take vitamin D drops. After all, if the body lacks this substance, serious pathologies can develop. Adults also need this important vitamin. But before you go out into the sun, you need to find out what time of day is best to sunbathe. By following the correct regimen, you can easily avoid skin redness and blisters.

Caution first

We must not forget that the sun is a source of radioactive energy. Therefore, according to experts, the ideal time to soak up the sun is morning and evening. It is strictly not recommended to go out in the sun during the day. In the morning it is not yet active, but is just moving into position. Suitable hours are from 8.00 to 11.00. Then you should take a break for several hours. But from 16.00 you can safely spend time under the sun, because it begins to lose ground. Remember the best time to sunbathe for the rest of your life.


Those who are careful and scrupulous about their health know that tanning skin must be prepared in advance. You can start getting your first sunbathing in mid-April. Go out into the warm rays of the sun for an hour. The skin will gradually begin to get used to UV rays. Throughout May you can expose your body to the gentle sun. There will be no burns or redness, because it still does not bake with such force as in summer. At the beginning of June, you can already use a low factor tanning cream. This is a must during hot periods, otherwise you will have to remove pieces of your skin. For the first month of summer, a cream with a factor of 15-20 is suitable for an adult, but for children it is recommended to use a factor of 30-50 throughout the season. June is usually not hot, and you can spend time on the beach from eight in the morning until noon. But nothing more, you can return to the warm sun after lunch.

High season

When is the best time to sunbathe in July is a very controversial issue. The sun is at its peak, and the chances of getting sunburned double. Using sunscreen is a must. Dark glasses, a hat, and sunscreen are mandatory attributes for those who want to have dark, tanned skin without harm to their health. An umbrella or canopy will not interfere with those who are too pale-faced. After all, under cover, the sun will still leave its “imprint” on you, only less intensely.

People, as soon as they arrive at the sea coast or lake, take off their clothes and lie down under the scorching rays. These thoughtless actions lead to disastrous consequences. Be sure to spend the first day in the shade, and then gradually expose your body to the open rays. If you know the best time to tan in the sun, you will get a bronze tan that will be the envy of everyone.

Sun Sea Beach

You can get sunburned on the beach in a few hours, and your vacation will be ruined. Whatever means you use later, folk or ultra-modern, the result will be the same - pain and discomfort. Therefore, do not neglect beach accessories and cream with a high protection factor. In addition to banal burns, there are more serious problems. People who have a huge number of moles on their bodies are strictly forbidden to go out into the open sun. The risk of developing cancer is very high. Such an ailment cannot be cured with ointments and lotions, so be very careful. You shouldn’t ruin the rest of your life because of one week spent on the hot sand.

Double punch

Children don't need to be in the sun for long either. Heatstroke is an unpleasant story with consequences. A hat is required on the beach. Of course, not every adult will want to wear a Panama hat in the city, but on the beach it is very popular. Children can only remove their hats when the sun disappears below the horizon.

If you don't know what time is best to sunbathe, heat stroke is guaranteed. Symptoms of heat stroke are dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and fainting. You should immediately consult a specialist to avoid further health problems. The doctor will prescribe rest, plenty of fluids and no sun for the next few days. Therefore, you should not get excited and spoil your vacation.

Simple scheme

With the wrong dosage of sunlight, even a dark-skinned woman can get burned. A simple scheme will help tan lovers avoid trouble and keep their skin in excellent condition. After all, when it dries out, it ages faster and becomes unpleasant to the touch. This is not what every girl dreams of. Approach the issue of tanning wisely. You should clearly know what time is best to sunbathe in the summer:

  1. first day – 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the evening;
  2. second day – in the morning 2 hours, in the evening 3 hours;
  3. third day - in the morning 2.5 hours, in the evening 4 or more hours;
  4. if the skin is too white, reduce the first time in the sun to fifteen minutes. In the evening you can go out for half an hour. It is best to go to the sea for two weeks; the body adapts to the climate and sun as it should. But not everyone has this opportunity; five to seven days is the standard time for people to stay on the coast. Therefore, they rush headlong into the pool, or rather, to the beach for the whole day. The result is a ruined vacation, pain, wasting money on ointments and medicines.

Happiness for children

Parents try to take their children to the sea once a year. Sea air, water, and sun have a positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. But only if you follow the rules for staying in the sun. On the first day of arrival, it is better for children to show up at the beach after sixteen hours. The sun is not active, the water is warm, what could be better for your beloved little one? As nice as a pie with butter, having coated the child with cream, you can send him into the water for half an hour.

You can see many pregnant women on the beach. Of course, in such an interesting position it is very risky, especially in the last trimesters. Doctors' opinions on this matter are divided. Some people recommend that expectant mothers go to the sea and get a boost of solar energy and the necessary iodine. And someone, on the contrary, is against such trips. But if a pregnant woman decides to relax on the beach, she needs to study in detail what time of day is best to sunbathe. It’s better to hide your rounded tummy under a pareo or cape, and your head under a wide-brimmed hat! Sunblock can be used for children to avoid an allergic reaction.

Reminder for tan lovers

Of course, there is no need to miss out on the sunny days of summer. In moderation, warm rays are very beneficial for the body. But following simple rules is a must. Follow the regime:

For people with dark skin, you can increase the time a little. Now you know what time is best to sunbathe.

Some skin diseases do not tolerate direct rays. Therefore, before planning a vacation to the coast, consult your doctor. Sunbathing is not recommended:

  1. pregnant women and infants up to 2 months;
  2. people with birthmarks and many small moles;
  3. patients with cancer;
  4. when taking certain medications.

Once on the sea coast, vacationers usually forget about everything. I want to enjoy unity with nature and lie on the beach with a book. But everything should be within reason. Remember what time is best to sunbathe at sea. Prepare carefully for your vacation without missing a single moment. Get everything you need in advance. Hat, umbrella, sunscreen. You will remember such a thoughtful and safe vacation for a long time!

The languid aristocratic appearance with the characteristic whiteness of the skin was left behind. Cheerful and perky people with a beautiful and even tan have become fashionable. Following the fashion trend, the beaches are filled with people wanting to get more sunshine.

We often forget about precautions, and as a result, we get burns, chills, fever, as a result, flaky skin, a spoiled mood and rest. What you need to know about the sun and its effects on the skin? What are the best times to sunbathe? And most importantly, how to relax to the fullest in the sun and not get burned? Answers to these questions and tips on how to tan properly can be found in this article.

Sun rays: benefit or harm

As with any product, the main thing is not to overdo it with ultraviolet rays. In small doses, the sun is beneficial to our body, especially after a long winter. It not only improves immunity, but also speeds up metabolism, at the same time allowing the body to quickly absorb micro- and macroelements. The sun also produces endorphin - the hormone of happiness.

If you systematically exceed the prescribed time in the sun, you can cause irreparable damage to yourself: from burns and inflammation to cancer. Scientists have proven that excessive exposure to the sun during one season ages the skin by 6 months. That is why you need to sunbathe every day for a short period of time, then when you get a tan, your skin will become a pleasant shade, firm, elastic and taut.

How to prepare your body for tanning

Before the hot summer, when the sun is at its strongest, it is better if the skin is prepared in advance. To do this, you need to get yourself a mini tan at the end of spring: April, May. Naturally, it’s too early to sunbathe on the beach, but you can already expose your legs and arms while exercising. Then the body will be saturated with the energy of the sun, and the skin will be ready to sunbathe under the hot summer sun.

How and when is the best time to sunbathe?

In order for sunbathing to bring only the benefits and beauty of a tan to the body, you need to take precautions, which sometimes every woman forgets.

When is it harmful to sunbathe? Since the sun is at its most active from 12 noon to 3 pm, it is better to leave the beach at this time to avoid getting burns and overheating of the body.

If you want to soak up the direct rays of the sun, then you need to know what time is best to sunbathe. Doctors recommend sunbathing from 8 to 11 am, and after 16 pm, while you can “catch” the sun until 18:00.

The temperature for tanning in the sun should not exceed 25 degrees. At this time, it is better to hide, especially for pregnant women and small children, as you can get sunstroke and severe overheating.

What time to sunbathe at sea

The sun at sea is very treacherous. Due to the special climate, the tan “sticks” very quickly, and after a short period of time you can get severe burns, which often happens after just a couple of hours of the first day of vacation at sea.

How to make sea sunbathing safe:

  1. What is the best time to sunbathe? - from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m.
  2. At what temperature is it better to sunbathe? – for a good tan, it is enough if the air temperature does not exceed 21 degrees.
  3. It's better to stay in the shade more, under an umbrella or awning.
  4. Try to cover yourself with a light cape and be sure to wear a hat.
  5. You should not take a cold shower after the hot sun. In this case, overheated skin may experience shock, which will negatively affect its condition. The sea temperature should not be lower than 21 degrees.
  6. To prevent the body from overheating, you need to periodically swim in the sea. Afterwards you need to go into the shade, or dry your skin well, since in water you do not stop sunbathing, and after that, drops of water attract the sun to your body.

How to protect yourself

Top questions and answers that will protect you from the negative consequences of tanning:

  1. How long can you sunbathe on the beach on the first day? - the first day on the beach is the most dangerous, the skin is not yet accustomed to the scorching sun, and therefore the likelihood of getting burns increases. It is recommended to take in the sun's rays for no more than 20 minutes on the first day at sea.
  2. What is the best time to sunbathe? – in the morning until 11 o’clock, and in the evening after 17 o’clock in the evening.
  3. Time to sunbathe, should increase gradually every day, by about half an hour.
  4. What is the right time to sunbathe? – half an hour in the morning, about an hour in the evening.
  5. Optimal tanning time? - sunbathing in direct sunlight should not exceed 2 hours a day.
  6. Important to remember, that fair skin requires more careful care and protection from ultraviolet rays.

Safe tanning rules

The sun's rays, especially in hot countries, are not kind to the skin. For a quick and even tan, it is better to use lotions and special creams.

Their use is most effective if the skin is already lightly tanned. It is better to choose waterproof creams, so you will not need to apply cream after every bath. At the same time, the skin itself should be dry, since at sea, water on the body attracts direct sunlight. Using creams with sun protection factor will not only give your skin the perfect bronze tone, but also protect you from the sun.

It is important to know what type of skin you have and choose products that are most effective for it.

You should absolutely not fall asleep on the beach; it is important to turn over every 15-20 minutes.

When tanning, not only the skin, but also the hair requires hydration. You need to drink as much as possible, it is better if it is just water without gases.

Who shouldn't sunbathe?

Before going to the sea, you should better consult a doctor, because there are skin diseases for which sunbathing in the sun is strictly prohibited, as is a long stay on the beach. You should also avoid tanning:

  1. tanning is not recommended for pregnant women;
  2. It is not advisable for children under 2 years of age to sunbathe under the sun, because their skin is delicate and susceptible to external influences; time should also be limited;
  3. people who have many moles and birthmarks on their bodies can sunbathe in the shade for a short period of time;
  4. people with cancer;
  5. some medications exclude the possibility of sunbathing;
  6. people with acute chronic diseases.

The sun is vitamin D3, D6, its energy is useful for metabolism and the fight against the hormone of sadness (serotonin) for both adults and young children. Doctors recommend receiving indirect sunlight every day for a short time from the first days of life.

In order to avoid severe burns and heatstroke on the first day of rest, it is better to take into account the time allotted for safe tanning and protect not only the skin, but also the hair and eyes. If you go to the beach to sunbathe in the sun, be sure to put a hat, cape, towel, sunscreen and anti-burn product in your bag. Your compliance with precautions determines what impression you will have after relaxing on the beach.