Diets :: Page - 102

Tomato diet


Tomato is able to cleanse blood vessels and thin the blood, removes toxins and free radicals from the body. Tomatoes are recommended for use in case of metabolic disorder ...

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Honey-kefir diet


Honey speeds up metabolic processes, so its regular use can quickly bring your weight back to normal. And kefir will help support the body. First day: for breakfast, eat ...

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Nutritionists named 5 healthy foods for the New Year's table


To greet the morning of January 1 of the New Year vigorous and cheerful, you should listen to the opinion of nutritionists and stock up on the following products: Water. ...

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How to make coffee healthy


Do you love coffee and can’t imagine life without it? Is three cups a day the limit for you? Then you should know that caffeine in large quantities has a negative effect ...

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Hit parade of New Year's diets based on available products


New Year's Eve is already too close. And I want to meet the coming year dressed up, beautiful and in shape. There is still a little time to transform yourself, lose weigh ...

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Star diet: how Cameron Diaz loses weight


Cameron Diaz is a famous Hollywood actress who not only has inimitable beauty, but also a healthy lifestyle. She is an ardent opponent of grueling low-calorie diets, argu ...

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Walnuts can be dangerous


Regular consumption of walnuts significantly reduces the risk of cancer. After this information spread around the Internet, many attacked the nuts with the maximalism cha ...

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Doctors have compiled a list of the healthiest soups


Doctors have studied soups for their benefits to the human body and identified the healthiest first courses. Despite the truism of the benefits of eating “liquid” dishes, ...

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Diet 2468


European models came up with the 2468 diet, with which they quickly lost extra pounds before shows. The 2468 diet is harsh and low-calorie, but it’s not difficult to stic ...

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Red food protects against cancer


Cancer is one of the most dangerous and common diseases of our time. Many people think about what foods can help prevent the development of this dangerous pathology. Rese ...

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