Diets :: Page - 101

Eureka! Eat more to weigh less


Unfortunately, what often happens is that we lose muscle mass after we reach middle age. During this period, our metabolism slows down, which causes weight gain. Eating u ...

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What foods can you eat after six?


The question of what to eat, and whether to eat at all, after six in the evening worries many people, especially those who monitor their health and figure. Is it possible ...

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What only vegetarians can understand


Vegetarianism is not only a diet, but also a way of life. Those who have chosen this path know that it is not only a refusal of meat, but also many other nuances that onl ...

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How to preserve vitamin C?


Vitamin C is one of the most important for our body. He is also the least persistent. To preserve it when cooking, you need to know a few rules. First, it is a water-solu ...

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What are gainers and how to take them to gain weight


Modern sport cannot be imagined without sports nutrition. Gainers play an important role in its structure. What are gainers and why are they taken, read in our material. ...

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Sexual diet. How can this be?


Sexual diet: how eating right can improve your sex life This headline may seem strange, especially if you're used to the traditional idea of ​​what to eat before a romant ...

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Ukrainians can be proud of their sunflower oil


Recently, more and more people in Europe and around the world are striving for a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, and therefore products labeled as “organic” and “ecologi ...

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Sandora Vegetable cocktail - how to make something healthy tasty


In autumn and winter, we all remember summer - full of sun, bright colors and juicy fruits. In the summer we get a boost of energy, but how to maintain it until spring? M ...

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Why you can’t lose weight, or Working on mistakes


We all know that losing weight can be a difficult and lengthy process that requires patience and self-discipline. Many people diligently follow diets and exercise, but do ...

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Chocolate causes depression


Scientists from the University of California do not deny the short-term improvement in mood from chocolate. However, it is not recommended to perceive this particular eff ...

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