Diets :: Page - 103

Fifteen steps to the treasured miniskirt


Spring 2007 will be famous for its mini-fashion a la the 80s. By following our tips, you will soon be able to afford the most breathtaking miniskirt. Soon the long-awaite ...

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Attention! There is no point in trying to lose weight


Attention! There is no point in trying to lose weight. Japanese and Canadian scientists conducted research and found out what weight provides a person with the longest li ...

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Carbohydrate rotation diet. Diet BUTCH


Recently, athletes and professional actors, when in need of losing weight, have increasingly begun to turn to the so-called carbohydrate alternation diet. It is also call ...

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About the benefits and harms of acupuncture


Acupuncture, or acupuncture, is a type of alternative medicine. It consists in the fact that thin needles are inserted into various points on the human body to treat vari ...

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How to spend fasting days


Fasting days are one of the ways to maintain health and a beautiful figure. It is especially important to carry out fasting days after overeating, holidays, or during per ...

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Top 4 tips for proper weight loss


How to get rid of extra pounds when you don’t have enough time or money to do it? There are four important rules that will help you stay in shape without strict diets and ...

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Top 10 reasons to regularly eat pomelo


Pomelo is the largest fruit of the citrus family. This is a kind of sweet version of grapefruit. Pomelo is very healthy, so when buying fruit, pay attention to this exoti ...

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Ginger tea for weight loss: what is the power?


People in the East have known about the beneficial properties of ginger for hundreds of years; they use it as a seasoning for main dishes, prepare hot and cold drinks bas ...

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Angelina Jolie's diet


To achieve perfect physical shape, Angelina Jolie follows a diet that combines a high percentage of carbohydrate and protein intake with a low percentage of fat intake. I ...

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Diet No. 11, table No. 11


Diet No. 11, table No. 11 Indications: tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, lymph nodes, joints with a mild exacerbation or its attenuation, with low body weight; exhaustio ...

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