Diets :: Page - 99

Express diet


An express diet is ideal when you urgently need to lose a couple of kilograms for an upcoming event. An express diet for weight loss can be based on completely different ...

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Why you shouldn't give up chocolate


After the holidays, we usually begin to lose weight, give up all unhealthy foods and switch to low-fat kefir. First on the forbidden list are sweets and chocolate. But ma ...

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What are the benefits of pomegranate?


Despite the fact that autumn and winter are wet and cold seasons, somewhere around this time it is warm and tasty and healthy fruits and berries ripen. Pomegranate is one ...

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Diet for the stomach and sides


Fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs can be caused by various reasons, such as stress, sedentary lifestyle, eating a lot of sweets, genetic and hormonal reasons. Howeve ...

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Skin care after the New Year holidays


The holiday season is a time of fun, delicious food, and catching up with loved ones, but it can be tough on our skin. Excessive consumption of sweets, alcohol, lack of s ...

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Pugacheva's diet


If you urgently need to lose weight for an event or simply get in shape by losing excess weight, then Pugacheva’s diet is your option. The Russian pop queen has been prac ...

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Tip of the day: proper nutrition is the key to beauty and youth


As they say, ballerinas do not age. The great Maya Plisetskaya looks amazing at 86 years old and shares with us the secrets of her beauty, youth and longevity: “I have he ...

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Proper nutrition - beautiful appearance


We get most of our calories from eating sweets, bread, cereals and fat. Those starting to gain weight should stop eating sugar and sweets. Sugar is healthy, but only in m ...

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Diet for a business girl


Every woman dreams of a slim and toned figure, but everyday life and a constant lack of time can become an obstacle to the desired result. However, there is an optimal di ...

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How to lose weight before the New Year


The New Year is coming soon, and many of us are already thinking about how to look for this holiday. If you are worried about your figure and want to lose weight, then yo ...

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