Diet for the stomach and sides

Fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs can be caused by various reasons, such as stress, sedentary lifestyle, eating a lot of sweets, genetic and hormonal reasons. However, with the right approach to losing weight, these places can also be one of the first to lose weight. To do this, it is necessary to approach this issue in an organized and reasonable manner.

First, you should determine the reasons that led to this problem, and then direct efforts to eliminate them and help your body cope with the task. As part of a diet to reduce the volume of the abdomen and hips, you should give up salt, fatty foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks, increase the amount of water consumed, adhere to fractional meals (up to 5-6 times a day) and significantly reduce portion sizes.

One of the most effective diets for this problem is the mono diet. One of the most popular mono-diets is the kefir diet. It not only helps cleanse the body, but also regulates intestinal function and improves skin condition. With the same success, you can use a rice or celery diet. However, before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor and not overuse them, so as not to deplete the body and deprive it of important microelements and vitamins.

You can eat a varied diet, but you should count calories and not exceed the required amount, and the daily menu should consist of foods such as eggs, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, especially citrus fruits, low-fat dairy products and cheeses.

A sample diet menu might look like this:

Breakfast: unsweetened yogurt (125 ml), orange.
Second breakfast: hard-boiled egg, freshly squeezed juice.
Lunch: boiled chicken meat – 200 g (without skin), vegetable salad or vegetable puree.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese -75 g.
Dinner: beef steak - 75 g, fried in a dry frying pan, one grapefruit or orange.
Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

However, we should not forget that fat cells in the human body, once formed, cannot simply disappear. They can only decrease in size. Therefore, having gained weight at least once, after losing weight for a long period, it is necessary to maintain the achieved result by following a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Regular physical exercise, such as cardio and strength training, will help speed up the weight loss process and strengthen the muscle corset, which will also have a positive effect on the appearance of your figure.

Finally, remember that every body is different and may respond differently to diet and exercise. Therefore, if you decide to start the process of losing weight, you should definitely consult with a doctor or nutritionist to choose the best approach for you and avoid possible health problems.