Proper nutrition - beautiful appearance

We get most of our calories from eating sweets, bread, cereals and fat. Those starting to gain weight should stop eating sugar and sweets. Sugar is healthy, but only in moderation. Its daily consumption, taking into account the fact that it is contained in all products, should not exceed 70-80 g per day. Many lovers of sweets justify their addiction with a rather primitive argument: if you want to eat it, then it is good for the body. However, excess body weight refutes this statement. If you cannot do without sweets, then it is better to eat foods that contain other beneficial nutritional factors along with sugar, for example, honey, jam.

Honey contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and microelements. Blackcurrant jam is especially useful.

The beauty of the skin depends on proper fat secretion and the favorable composition of sebum. Aromatic oils for skin were used many centuries ago in Egypt, Greece, Rome and other countries. The composition of aromatic oils and the best creams includes essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are found in vegetable oils. There are especially many of them in sunflower, corn and soybean oil. Daily consumption with food: 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil is one of the immutable rules of rational nutrition.

Maintaining the correct ratios between proteins and vitamins is of great importance in nutrition. Chronic insufficiency of protein in the diet quickly leads to the appearance of early signs of aging: the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and flabby, premature wrinkles form, and lethargy appears. Protein deficiency is also detrimental to hair. They are built from sparingly soluble proteins - keratins. With insufficient protein intake into the body, hair grows poorly and thins. The need for protein is individual, but, for example, for young women with an ideal body weight of about 60 kg it is 70-80 g per day, increasing slightly with physical activity. Excellent sources of complete protein are many products of animal origin: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, meat, fish. Protein is also found in plant products, but its nutritional quality is lower.

Vitamins have a great influence on both health and appearance. Their deficiency affects the condition of the skin, hair, and eyes. Of particular importance are antidermatin vitamins (PP, B6, biotin), which prevent the development of skin inflammation. At the end of winter and spring, it is recommended to take one tablet of Undevit or Hexavit daily or every other day.

For those who want to maintain their figure and good appearance, it is recommended to eat 3-5 meals a day in small portions. Between meals, you can drink a glass of skim milk or yogurt.

American experts pay a lot of attention to so-called cosmetic diets.
Cosmetic diet for glowing skin

Breakfast. 100 g of fruit juice or fresh berries, 1 egg or cheese, a slice of lean ham with a piece of toasted bread (50 g). A cup of tea or coffee. Better coffee with milk.

Lunch. Salad. Cheese or egg. One piece of bread and a small amount of fresh or canned fruit. A glass of tea or curdled milk.

Dinner. Salad with vegetable oil. One meat dish. Fruits or a dish made from them.

Before bedtime. A glass of warm milk.