Diets :: Page - 109

10 Lowest Calorie Foods


Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle. However, many of us often do not know what foods to choose in order to maintain our weight and not gain extra pounds. ...

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Fitness diet. Lose weight slowly but irrevocably!


Fitness diet: Lose weight slowly, but irreversibly! Today there are many diets that promise quick weight loss and an ideal body in a short time. But as a rule, such diets ...

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Fiber diet


Fiber is, in the language of chemists, a complex carbohydrate of plant origin, which is practically insoluble in the human body. And simply - plant fibers, contained in l ...

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Alcohol diet


Alcohol diet: lose weight without strict restrictions Every year, millions of people try to lose weight through various diets and workouts. However, not all of them are r ...

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Diet in French: as simple as shelling pears


It's hard not to notice that there are very few plus-size women in France. It's amazing how these women, who can have very late dinners, who drink wine almost every day, ...

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Sharon Stone reveals the secret of Madonna's youth


Sharon Stone, the famous actress and movie star, has always been admired by Madonna and her stunning figure. Despite the fact that there is only a few months age differen ...

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Ginger diet


Ginger diet: how to lose weight without strict restrictions Ginger is a spice that came to us from tropical Asia. Since ancient times, it has been used as a healing agent ...

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Lose 2kg with 7 Easy Tips


Want to lose a few pounds and feel better? There are many tricks and techniques that can help you start losing weight today. In this article, we'll look at seven simple t ...

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Watermelon-melon diet... or fasting day?


Watermelon-melon diet... or fasting day? Now there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits on store shelves. Among them are seasonal delicacies such as watermelon and me ...

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Spring diet


As you know, it is in the spring that most of the fair sex decide to go on a diet in order to get in shape for the summer. The spring diet includes several variations, th ...

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