Diets :: Page - 112

Star diet: how Erica Herceg lost weight


The lead singer of the Via Gra group, Erica Herceg, lost 30 kilograms in just 8 months. How she managed to do this - read in our material. How the Japanese diet can make ...

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How to lose weight correctly?


There are only a couple of months left before the beach season, and therefore we are increasingly thinking about losing the kilograms that we managed to put on over the w ...

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Scientists have compiled a list of dangerous vegetables and fruits


The benefits of vegetables and fruits can easily be outweighed by the harm from the chemicals they contain. If the rules for protecting and feeding plants are violated, i ...

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How I didn’t eat sweets for a week: an editorial experiment


The editors of took the risk of changing their diet for a week. I decided to give up... sweets for 7 days. Photo recipe: fruit and marshmallow dessert I can’t cal ...

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Top 5 Benefits of Drinking One Cup of Coffee a Day


Coffee is not only a favorite drink of many people, but also one of the most studied foods in the world. For decades, scientists have been studying its properties and eff ...

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Scientists have determined how much water you should drink per day


Water consumption is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Water plays an important role in regulating body temperature, eliminating toxins and waste, ...

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7 ways to make food delicious without salt


7 ways to make delicious food without salt Is it true that salt is “white death”? After all, every day we consume many products flavored with this seasoning. Doctors are ...

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Those who want to lose weight. 7 warnings and 8 smart tips


It would seem that everyone knows how to lose weight. However, few achieve the desired result. It turns out that in the difficult process of losing excess weight there ar ...

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How I gave up coffee for a week: an editorial experiment


The editors of took the risk of changing their diet for a week. I decided not to drink coffee for 7 days. How to make coffee healthy When the editors were discuss ...

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Losing weight without dieting: 10 ways to speed up your metabolism


Many people dream of losing weight, but do not want to limit themselves in food and go on strict diets. Luckily, there are many ways to speed up your metabolism and lose ...

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