Diets :: Page - 114

Top 10 tips for losing weight


Losing weight can be difficult, especially if you are trying to lose weight quickly or without proper planning. In this article, we have collected 10 tips for you that wi ...

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Orange diet


The orange diet is a fasting diet based on eating large amounts of oranges. This diet allows you to quickly lose weight due to the low-calorie content of oranges and thei ...

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Banana diet: how to lose weight for the benefit of your figure and skin


The banana diet is one of the best fall weight loss methods. How it works and what menu you need to follow, read in our material. How Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight The du ...

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Kovalkov's diet


Kovalkov's diet: Methods of losing weight and normalizing the body The Kovalkov diet, developed by nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov, is an effective weight loss method that i ...

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Why is gluten harmful?


Gluten is a protein found in grains, especially wheat, rye, oats and barley. It is widely used in the food industry to give products the desired structure and consistency ...

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Ready-made healthy sweets: what to choose?


Don’t know any sweets that you could treat yourself to during the holidays without compromising your figure and health? Sweet is different from sweet, and refusing it is ...

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How to avoid seasonal overeating?


With the arrival of winter, our body switches to a different mode, as a result of which we begin to eat more. How to normalize this process in order to maintain your weig ...

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Diet 6 petals


The developer of the “Six Petals” diet, which allows you to get rid of 0.5 to 0.8 kilograms of excess weight every 24 hours, is nutritionist from Sweden Anna Johanson. Th ...

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Diet Cindy Crawford


Cindy Crawford is famous not only in the world of modeling, but also in the field of diets. She is an advocate of a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, and many stars u ...

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Nutritionists have proven that breakfast helps you lose weight


“Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy” is a familiar proverb that exists in many European languages ​​and is a kind of folk wi ...

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