Those who want to lose weight. 7 warnings and 8 smart tips

It would seem that everyone knows how to lose weight. However, few achieve the desired result. It turns out that in the difficult process of losing excess weight there are some “pitfalls” that you need to learn how to competently avoid.

7 caveats:

  1. You cannot lose more than 1 kg per week: with rapid weight loss, it is not fat that is lost, but first of all water, and then carbohydrates and muscle (protein) tissue. In addition, severe calorie restriction causes the body to panic and store any fat, even if eaten in very small quantities.

  2. If you are hoping to quickly lose weight by going on a strict diet, keep in mind that reducing your caloric intake below 800 kcal per day is dangerous to your health.

  3. You cannot lose weight without medical supervision if your weight exceeds the norm by 20 kg or more.

  4. A diet based on dehydration (and which gives the fastest results) is self-deception: fluid is lost, which accumulates just as quickly, and not fat reserves at all.

  5. A diet with a high protein content and a reduced carbohydrate content is not optimal for the body - it does not receive many vital substances. With any diet, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements (even if you eat exclusively vegetables and fruits, you still risk developing vitamin deficiency - for example, vitamins A and B2 are found mainly in products of animal origin).

  6. You need to eat less, but more often - optimally 6 times a day.

  7. The more often a person loses weight and then gains weight again, the higher the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Learning from mistakes

To lose weight, you need to become a vegetarian. If you indulge in nuts, seeds, margarine and do not balance your diet with carbohydrate foods - rice, pasta, fruits and vegetables - you will begin to gain weight. So vegetarianism in this case is not a panacea.

It is necessary to exclude all fats from the diet. First of all, it is impossible to completely eliminate fats from your diet and is certainly not healthy at all. After all, there are fat-soluble vitamins that are absorbed only when interacting with fats. Not to mention the fact that vegetable fats and fats found in fish are vital for health.

Raw vegetables are healthier than boiled and stewed ones. Some foods, such as red beans, contain toxins when eaten raw. After 20 minutes of boiling in boiling water, the toxins are neutralized. Broccoli, when boiled, loses its inherent bitterness when raw. And tomatoes and carrots, when heat treated, release substances that are more easily absorbed by the body.

You don’t have to burden yourself with physical exercise, just go on a low-calorie diet. Yes, indeed, you can lose weight, but you won’t be able to keep it within the desired limits without physical activity. Exercise helps you lose fat and build muscle while boosting your metabolism, which will burn calories even when you're resting.

If you don't eat after 7 pm, you will lose weight. If only it were that simple... It’s not important when, but what to eat at different times of the day. Ideally, most of your calorie-dense food should be eaten during the day, when you are most active. Then the body immediately uses the incoming energy, rather than storing it as fat. But you shouldn’t skip dinner when you get home after a hard day. It just needs to be lighter.

So, we have chosen a diet and found a suitable fitness club, we follow all the necessary precautions and recommendations and still do not lose weight...

8 smart tips

  1. Some medications can stimulate appetite - for example, steroid hormones, antidepressants (amizol, amitriptyline), antihistamines (diphenhydramine, diazolin, pipolfen, suprastin), and a number of sedatives slow down metabolism (bromides, drugs in